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    Missing O/s from boot list

    thank you..will try once i back up my old boot.ini file
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    Missing O/s from boot list

    help please ?
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    Missing O/s from boot list

    hi guys i have 2 partitions on my laptop. c: ( had winxp home ) and f: ( had vista). i decided to update my winxp home to pro..ran the upgrade ..everything was fine.but now i dont get any boot menu to choose directly opens up winxp pro..i cant get into vista.before i could choose...
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    CPU/Mobo "Remove disks or other media" Cannot install OS :<

    ur drive is most prolly dead..get one from a friend and see if it works
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    Crysis wins gamespot's shooter of the year LOL

    cod 4 shouldve won
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    ALERT: Fishy things happening at MTNL

    wow...that piece of info changed my life.. -.-
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    Yahoo Id Phished !! Need information and help !!

    ur outta luck unless u knw ur accnt details when u first registered
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    Get windows vista for FREE*

    i wouldnt take up this offer even if they shoved a broom up my butt and tortured me to death
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    Geforce FX 5200 256 MB DDR TV DVI

    im sorry to say...that even overclocking ur 5200 wont make much of a diff....fear is quite a resource hungry game...better get some new budget card..maybe the 7600 ...itll play the game at decent resolutions and fps.
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    Graphic Cards 8600GT fps help

    maybe its a driver conflict.remove the driver cleaner.reinstall the latest drivers.hopefully it should work
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    Graphic Cards Nvidia 8800 GTS 512mb reviewed

    NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTS 512MB G92 Tested :: TweakTown let the benchmarks begin :cool2:
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    Graphic Cards Got the XFX8800GT but something is wrong

    hey...why dont u put the gfx card in a friends pc and check it out...then ull knw if the issue is with the card or the pc...
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    Wifi Pci Card

    do u mean pci card or pcmcia card for a laptop?
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    Phenom good enough for Desktop?

    phenom sux ...check out the benchmarks at anandtech .
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    eVGA 8800GT KO 512MB Review

    woot woot the inquirer!
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    IGL site hacked??

    btw guys..noobs cant hack...remember that
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    Laptops Buggy lappy

    remove norton ..its one pc resource laptops much faster now.install some free antivirus instead
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    NetAccount password help

    oh for gods sake ...use some full stops!
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    Hacked: Email inboxes of Indian missions in US and China; NDA, DRDO officials too

    well ...out of curiosity i tried accessing the drdo email inbox...i got a msg sayin that that particualr inbox was was disabled
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    Graphic Cards EVGA vs XFX

    evga usually has upgrade offers for most of their 3d cards..suppose u get an 8800 now.. after 6 months..u can send them ur 8800+ some cash and get a brand new future model