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  1. V

    Laptop purchase UK or India?

    Thanks for the tips guys. I will start doing some diligent calculations on my own and see how cheap/expensive it works out. I hadn't thought about the UK keyboard, that would be horrible. The only reason I'd go for an MBP is battery life (without having to lug around a 9 cell). My standard use...
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    Laptop purchase UK or India?

    I may be travelling to the UK in the near future and want to replace my aging and half broken laptop. Would it be cheaper to pick on up in the UK than in India? So far I've heard conflicting stories, some people claim that while the US is a good place to buy laptops the UK is slightly...
  3. V

    Script to monitor Machine Health (Project Doctortux) Input needed.

    This is nice! Also other suggestions - Minor: kernel is spelled kernal in the script - Security: At the beginning of the script you probably want to define the absolute paths of the commands being used e.g. TPUT = /bin/tput (or wherever the path is). This is to ensure that similarly named...
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    English TV series discussion

    Fringe has this good thing that you can watch it from any episode, they have a flashback of all events. I was disappointed by it somehow and stopped watching after the first 10 episodes. I always felt there is a thin line between what passes off as science fiction and what appears to be...
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    Car & Bike How much should one expect for a 3 yr old bike?

    I'm not much of a bike/car guy. Would anyone of you suggest how much this could sell for? A friend wants to buy it but I don't know what price to quote. I picked it up for around 62k I think. Bajaj discover 135 cc with electric start, with 16500 kilometers done so far, replaced rear tire with...
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    What is good place to buy DSLR in bangalore

    ^^^ that's the guy from foto circle, I kept forgetting his name!! :) He is a DSLR celebrity.
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    What is good place to buy DSLR in bangalore

    Try Foto Circle, I forget the address but you can give them a call at 9845022654. GK Vale is another option but I assume it would be more expensive there. Foto Circle sells both grey market as well as white market stuff. All the best! If you can spare the money I would recommend you try out the...
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    English TV series discussion

    The way God and Whedon intended, the 2 hour pilot followed by hourly episodes. If you have them by name instead of numbers, you can look up the order on Wikipedia. Awesome show! --- Updated Post - Automerged --- Oh also be sure to watch the movie (Serenity).
  9. V

    Script to monitor Machine Health (Project Doctortux) Input needed.

    Well there are many ways to include network information. You could parse the information from vnstat or something similar (Need to install, isn't shipped by default). vnStat - a network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD
  10. V

    Script to monitor Machine Health (Project Doctortux) Input needed.

    Looks good! You should add a who's logged in option too. Could be useful. Also last few errors in syslog.
  11. V

    NEW Soundmagic PL-11

    Got it thanks!
  12. V

    Linux Tutorial: Adding file shares on Ubuntu Linux without using Nautilus

    A quick and dirty way to create user shares with Samba on Linux. I've tested this with Lucid (10.04), YMMV. Samba has this nice concept of usershares i.e. instead of editing smb.conf to add shares etc you can create a file in: /var/lib/samba/usershares/ using your normal user privileges...
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    English TV series discussion

    Just finished watching Black Adder. Epic. Currently watching Jeeves and Wooster (I'm a sucker for Hugh Laurie).
  14. V

    Help needed regarding engg college in banglore(urgent)

    Hola! I studied at BIT too! Mech Engg. The lecturers are pretty awesome (if the same ones are around from '06). I stayed in the hostel and I must say I was pretty happy with everything (except the food, but well food sucks almost everywhere). I've never been to DSI so no idea what it's like (BMS...
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    Have to format XP(dual boot with Ubuntu) -- some queries

    Pretty much. The official way is to use the Ubuntu Documentation on re-installing Grub2, which is slightly tedious IMHO.
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    Linux Want to Shieft to Linux (Help Needed)

    Not to nitpick, but it's one of the first links that you encounter when you click on the latest release (Isadora). The Linux Mint Blog . Also, please remember that while it may seem like Windows; you might have to go through a lot of hoops to get stuff to look like/behave in a certain way. I'm...
  17. V

    Have to format XP(dual boot with Ubuntu) -- some queries

    Yep that should do it! Now save the file somewhere and restore it after windows install with an ubuntu live cd. Just to be sure though, back up your data!
  18. V

    Have to format XP(dual boot with Ubuntu) -- some queries

    Sorry I can't access that image, work blocks such sites :). I've never tried krishnadu's method but I'm not sure if it would work. Anyway, to answer your question your drives probably looks like this: 1. /dev/sda == this means that this is the first HDD detected by Ubuntu. As you mentioned...
  19. V

    Have to format XP(dual boot with Ubuntu) -- some queries

    I'm assuming that WinXP will be installed in the exact same way that it was before (i.e. same partition etc). There are a number of ways to reinstall GRUB (the bootloader) after Windows wipes it out. These instructions are quite good...