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  1. ariendj

    Which SD card to use with D5100

    i had a Nikon D5100 and got a 16gb sandisk ultra(class 10). works well for the RAW and jpeg images and no issues for HD videos. so the ultra 16/32gb will be sufficient.
  2. ariendj

    Review Beware: electro-vision from ebay!

    Outcome Update as on 01 dec 2012 the seller was mailed,called and even mildly threatened for past few days to send bill or face consequences. the plan worked and received the VAT paid bill. i would still ask the buyers to be weary about this seller in future,just in case!!
  3. ariendj

    Can we use micro SD card via SD card's adopter in Camera

    no issues. im using a sandisk ultra class 10 with my Nikon dslr and shoot HD videos too. no lags or loss of performance. just make sure you get a good adaptor if it does not come along with the microsd
  4. ariendj

    The Photography Thread !

    A trip to forests of Gavi-Kerala
  5. ariendj

    Review Beware: electro-vision from ebay!

    seller: i had one of the worst experience ever from ebay,all thanks to one seller,electro-vision purchased the Nikon D5100 with kit lens in end of september. the whole nightmare started when the seller entered 'shipped' in the AWB...
  6. ariendj

    Nikon D3100 or D5100

    my friend is looking to enter the dSLR world. he is on a tight budget and looking between a Nikon D3100 and D5100. there is gap of 7k between the two. whats the suggestions?or are there any better options? as per what i know,D5100 has swivel screen,more AF points and higher res. screen and...
  7. ariendj

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    a little gift for my bro..
  8. ariendj

    Money dealings with friends

    i had lend 7k to a friend to get upgrade his phone.he promised to give by in 2-3 months but in 20 days flat he lost the phone. i know im not getting it back. i also have helped one another friend by paying his installments,he was prompt in repaying.that was until he got married and things went...
  9. ariendj

    Lenovo G580. Good buy? Lenovo ASS

    16gb as per the booklet synaptics
  10. ariendj

    Windows 8 - Feedback thread

    having a weird problem. the in-built webcam light has been on since installation of win8,even if im not using the cam for any related applications i tried uninstalling the cam via the device manager but the light is still present. any solution for the same!?
  11. ariendj

    2* Win 8 keys for 900 bucks from Dreamspark

    if anyone has an extra key please do PM me. have downloaded win 8 and PMed many folks about the key(who were willing to share) but no replies!
  12. ariendj

    eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

    Nikon D3100 for 23k for those looking to buy an entry level is the best offer on nikon D3100. New Nikon DSLR Camera D3100 Black + 18-55mm VR Kit Lens+4GB+Case+2Yr Nikon Wrnty+VAT Paid Bill & Lenspen+Dust blower+Cloth Worth...
  13. ariendj

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Nikon 35mm f1.8 for my D5100 DSC_0092 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! lucky me,got it for 12750 and flipkart just bumped up the prices to 14k!!
  14. ariendj

    Lenovo G580. Good buy? Lenovo ASS

    i have the same model but in black. you can seen the review in the pros mentioned remain even after the 3.5 months of use. still loving the keyboard and low heat and operating noise among the other pros such as quick...
  15. ariendj

    Suggest a good DSLR

    like mentioned by others,check your priorities and buy as per requirements. long zoom cams would sure come in handy or else try getting dSLR body with lens as per need. since you have mentioned about prior hands on experience with bridge cams,it wouldnt be bad to try dSLR. but experimenting...
  16. ariendj

    The Photography Thread !

    The Pink Bloom
  17. ariendj

    Storage Solutions Transcend SDHC 16GB class 10 @ 895/ @ flipkart --- Is it good deal ???

    ^^its class 10.some seller mistake. anyways have same stuff on ebay. SanDisk 16GB Mobile Ultra microSDHC Card (Class 10) | eBay you can get it for lesser if you use coupons.
  18. ariendj

    Storage Solutions Transcend SDHC 16GB class 10 @ 895/ @ flipkart --- Is it good deal ???

    could get a sandisk 16gb class 10 card(microsd with adaptor) for 740 using coupon on tradus. Buy Online Sandisk 16GB Class 6 Ultra Micro SD Card. Shop from MCA0000004760132 im using the same on my Nikon D5100 and shooting HD videos is a bliss too.