Stick vs Saumil : RAM Deal

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Here's a recount of my shame-proof and unstable behaviour:

Day 1: I offer him my faulty 2 x 512mb sticks for Rs.500/- each.

Day 2: Upon extensive memtest runs, I find out that only 1 of the 512mb sticks is faulty, so obviously I won't sell that for 500rs.

Here's where I don't get why he starts calling me greedy. Why would I sell my perfect 512mb for 500 bucks just because I told him so a day earlier when I was under the impression that both the sticks were defective?
Even after hours, I can't make him see such simple logic...

As for the 500 bucks he supposedly sent me, I have been extremely patient with him while all the time he keeps calling me a thief.
I realise some worker class courier guy must've stolen it, but he insists on accusing me and frankly that's insulting.

Given the circumstances, I could act just as unreasonable as him since it's pretty much my word against his.
How would it sound if I accused him of actually sending an empty envelope in the first place and keep throwing insults? (which I realise he didn't, since I am not devoid of all logic unlike him)
Stick said:
as this is bad first I didn't reply him, than he PM me and ask to pay Rs.1000/- for 1GB DDR RAM, as he guarantee me that the RAM will not create any problem for me if I never play Game, it's OK for me.
Stick, why lie?
I made no attempts to contact you or to sell you the ram after my 1 post in the ram thread which you kept bumping daily.

It was you who pm'ed me and asked for the ram.
Stick said:
as this is bad first I didn't reply him, than he PM me and ask to pay Rs.1000/- for 1GB DDR RAM, as he guarantee me that the RAM will not create any problem for me if I never play Game, it's OK for me.
I made no attempts to contact you or to sell you the ram after my 1 post in the ram thread which you kept bumping daily.
It was you who pm'ed me and asked for the ram.
Stick said:
as this is bad first I didn't reply him, than he PM me and ask to pay Rs.1000/- for 1GB DDR RAM, as he guarantee me that the RAM will not create any problem for me if I never play Game, it's OK for me.
Stick, why lie?

I made no attempts to contact you or to sell you the ram after my 1 post in the ram thread which you kept bumping daily.

It was you who pm'ed me and asked for the ram.
Stick said:
in eve/night he mail me that he check the RAM and both RAM are perfect so now he will not send me RAM for Rs.1000/- he demand Rs.3000/- (and in end Rs.2400/-) for same deal.
Only 1 of the sticks turned out to be good and I made absolutely no demands on you to buy that particular stick for the regular market price.
I was still ready to give you the other faulty stick for Rs.500.

When the hell did I demand 3000 bucks from you? All I remember is asking 1800 for the one perfect stick in case you wished to buy it.

Chaos said:
However if saumil did all that, it does raise a doubt on his integrity.
Arre 500rs., I will steal that much an amount? :S
That's bloody lunch money!

Stormblast, Darky, Sunnyboi all have dealt with me without any major problems.
Hell I sold a 9800Pro to Storm for 10k and it was damaged by the courier company causing me to sustain 100% losses for the entire amount.
Well this is none of my business but if its just lunch money to you, why don't you just give the dude the borked ram dimm? its of no use to you anyway and will keep you in good faith for future deals. Frankly speaking, you'd probably be more responsible than stick for the fiasco cos you asked him to send the money via courier cos its a lame thing to do.
That's what I already agreed to do, either send him the faulty 512mb stick or reimburse his money.

But the guy has severe language issues and just keeps demanding both the sticks for 1k as promised.
And when I say no, he resumes the insinuations all the while acting as if I made some master plan to take his money, each time managing to piss me off enough to tell him off, bleh...
LOL thats bad.... I think if you give him what his 500 bucks was worth, I think its a fair deal... even though you end up losing 500 bucks.
saumilsingh said:
That's what I already agreed to do, either send him the faulty 512mb stick or reimburse his money.

But the guy has severe language issues and just keeps demanding both the sticks for 1k as promised.

Man why did u promise in the first place? You should have checked the RAM before making the deal. Once the deal is finalized and payment issued how can u say I am not selling for the price I promised? That sounds bad and maybe thats the reason he is not happy....

All deals on TE are based on mutual trust and as a old member by breaking promise after the deal is done and supposedly payment made, u pull back does not sound good atleast to me....:cool2:

Apart from this above point of breaking a promise, the courier thing nobody can prove who is at fault.
^^Stop living in utopia dude... who'd actually sell a working 512MB module for 500 bucks... I sure wouldn't. Since stick had not paid it in full, I don't see whats wrong with him just giving stick one stick instead of two. Saumil is even ready to refund his money which supposedly he never received, so I really don't see a point of squabbling.
for all of Saumils' fanboism towards consoles, i'd still say he comes across as a man with decent integrity :P

Seriously Stick, Sending cash in an envelope thru a courier was a bad isea.....Most courier guys have uber scanners and they'd have spotted the money anyway....

My Dad sebt me just 101/- rs as a token Dowali gift thru Indiapost Speedpost stashed in a Diwali gift Kurta and though the Kurta reached me, the money was your case, 99.99%, the money was gone by the time your courier reached Saumil....

I'd say take this as a learning experience given the fact that the amount involed was small and always transfer money thorugh more safe mechanisms, say an online transfer
Ya Returning money is ok but I would surely feel bad if I finalized a deal, paid for it and then I am told sorry I realized just now that the product I sold for xRs is actually for xxRs. So take ur money back and forget the deal....

Why didn't the seller check the RAM before selling and finalizing the deal? But since money is more important than words, perhaps u are right....

Also a reputed member asks to send money thru courier, how lame is that and why? Why could not he accept so many payment methods available why cash was asked to be send in courier which is not only lame but also illegal...???

Did you really specifically ask for money to be sent through courier?

BTW That was lame on ur part if you did so
wid all due respect to the senior and junior members alike ..

i wd like to put forword the notion ki we all mst simply suggest ways to solve the deadlock between the two parties and pronto ..

we all can discuss the OT's after the Main thing has been done .. :)
actually this thread shouldn't be here.we dont encourage any discussion in the market section since TE has no obligation to handle any disputes in the market.. everything is between the buyer and seller and thats the end of it.

sticks only option is maybe to recount his experiences in trader feedback. just letting this run a bit anyway before i or another mod move it to trash otherwise it will blow out of proportion in other parts of the forum .

imo sticks option is to either take the offered refund or faulty ram.. ppl do back out of deals i guess.
Well I think Saumil is obliged(by goodwill alone) to send the 512MB Ram to Stick if Stick apologises for "whatever" since the courier idea was Saumil's.


I dont think Saumil is obliged(even in trust) to send his perfectly working stick to err Stick for 500Rs...Now he didnt promise to send perfectly wrking ones...did effectively the bad ones just went out of stock lol...

Also since trust has to be mutual stick has to underst the situation n relent...

You dont talk rules in trust :)
superczar said:
Did you really specifically ask for money to be sent through courier?
BTW That was lame on ur part if you did so
Yeah sadly I did :(
Funny part is I didn't think it would be a problem nor that it was actually illegal to do that.
The fact that Stick said he had done it a lot of times before didn't help either.

vij said:
I dont think Saumil is obliged(even in trust) to send his perfectly working stick to err Stick for 500Rs...Now he didnt promise to send perfectly wrking ones...did effectively the bad ones just went out of stock lol...
That's exactly what I explained to him, the hypothetical out of stock scenario. But I don't think he understands most of what I tell him (heh, it took quite an effort on my part just to get him in the same IM window as me).

I always thought it to be pretty normal if sellers or buyers decide to not go through with the deal for whatever reason.
And it was just 1 day in our case, it's not like i made him wait a week.

My big mistake here was not knowing that only 1 of the sticks was faulty.
Never did I force him to buy the perfect stick, I was still ready to give him just the other stick for 500 bucks.
But somehow he believes I just have to give him 1gb for 1k and not doing so makes me shame-proof and unstable :S

Anyway I'll just send him the faulty 512mb stick...
IMHO, i think some of the not-so-techie hardware vendors too do the same thing e.g. *promise* that 7600 GT is for 7K (confusing it for GS) and when they find out the actual value of 12K , quote that. In the meantimes, you may have actually budgeted for that amount and happily pronounced everywhere that you are getting a good deal !! Or maybe you sell off something which according to you is not so faulty for around 1K and then after buying the vendor realises that he cannot sell it off making a profit on it, so he just offers rs 700 for the same, even though he has *promised* to do so.

Basically, it is difficult for someone to lose money knowingly, and making one do so it even harsher. Why would or rather why should Saumil knowingly suffer a loss ? Most of the post talk about trust, but try and be rational. If the money is siphoned off by the courier guys, its none or equal of both Saumil's and Stick's faults. It doesnt matter that Saumil asked him to pay be courier, Stick should do that only if he is comfortable, he was not FORCED to do so.

Ideally, Stick should have presented his part of the picture in a more subdued manner rather than calling names. Also, Saumil is offering the single stick, which he should take it as the deal was of 1K for 2 sticks.
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