Search results

  1. JaredDM

    Storage Solutions Which 4tb external hdd to buy?

    Yes, and no. These My Book USB bridge boards employ hardware encryption, and store a randomly generated encryption key in a hidden sector near the end of the drive. So if you're talking about hooking up a drive that already has data on it, you'll be in trouble as it'd be trying to decrypt data...
  2. JaredDM

    Storage Solutions Need help with SSD

    Well, it's used up 5% of the available free space from wear leveling. It's not a ton, but that can start to snowball as it ages and drop faster and faster. If you just bought it and they didn't mention the SMART status, I'd probably consider a refund. Personally I'd never buy a used SSD...
  3. JaredDM

    Storage Solutions Which 4tb external hdd to buy?

    Sorry, I'm in the USA. So those are the stores that come up in my searches. Believe it or not, we speak a form of English here too. ;)
  4. JaredDM

    Storage Solutions Need help with SSD

    Performance looks to be pretty "on par" for that model and it's age (SSDs slow down over time). Does have bad sectors that have been wear leveled out, so it is showing it's age. Probably not an emergency, but definitely have a backup and replace it when it's in the budget to do so. If you...
  5. JaredDM

    Storage Solutions Which 4tb external hdd to buy?

    Generally Amazon is the best pricing you'll find for external hard drives, or perhaps check Newegg. Unfortunately you won't find much better pricing unless you buy used, or purchase by the pallet load. Here's a pretty good deal...
  6. JaredDM

    Storage Solutions Which 4tb external hdd to buy?

    Anyone with a PC-3000 can still decrypt the data for you on a My Book or My Passport, so long as you know the user password (if you set one). We do it all the time here. Though I doubt you'll find anyone willing to do it for free given the cost of the system.
  7. JaredDM

    Storage Solutions Which 4tb external hdd to buy?

    Now, I'm not saying anything bad about WD here, but....... any forum member who's name ends in "_WD" is generally a Western Digital representative and as such their opinions are a little biased toward their brand. Personally I'd recommend you get an HGST drive, but looks like my advice is a...
  8. JaredDM

    Storage Solutions WD Surveillance HDD WD20PURX Query

    Or, you can just buy an HGST or Toshiba drive and forget about the warranty because it'll actually outlast three years in most cases. ;)
  9. JaredDM

    Storage Solutions How is Seagate ST1000DM003 1TB ??

    Don't bother with firmware updates, it won't help on this model as the only firmware issue they are prone to is relating to the media cache and has yet to be fixed. The 1TB DM series isn't too bad compared to other DM models such as the notorious ST3000DM001 which saw a near 40% failure rate...
  10. JaredDM

    Storage Solutions Can I use Seagate 3TB External Casing with 4TB Internal Drive?

    Yes, I think the 3TB one will work with the 4TB drives. Going from a 2TB or smaller enclosure to a larger size drive won't though. There was a technological adjustment going from 2TB on up, so older USB bridges won't support 3TB+ drives.
  11. JaredDM

    Hello Fellow Nerds!

    Hi all. I'm new here, but if you're on other tech forums I probably am there also. Name is Jared, I'm lead data recovery engineer at Data Medics in Rhode Island. I pretty much spend my days fixing broken HDDs and RAID arrays, so feel free to hit me up about anything data recovery related. I...