Search results

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    PC Peripherals Quick check - best PSU and 4GB RAM Kit in 6k!

    Is this one available in India, expected price???
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    Suggest a Light weight Burning software

    IMGBurn The Official ImgBurn Website
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    Free version control and Code migration tool

    Tortoise SVN is good, we use it at work!!!
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    XBOX LIVE card

    Its Rs. 1623 if you buy it from Xbox Live India through credit card!!!
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    CPU/Mobo Recommend MOBO & processor

    Ya, just now saw the thread by MediaHome!!! Ok, so now the processor is fixed, give me the options in motherboard for Phenom II X3 720BE for around 6K!!!
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    CPU/Mobo Recommend MOBO & processor

    I am in Bangalore!! I cant go beyond my budget, please recommend me a good motherboard for Phenom II X3 720BE within 14K including the processor!!! Whats the price for Phenom II X3 720BE only??
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    CPU/Mobo Recommend MOBO & processor

    Thanks guys, I dont have any baseless affinity towards Intel, just wanna see whats available on Intel platform for this price!!! @gforce - can you tell me the price of the gigabyte MOBO, is it available widely in India!!!
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    CPU/Mobo Recommend MOBO & processor

    Anything on Intel processors!!!
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    CPU/Mobo Recommend MOBO & processor

    Please recommend me a processor & MOBO for around 13-14K together!!! Will not be doing any OC!! I will be using a HD4850 graphic card!!! Thanks!!!
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    iPhone OS 3.0 - What to expect

    Also Apple's iPhone OS 3.0 preview event Live from Apple's iPhone OS 3.0 preview event
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    iPhone OS 3.0 - What to expect

    Dude, the free Internet from AirTel's works on a Jailbroken iPhone also, mine works!!! So go ahead break it!!!
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    VGA-HD cable in mumbai

    Yes, since both the cables has RCA audio out you need something like this
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    VGA-HD cable in mumbai

    Get it from here, using one myself, I would totally recommend it & also its for just Rs. 450 with free shipping, there is another one without optical audio out costing around Rs. 350!!! Hope this helps!!!
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    mulling an offer to get into game development

    Dude, stop spreading wrong information!!! Few companies in India have worked on next-gen titles like Microsoft's Forzamotorsport 2, EA's ProStreet, Codemaster's DiRT, Microsoft's Project Gotham Racing 3 & 4 & a lot more!!! A lot of studios outsourced their works to Indian game development...
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    How good are USB supported Divx players

    A friend of mine has purchased a Phillips DVD player which also supports external hard drives connected through USB port!!
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    Please advice - Is it OK to buy Wii from US?

    Dude, u can buy the mod chip from US as well & mod it urself or u can get it modded it here in India itself!!! U can always download Wii games off the internet!!! If u wanna buy original US Region WII games then u can buy from Play-Asia, which ships to India for free!!!
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    PC Peripherals Price Updates from S.P Road (Bangalore) : No Price Request Entertained

    I got my WD My Book Essential External Hard Drive (500 GB) for 6900 (including tax) from SP Road last month!!!
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    Philips 29" HD-Ready CRT TV

    I am considering buying this TV, i would like to ask one thing to all the owner of this Phillips TV, has anyone tried viewing HD videos from their PC on this Phillips TV. If yes what cable u used - is it VGA to component or DVI to component cable? Whats the process - did u changed ur desktop...