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  1. M

    FS - Sapphire 4870 1 GB DDR5

    Ah nevermind, is sapphire. Pls hold it, PMed you.
  2. M

    FS - Sapphire 4870 1 GB DDR5

    What make is it? I'm very interested. How will the payment be handled? Will buy ASAP.
  3. M

    CPU/Mobo is biostar tpi45 ok?

    CM690 seems to have a great opinion about it everywhere, I don't think you'g go wrong buying it. Would the Biostar tpi45 be better or the gigabyte p45-ud3p? Overall board and overclocking wise.
  4. M

    CPU/Mobo Help with cpu/mobo.

    Can you guys help with this?
  5. M

    PC Peripherals Does this config look right?

    Price reduction I guess? thanks for the psu calc link. checking it out.
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    PC Peripherals Does this config look right?

    I haven't decided. I need a solid answer about PSU. Like will the vx450 suffice a hd4850 and lotsa overclocking the ram, proc, gfx card et all with the extra fans and all that. Want a solid PSU that I don't wanna replace. I'm almost completely sure I want the following: mobo: Gigabyte...
  7. M

    PC Peripherals Does this config look right?

    It also runs cooler and has lesser power consumption, and it OCs to about 3.2ghz fairly easily. Cooler, stabler, less power consuming 3.2ghz... /shrug All opinions from excessive googling.
  8. M

    PC Peripherals Does this config look right?

    OMFG e8400, q6600, q8200... I'm going numb from all these variables and choices to make. FFS.
  9. M

    PC Peripherals Does this config look right?

    I know I know I post too much in my own threads but bleh, where is the bloody edit button? Well what rutvijt said makes some sense. So I'll stick to hd4850 and get a q8200 so I when I want to OC the proc, I have a kick ass proc to OC. Reading reviews of the them being OCed to 3ghz+ easy. 4...
  10. M

    PC Peripherals Does this config look right?

    Thanks for the replies guys. Can you explain the ram overclockability part a bit clearly? Transcend work well with OCing but not as well as g.skills... is that what you're saying? From all the review I read the the 4870 is just a wee bit short compared to gtx280, and the 1gb overclocked...
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    PC Peripherals Does this config look right?

    The most important point, which I conveniently left out. Where should I go about sourcing these for the best price? I have relatives in mumbai who can get stuff for me, or I can travel there and get it myself.
  12. M

    PC Peripherals Does this config look right?

    Intel C2D E7300 - 6k Gigabyte UD3P - 7.5k (@KMD from what I've read) Transcend 2x2gb 800mhz - 2.4k Corsair vx450 - 4k Palit HD4850 - 10.3k Antec 300 - 4k I know all of these prices can be reduced a bit, but meh all online price listing say otherwise. 1) Are all these things compatible? the...
  13. M

    CPU/Mobo Help with cpu/mobo.

    Whats a good case with good cooling and a decent PSU? Not something extravagant that costs like 7k, but something clean and simple looking that has good cooling and PSU.
  14. M

    CPU/Mobo Help with cpu/mobo.

    Where are you getting these prices from? I'm getting quoted 6.8k for the e7300. :o
  15. M

    CPU/Mobo Help with cpu/mobo.

    C2D E7300 @ 6K ASUS P5Q-Pro @ 9.5K 2 x 2GB G-Skill @ 3.5K HD4850 @ 9.5k About 29k. Sounds like a decent deal.
  16. M

    CPU/Mobo Help with cpu/mobo.

    17-20k max just for the cpu, mobo and ram.
  17. M

    CPU/Mobo Help with cpu/mobo.

    What would be the best solution VFM wise? The above listed config goes up to 20k exluding the display, mouse etc. Seems a bit much. I don't mind doing what Amien said. My current urge needs to play WoW at 40fps under heavy loads, which should do be esasioly achievable with a avg c2d and the...
  18. M

    CPU/Mobo Help with cpu/mobo.

    Yeah, photoshop cs4 runs no hassles. Not big time imagery man. Just web designing layout n shit. Asus P5Q PRO + Intel Q6600 + G.Skill PI Black 2x2GB RAM + Corsair SMPS. How much would that cost? The RAMs not available in India? I'm from Pune btw. Meh I've been around online forever, I didn't...
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    CPU/Mobo Help with cpu/mobo.

    I currently run a P4 3ghz cpu with Intel 865GBF as my mobo with 1.5gigs of ddr1. It also has a Asus GeForce FX5200 128mb gfx card. Now I want to upgrade. My budget is kinda irrelevant. I know I can't afford the core i7s atleast for another 4-5 months what with the totality of just the...