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  1. C

    CPU/Mobo AMD Bulldozer Discussion Thread

    ^^ worse than cancer. It switches off, if i plug in any USB device. AGP slot does not work. I also get to hear strange screeching sounds every now and then.
  2. C

    CPU/Mobo AMD Bulldozer Discussion Thread

    My 1.5 GHz Athlon XP is waiting to meet it's big brother. Sad that he has to wait for 2 more months. I highly doubt he would be alive to see his brother ripping apart Sandy's A**.
  3. C

    Happy Birthday Spacescreamer!

    Belated Wishes :)
  4. C

    Do you guys hate Justin Beiber ?

    See that episode of South Park in which Cthulu castrates Bieber. S04E13 - The Most Evil Opponent. So long Justin Beiber you little douchebag ! Just Awesome :ohyeah: Some of friends have their ringtones set to his labor pain cries. And they feel super cool to have a English song as their...
  5. C

    CPU/Mobo Processor + Mobo Upgrade :

    The only board that's getting fair reviews as of now is Asus P8Z68 Pro. Wait for few weeks. Let all of them get benchmarked and then we'll get them( yeah, I'm also buying one ).
  6. C

    CPU/Mobo Z68 Motherboard discussion thread

    MAXIMUS IV EXTREME-Z is Rs. 24500/- MAXIMUS IV GENE-Z is Rs. 11950/- P8Z68 DELUXE is Rs. 16550/- P8Z68-V PRO is Rs. 13550/- P8Z68-V is Rs. 12450/- source 1. Can i play games using a dGpu without Virtu coming into picture so that it does not affect the dGpu's performance ? 2. What if...
  7. C Deals and Coupons

    yeah... it takes time.They shipped my phone yesterday, and i was able to track it only by today morning.
  8. C

    [HELP] Windows XP not booting.

    1. Boot into safe mode 2. Disable all the startup options. 3. Disable all 3rd party services. Let's hope this helps you boot normally.
  9. C

    Encounter with Noobs !!!!

    :ohyeah: one more... Me: Whats your BB Plan( Free Usage). Friend: 2 GB Me: Have you used it fully? Friend: No. I just watch videos on YouTube. I don't download anything.
  10. C

    Encounter with Noobs !!!!

    One of my female friend while on communicator She: Do you have <this> movie ? Me : Yes. Its 700 MB. She: Mail Me.
  11. C

    some thing wrong with my windows ?

    It looks like your HTTP port(80) is blocked, which uTorrent does not use. Scan using Spybot and AdAware.
  12. C

    CPU/Mobo Intel Announces first 22nm 3D Tri-Gate Transistors, Shipping in 2H 2011

    BD would definitely fall short of SB. The only thing which could save AMD's ass this time(as always) would be the pricing.
  13. C

    Flipkart Coupons.! - Now discontinued

    Nice thread title :rofl:
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    Price updates from S.P. Road (Bangalore)

    I guess he meant Golcha or Ashirwad .
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    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    I Am Number Four. Seriously under-rated movie. 7.5/10. Would really love to see a sequel.
  16. C

    English TV series discussion

    Mentalist is way better than BN. The cop chick's expressions are just awesome. Nice pair. BN was cool till 3rd season. After that, they just lost it. Saw the BN movie starring "Sam".Was a good watch. Currently hooked on to Chuck. Awesome babe.:drool2::drool2::drool2: Game of Thrones is also...
  17. C Deals and Coupons

    Getting below error :@:@:@ Any valid coupons left ? :ashamed: