Search results

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    80 GB Laptop Hard Drive

    Is there an option to trade with my exisiting 40GB laptop hard drive? I can pay the difference amount. Do let me know if interested....
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    Fair Practices: TE Market Recommendations

    Re: Fair Practises: TE Market Recommendations Good job, Karan! Repped ya! I suggest this thread to be closed for discussion because we dont want this thread running into pages, even though Karan deserves all the praise and appreciation for taking out time and writing such a long post and...
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    Stick vs Saumil : RAM Deal

    Sorry Stick but I dont think any mod would mediate to receive the Ram as per TE rules clearly states that no mod or TE site is responsible for any sale in the market section. Also that is the Best solution to send the 512 stick which is of no use to Saumil and close of this dispute.... A very...
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    Stick vs Saumil : RAM Deal

    Ya Returning money is ok but I would surely feel bad if I finalized a deal, paid for it and then I am told sorry I realized just now that the product I sold for xRs is actually for xxRs. So take ur money back and forget the deal.... Why didn't the seller check the RAM before selling and...
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    Stick vs Saumil : RAM Deal

    Man why did u promise in the first place? You should have checked the RAM before making the deal. Once the deal is finalized and payment issued how can u say I am not selling for the price I promised? That sounds bad and maybe thats the reason he is not happy.... All deals on TE are based on...
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    Stick vs Saumil : RAM Deal

    Yes whom do we believe?? It could be the courier guy took the money and it could be Soumil, how can one verify that. But in the first place why did Saumil asked money to be sent with courier, now thats pretty lame and why did u accept such mode of payment????
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    Stick vs Saumil : RAM Deal

    ya man post the chat and proofs, and let everyone know the truth. Even if its Rs.500 or Rs.5000, all trades on TE are based on trust so amount involved does not matter at all....
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    Very Important to Note.....Its not nonsense, please read

    I keep my home number stored as "A Sweet Home". Initially it was sweet home but just to keep it as first number in phone book, I changed it to "A Sweet Home".... :) This ICE thing is good concept but only if advertised properly by media and if everyone starts using the same code "ICE" it would...
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    ATB for CAT 2006

    All the Best Guys, hope someone from this forum makes it to the prestigious IIM-Ahmedabad! :hap2:
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    FS: 512 Mb Ddr333 Ram

    Dude nothing to ruin ur sale, but ur asking price is way too high. A brand new 512MB DDR Ram is available in mumbai for 2350 and ur asking for 2400 for a 15 months used RAM? Price Reference: MAHAVIR ELECTRONICS
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    Stop spam calls and sms on mobile phones, A List of Do Not Disturb services.

    Sorry about that, here is the link for Idea (DND): For Idea Cellular (Click Here) @zhopudey: Try the Hutch link again, I tried and it works fine, maybe it was down for sometime! @Funky Donno about Airtel but Hutch definitely stopped all sms for caller tunes etc after opting for DND. It takes...
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    Stop spam calls and sms on mobile phones, A List of Do Not Disturb services.

    Modz if possible plz make this a sticky! Also if required plz move to appropriate section, Thanks! To put ur number on the DND (Do not disturb list) visit: Mobile Operators: For Hutch (Click Here) For Airtel (Click Here) For Bpl Mobile (Click Here) For Idea Cellular (Click Here) For...
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    FS: BIG 6600 PCIe x16 256MB

    Congrats Neo! :hap2: I donno why but I am still, just kidding, enjoy ur new card! Shadow told me he will find me a good deal... ;)
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    FS: BIG 6600 PCIe x16 256MB

    Oh so u were in the waiting queue, shadow told me, If the deal does not go thru with u, I would take it.... So hurry, I am still hopeful.... :tongue:
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    Intel 845 GL Chipset Motherboard

    Man dat wasn't polite by any means. :no: This forum is for people to help each other by getting rid of unused stuff and buying useful stuff from other people. :cool2: This is not some kind of shop where u just order for things in the most rude manner. U said do not advice, but still I want to...
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    WTB: any1 got a REAL Cheap AGP graphic card

    Masky you are confused, the buyer is from mumbai and the seller u are pointing to is from delhi....and both do not want to sell/buy from other city....:D
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    FS: BIG 6600 PCIe x16 256MB

    Can u post the link to the product plz or some pics if possible, I am interested in it....
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    WTB: Complete CPU

    Where are u located: I have following things in perfect working condition, I was using this system before I got my laptop, just a month ago: Pentium 3 550 Mhz, 256 MB Sd Ram, 10.2 GB Hard Drive (No bad sectors, perfectly working drive) Samsung CD Writer 52x32x52 (Warranty valid till 29th...
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    FS: Brand New TFT LCD 17" TCL

    I am relaxed dear and have no issues with it, just came across that post and saw a huge diff in price thats it. Anyways all the best for ur sale! :hap2:
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    FS: Brand New TFT LCD 17" TCL

    @DaMonarch: In this thread (, u asked for advice and said . And while selling u are quoting different and higher prices? I am sorry I have no intension to ruin ur sale but different prices with such huge differences? :( BTW...