Your most and least favourite tech Youtubers

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red dragon

The title is self explanatory..
For me, I like Arun ( Mrwhosetheboss). There are actually many I like.
Least favourite: Technical Guruji ( Don't know why, there are few popular channels with even worse content, but I just can't seem to tolerate him)
Gadgets to use is another channel I really can't tolerate ( Avishek something)
I don't know much about technical stuff, but Louis Rossman's channel is also very good IMHO.
Used to like Shloke ( Tech Burner) years back, but now he has become very irritating.
Please share yours.
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My most favorite tech youtubers list -

1) JerryRigEverything

2) EEVBlog

3) ElectroBOOM

4) Louis Rossman

5) C4ETech

6) Bitwit

7) The 8-Bit Guy

8) RMC - The Cave

will keep updating as i remember
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my favorite is "this old Tony"

least fav tech tuber is Linus tech tips. He used to put good benchmarks but now all he wants to do is to do something stupid and clickbaity.
I like Rossman's channel a lot.. and I'm thankful to him. At one point I thought it's impossible to get out of Macs for music production.
We spoke for hours over Skype and he literally showed me how to set up the ASIO driver and interface for minimum latency.
Strange guy, hates Apple, yet repairs them for a livelihood and encourage people to stop using Macs.
Most Youtube reviews are nothing but glorious unboxing videos while reading the stats off the website. Having said that, of the very few tech videos I watch these days, I really liked Unbox Therapy and Dave Lee, solely because of the great production value their videos usually have.
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Electroboom and Louis Rossman are great. As someone said above, I've come to loathe LTT's clickbait thumbnails and generally bad content. He just keeps narrating benchmarks. If I want just benchmarks, I'll go and read them somewhere instead of listening to his annoying voice.

Not exactly tech, but I like lock picking lawyer's videos, and Kurzgesagt has some interesting stuff.
Forgot about TechteamGB.
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Oh yeah. Lock picking lawyer's videos are awesome as well. Another favorite non-tech of mine, and I have no idea how I came across this channel and why I keep returning to watch his vids, is Matt's Offroad Recovery.
Hate technical guruji . I have told you tube many times not interested still he comes up .
I like
Rerro man cave
Adrian's digital basement
My mate Vince
Auto auction rebuilds
A rural Vermonter
Fly nyth
8 bit guy / keys
Aging wheels
Technology connections
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(dont watch basketball at all but this guy did 'making a case' series for 8 of the best ever and its great)

(probably favorite of all of these)

Technical Guruji is more of a professional unboxer who reads specs off the back of the box like most Indian tech youtubers.
Techreflex is the least obnoxious Indian tech youtuber and the only one worth watching IMO, do check his channel out.
For me it's Hardware Unboxed & GamersNexus hands down for PC hardware. I can't stand Der8auer, Jayztwoshillz and Bitwit for some reason. I used to like LTT when they were much smaller, I rarely watch their vids anymore.
Techreflex is the least obnoxious Indian tech youtuber and the only one worth watching IMO
+1 He reviews a lot of audiophile stuff. Worth checking him out.

The ones I watch the most:
PG Radio (An Indian political podcaster. Really dig it)
Shaatir Kutta (He publishes stuff about writing and reviews books)
Most Youtube reviews are nothing but glorious unboxing videos while reading the stats off the website. Having said that, of the very few tech videos I watch these days, I really liked Unbox Therapy and Dave Lee, solely because of the great production value their videos usually have.
Check Low Spec Gamer - I know its of little use to the group but the way he exploits the hardware and make it better (this particular might be useful), also check Optimum Tech (it might sound like another unboxing videos channel at times but this guy helps other make meaningful decisions)
Hate Tech guruji, carry Minati, Trakin tech, Amit Bhambwani(dunno his channel but both tech guruji and Amit were an embarrassment while spending time with Inbox therapy host),Gadgetstouse
Like MKBHD, Jerry rig, Dave2Dee, Louis Rossmann.
Non tech..
Jimmy Fallon, Kimmel, Kunal Kamra, Tanmay Bhat and others.. list is huge.
EEVblog, Lous Rossman, Dope or Nope, bigclivedotcom, Mark Rober, Veritasium, Smarter Everyday and Mrwhosetheboss (whenever the AI overloads suggests his videos)

@red dragon , Rossman isn't too technical though. He just cusses at Apple while showing us proof. Unfortunately I think he might go out of business soon cause Apple is going overboard with preventing repair.
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Most Favs: Digital Foundry, Linus Tech Tips, Techquickie, Dave Lee.
Least Favs: All Indian Youtubers as they do not have much informational and whatever they say I can gather from reading product specs as well. There's no insight that they provide with their so-called expertise.
Most favorite : GamersNexus, Hardware Unboxed and Optimum Tech. LGR for retro pc stuff.

Least favorite: All indian techtubers. All of them are seriously unprofessional.

This guy is good. I think the best tech utuber in India for sure.
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Rossman isn't too technical though. He just cusses at Apple while showing us proof. Unfortunately I think he might go out of business soon cause Apple is going overboard with preventing repair.

Nowadays a lot of his videos are like that, but earlier most of them were him literally recording himself repairing macs and talking through the technicalities.
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