Stick vs Saumil : RAM Deal

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Hello Friends,

just Cheated by one Trader here, as I agree with him to pay by Courier.

Please don't pay any one by courier (though trader not provide any other payment method - Just say NO to such people) as if Trader mind will change (Greed for extra money) they simply told you that there is nothing in Courier, courier arrive empty.:(

And they are so SHAME PROOF that not worry about Own Reputation.
What a guts man, I have all Proof of our talking and still you are here, Shameless.

If mod allow me to post all Yahoo Messanger talk I save with me, than every one will see what a greedy type and Unstable Mind you have. You don't even keep our promise.

Finalize deal with me and after sending money just come back and ask for More Money, and when come to know that the RAM will get good price just refuse to send RAM and also pretend that money was not inside the envelope?

I never meet person like you, who promise first and broke the promise next day. It's my good luck that at least I save what you reply otherwise every one think that this is my fault.

Friends any one of you need Copy of Our Conversation just PM me and I will Forward it to you, just see what a reputed person he is?

Finalize deal with me and after sending money just come back and ask for More Money, and when come to know that the RAM will get good price just refuse to send RAM and also pretend that money was not inside the envelope?

I never meet person like you, who promise first and broke the promise next day. It's my good luck that at least I save what you reply otherwise every one think that this is my fault.

Friends any one of you need Copy of Our Conversation just PM me and I will Forward it to you, just see what a reputed person he is?

saumilsingh said:
^ In case anyone's wondering, he's talking about me.

He thinks I stole his 500rs., sheesh...

and what about the DEAL, I am ready to pay you (again) as per deal, lets send me the RAM which Crash while gaming and will work without any problem for normal office use?

Ready for that?
Please do post it..... we all want to see how shameless, greedy and shame proof saumil is....

We also want to know exactly how unstable his mind is

We already know, but we wouldnt mind proof :ohyeah:
ya man post the chat and proofs, and let everyone know the truth.

Even if its Rs.500 or Rs.5000, all trades on TE are based on trust so amount involved does not matter at all....
Stick instead of beating around the bush, post everything. You are not helping anyone here with just mudslinging.
Chaos said:
Stick instead of beating around the bush, post everything. You are not helping anyone here with just mudslinging.

But MOD (apollyon) didn't allow me to post here the whole incident, he just permit to mention as general to aware all other member.

Pleas give me your mail id and I will mail you (304kb zip file)
Chaos said:
You don't need to post the entire convo obviously.... just post what the hell exactly happened.

Saumil offer me 1gb Bad RAM for Rs.1200/- as this is bad first I didn't reply him, than he PM me and ask to pay Rs.1000/- for 1GB DDR RAM, as he guarantee me that the RAM will not create any problem for me if I never play Game, it's OK for me.

I suspect the quality of RAM, so ask him to take Rs.500/- now and rest on at the end of month if RAM didn't crash my system in 30 days, if after 30 days RAM crash my system still I have to pay Saumil.

He ready for DEAL and ask for Rs.500/-, as I think he may be not send sticks till he didn't get first Payment and I ask for ICICI BANK Account Number for Transfer of Rs.500/-

Saumil said as Rs.500/- not a big amount just send it by courier (here I agree that some time I use to send money by same courier so no problem for me), on

14/11/06 (12.00 morning) I send him Rs.500/- through Courier and in eve/night he mail me that he check the RAM and both RAM are perfect so now he will not send me RAM for Rs.1000/- he demand Rs.3000/- (and in end Rs.2400/-) for same deal.

I refuse saying that as you agree to give for Rs.1000/- deal is final and suddenly you ask for more money, I will not pay extra. He didn't agree and not ready to keep promise (deal).

The bell ringing in my mind that the man will make some problem with my money as I already send him.

In morning I call Courier company to STOP delivery but they reply delivery already made and next time saumil start conversation and told "Your courier is empty, nothing is inside the envelope only newspaper"

how come the BAD ram suddenly started working perfectly ?

anyways sending money via courier is the lamest thing to do matter if its only 100 bucks.

EDIT : Mods plz move all these posts from here to the GENERAL section for the timebeing till we can all come to a conclusion.
Yup... sending money by courier is lame... it could well have been that the courier guy took out the money. However if saumil did all that, it does raise a doubt on his integrity. Better move all these posts somewhere else cos this is OT.
Yes whom do we believe?? It could be the courier guy took the money and it could be Soumil, how can one verify that.

But in the first place why did Saumil asked money to be sent with courier, now thats pretty lame and why did u accept such mode of payment????
mohit said:
anyways sending money via courier is the lamest thing to do matter if its only 100 bucks.

Chaos said:
Yup... sending money by courier is lame...

I learnt it the hard way. A couple of years back a sent 600 bucks (or was it 1000? i dont recall) thru Blazeflash. The envelope reached minus the money :(

imranais said:
Yes whom do we believe?? how can one verify that.

Its no easy way to verify! Even the courier guys will wash their hands off this case citing its 'illegal' to send money thru post/courier.

I agree with all of you that it is my BIG MISTAKE that I accept Saumils request to send money via courier, even latter when I compliant with Courier company I come to know that it may be a illegal work too.:(

If MODS don't have any Objection, can I post all PM and Chat (conversation) here so every one and even Saumil can reply and justify his answer.

MOD please grant me permission, I am waiting for your reply either PM me or post here and if you feel this is not perfect THREAD to post all this, please move this (related to Saumil and my problem) postings to other Thread as per your Best.
Making private conversations / messages public is not a principled thing to do, IMHO. Perhaps saumil, if he wishes, could post here in detail about his actions.
TheMask said:
Making private conversations / messages public is not a principled thing to do, IMHO. Perhaps saumil, if he wishes, could post here in detail about his actions.

I agree but when it was something that Harmful for any one, but I ask permission not to harm Saumil but to clear my Stand. As without it, it is hard for all members to judge, because than all will considered that I said he do and he keep deny (may be), so it will word against words.

No third party involve in this matter and who involved is already in Limelight. Saumil must agree to post all chat here if he really want that TRUTH should be come Out.

Saumil Please allow (mods) me to post here.:(
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