CPU/Mobo Help with cpu/mobo.

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I currently run a P4 3ghz cpu with Intel 865GBF as my mobo with 1.5gigs of ddr1. It also has a Asus GeForce FX5200 128mb gfx card.

Now I want to upgrade. My budget is kinda irrelevant. I know I can't afford the core i7s atleast for another 4-5 months what with the totality of just the cpu+mobo+ram going to 35k.

I'm fairly convinced that I want to buy the Ati Radeon HD4850 gfx card, since its receiving such good reviews for being the perfect VFM. I'm hoping to buy a 22" or a 24" LCD from Dell soon.

You'd say wait for 4 months and get the core i7s. I know I should. But I don't have the patience. I had taken a break from world of warcraft cuz I lagged so god damn much because of my crap computer. Now I have the cash and a bad itch to start playing.

I use my PC mainly for web designing/programming(photoshop, etc), gaming, watching videos and listening to music(Altec Lansing MX5021 <3).

I want to spend on something that will last me like 2 years of decent gaming. Never overclocked anything, but it sounds like fun. :devil:

In short, what cpu+mobo+ram and how much for?
Get Asus P5Q PRO + Intel Q6600/Q9400/Q9550 + G.Skill PI Black 2x2GB RAM + Seagate 500GB 7200.11 or WD 640 AAKS.

and Corsair SMPS.

Join Date: Dec 2005 :O , 1st post after 3yrs, leecher :P

or stretch budget get -

Giga X58 209$ + Core i7 920 290$ + Kingston 1333MHz 3x2GB DDRIII 150$
As you've said, i'd suggest you wait for a bit, though not necessarily as long as 4 months.
If you're buying something now, don't settle for the 1 level below i7 performance which you can "just" afford, but rather buy something way within your budget and OC it a bit.
Spend a good chunk on the GPU and it will suffice for most of your needs.
A good motherboard will let you upgrade in case you decide you need better firepower later.

Basically, there's no point in pushing to your max budget and settling for 2nd best(with regard to the processor). Buying the max value you can afford now when you really want an i7 will lead to diminishing returns.

Again, this is just my opinion.
Yeah, photoshop cs4 runs no hassles. Not big time imagery man. Just web designing layout n shit.

Asus P5Q PRO + Intel Q6600 + G.Skill PI Black 2x2GB RAM + Corsair SMPS. How much would that cost?

The RAMs not available in India? I'm from Pune btw.

Meh I've been around online forever, I didn't know I had an account here untill a friend asked me to check this website out. Tried registering turns out I already have been here.
What would be the best solution VFM wise? The above listed config goes up to 20k exluding the display, mouse etc. Seems a bit much.

I don't mind doing what Amien said. My current urge needs to play WoW at 40fps under heavy loads, which should do be esasioly achievable with a avg c2d and the hd4850. So suggestions?

Is HD4850 good or should I be looking for something else? Keeping in mind 22"-24" resolutions.
what's your budjet for CPU + MOBO + RAM? You didn't mention.. If you're getting 4850 then you need to invest on good PSU aswell..
muzux2 said:
what's your budjet for CPU + MOBO + RAM? You didn't mention.. If you're getting 4850 then you need to invest on good PSU aswell..
Myth_Pharoah said:
Now I want to upgrade. My budget is kinda irrelevant. I know I can't afford the core i7s atleast for another 4-5 months what with the totality of just the cpu+mobo+ram going to 35k.

there u go :)
Myth_Pharoah said:
What would be the best solution VFM wise? The above listed config goes up to 20k exluding the display, mouse etc. Seems a bit much.

I don't mind doing what Amien said. My current urge needs to play WoW at 40fps under heavy loads, which should do be esasioly achievable with a avg c2d and the hd4850. So suggestions?

Is HD4850 good or should I be looking for something else? Keeping in mind 22"-24" resolutions.

1)Start with something like the Core2Duo E7300 which i think is in the price/performance sweet spot.
2)Add a suitable mobo of your choice and 4gigs of DDR2 800mhz RAM.

Buy the rest of your components, a good cabinet and the best 22inch display you can afford are imperative, a 450/500W PSU from a reputed manufacturer should suffice. Invest in a good set of headphones and keyboard/mouse combo. And ofcourse, the 4850(it will suffice your WoW needs, you can go higher if you want, but i don't see much point). Save the rest of your money and keep collecting.

The idea is that a few months from now you should be able to pick up an i7 920+decent motherboard+sufficient amount of DDR3 RAM at a nice price, and simply migrate with the rest of your components to this setup. The 4850 will still be a relatively good performer at this stage, and your upgrade options will be cheaper.
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Myth_Pharoah said:
17-20k max just for the cpu, mobo and ram.

C2D E7300 @ 6K

ASUS P5Q-Pro @ 9.5K

2 x 2GB G-Skill @ 3.5K

you can OC E7300 to 3Ghz to get max juice from it..:)
You can also save few thousand bucks by going for either Biostar TPower I45 which is around 7.6k or Biostar TP45 HP for 6.3k pretty decent board.:)

Edit:- And these mobo OC's well
agm203 said:
You can also save few thousand bucks by going for either Biostar TPower I45 which is around 7.6k or Biostar TP45 HP for 6.3k pretty decent board.:)

Yup, i second this, get a cheaper board as you'll need to change it when upgrade time comes anyway.
You should be able to pick up the C2D for under 6k
Transcend DDR2 800 2x2 for about 2,500 or less

No point spending more on components that will need to be replaced.
muzux2 said:
C2D E7300 @ 6K

ASUS P5Q-Pro @ 9.5K

2 x 2GB G-Skill @ 3.5K

you can OC E7300 to 3Ghz to get max juice from it..:)
i would suggest Gigabyte EP45-UD3P (~9k locally)over Asus P5Q-Pro....
Well i doubt that Gigabyte mobo is officially available here in india,correct me if i am wrng.but you can get that through KMD.

madnav said:
i would suggest Gigabyte EP45-UD3P (~9k locally)over Asus P5Q-Pro....
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