Search results

  1. J

    WIN 7 (x64) preferable over WIN xp (x64) for gaming ?

    ^^ looking at ur username , i guess u should know better , :P
  2. J

    Modern Warfare-2 for 2,599/- makes sense?

    2599 is a good price if you are getting discs , but just keys can be bought for 2344/- from this link .. :: Call of Duty :: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 UNCUT VERSION Steam Key downloading from steam maynot be a issue as one of you can dl it and rest of you can copy it to steamapps...
  3. J

    Way to go India!!

    well i also got this forward and replied with this .. Perverts or not , but atleast we are not murderers :P
  4. J

    PC Peripherals RSI affected - maybe--need help with input devices.

    @sunny: It more important for u to get an ergonomic keyboard then getting a good mouse if your job is more typing intensive , so checkout this keyboard --> eBay India: Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 - 3YR (item 260517726603 end time 11-Dec-2009 08:42:59 IST) and go consult some...
  5. J

    Airtel Speed Reduced

    ^^ what he said was true .. me and my room mate both have airtel connections ,his router started behaving weirdly like dropping connection frequently or not being able to connect even after rebooting modem 3-4 times. Finally he registered a complaint and the technician came and replaced the...
  6. J

    WOW (US) Query

    I also play on WoW us i have two chars on Malorne and one on Blackrock. @roxtin i also started two months back ,its been a amazing journey so far but due to so many releases recently i am barely getting time to play WoW.In fact havnt logged in to WoW since last 20 days , HoN,MW2 mp and L4d2...
  7. J

    RE-0 or RE-1

    I have same taste as OP's and dont want to open thread for same question again.But my budget is somewhat limited.Coming from pl-30+E3 which of the following would be a good option for me for a budget ~4K . 1) RE-2 +E5 for 2.5k 2) RE-0 3)RE-1 4)Klipsch Image S4 I have read a lot of thread...
  8. J

    Nokia E71 - 20 days old. Superb condition

    pm me dude if shaibalik backs out :)
  9. J

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    lol and i havent got the box yet .. i got the key from dealer the day game arrived so that i can play it on weekend, yet to see how box looks like and whether discs work or not.:rofl:
  10. J

    MX 5021 vs Z2300

    ^^ thats weird, I got them on jan09 for 6.5k from bangalore, i thought the prices might have fallen below 6k.
  11. J

    Post your in-game screenshots & gameplay videos

    Re: The post your in-game screenshot's thread Shattered Horizon .. First Dx10 only FPS from Futurmark game studios (people who made 3dmark) Free Image Hosting by
  12. J

    Battle over Batman: Arkham Asylum AA

    ^^ if you believe the same ppl then some colored glasses (vision 3d ) and extra physx in couple of game is better/ more important then implementing next version of directx.
  13. J

    Star Wars: The Old Republic - Discussion Thread

    ^^ maybe its a test .. young padwan :D
  14. J

    Heroes of Newerth Beta keys giveaway!!

    ^^ i did sign up and scoured that net for one full hour .. only to be dissapointed .. thing is my friend was going all gaga over it on ventrillo while playing wow and i was so tempted.But that good friend of mine bought the game and has invited me so i am off to play it in 30 mins, yeah client...
  15. J

    Heroes of Newerth Beta keys giveaway!!

    i am not a one post wonder .. can i get one key :bleh:
  16. J

    PC Peripherals Custom made Overclocked PCs

    Btw guys here are some laser etchings done by You got ideas for laser etching post them here Laser Etching Now Available -...
  17. J

    Suggest some RPG's for a laptop

    ^^ play WoW .. u wont need any rpg ( or life) for next 5-6months :D
  18. J

    Alessandro MS1

    ehh.. whats the status bottle bhai ??
  19. J

    Alessandro MS1

    ^^ I am already in line :P oie bottle bhai check pm and reply soon..
  20. J

    Alessandro MS1

    Hold it for me . YGPM