CPU/Mobo Help with cpu/mobo.

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Amien said:
While i agree that the UD3P is an excellent mobo, it's a good pair with say a E8400/E8600. In this case, while some OC-bility would be nice(even if he does OC, it won't be a lot), the price is more important.

costs less than P5Q-Pro

agm203 said:
Thanks mate for the info was not aware of it:)

But before buying gigabyte P4* series better check this thread:-

http://www.techenclave.com/cpu-mobo-corner/bad-news-for-gigabyte-mb-owners-125645.html :)

that news is about G41/43/45 n not P43/45 ....
Myth_Pharoah said:
C2D E7300 @ 6K
ASUS P5Q-Pro @ 9.5K
2 x 2GB G-Skill @ 3.5K
HD4850 @ 9.5k

About 29k. Sounds like a decent deal.

If you've made up your mind:-

The C2D E7300
= 5,800 or less

Mobo= I'd prefer spending as less as possible here due to the fact that the motherboard will become redundant when you do a major upgrade, that fact aside, you can now upgrade to a E8400/E8600 as a midpoint before upgrading to something better, i do not recommend it, however. Again, i'll suggest you go for the gigabyte alternative, P43/45 are unaffected by said problems and lastly, it's cheaper.
= 9,000/9,500

RAM= Stick to Transcend 2GBx2 800Mhz modules, don't worry about higher bandwidths and brandnames, that'll get you the most bang for your buck.
= 2,500 or less

GPU= The Palit HD4850(512MBDDR3, 256Bit) is readily available for little over 8,500, go with that and don't bother with factory OC'ed and higher RAM variants.

= Less than 26,000 INR

You can deduct another 4k or so if you choose going for a cheaper mobo(My personal recommendation is the MSI P43 NEO @about Rs. 5k, that would bring CPU+MOBO+RAM to ~14k) and trade some OC-capability for better VFM.
Rest is upto you, do keep us updated :hap5:

Im not recommending either mobo, im suggesting a cheaper option, even so, given the choice, i'd pick the gigabyte over the ASUS.
Whats a good case with good cooling and a decent PSU? Not something extravagant that costs like 7k, but something clean and simple looking that has good cooling and PSU.
Myth_Pharoah said:
Where are you getting these prices from? I'm getting quoted 6.8k for the e7300. :o

Actually im being conservative with the prices, check the price-check threads to confirm.Also check the market section here. You shoudn'y have to pay more than 6k for the E7300, if i go to lamington road myself, i should be able to pick one for 5.5k, then again you're based in pune, but i doubt that fact commands a premiums of ~1k.
Use this :- TheITWares - Processors (CPU Intel , AMD) as a reference check. The E7300 is listed at 5.9k(i think getting it to your doorstep will be another 150), while it should be cheaper, don't pay more than this.

EDIT: For the PSU, go with the Corsair VX450 or higher, You'll eventually want to upgrade your PSU when you do a major upgrade anyway, so a no-name 450/500w MIGHT suffice for now, that decision is upto you. Im not very much in the know regarding cabinets, the general idea is go for something cheap if you don't intend to keep it for long, and the opposite if you do.
i second the Biostar Tpower I45 as well.. very nice OCer..
E7300 is also nice.. and if ur willing to OC.. u should get a nice cooler as well.. will help a lot in keepin the temps down..

and as for living in pune and stuff doesnt matter man.. u can shoot off a PM to KMD or some other dealer on TE and ask then for their quotation on the components incl. shipping..
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