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  1. mgcarley

    Hayai Broadband is Fake!

    1. Clearly you didn't, otherwise you would have noticed that the video was identical. 2. Changing my words compared to last week, no. Changing my words compared to 2+ years ago. Damn right I am. A lot has happened in that time. We also changed the original plans to start our minimum speeds at 2...
  2. mgcarley

    Hayai Broadband is Fake!

    1. Are you seriously trying to disclaim your role? 2. HBPL is *not* the only company involved in "Hayai". HOW ARE YOU STILL NOT GETTING IT?? 1. One of the first tweets I wrote to you asked you to stop. Yet you persisted. There were subsequent ones that went ignored by you and then ones where...
  3. mgcarley

    Hayai Broadband is Fake!

    Not to you, but why should I have to mention it at all? I have no obligation to be transparent to you as to how I operate my company, so long as I don't do anything outright illegal. No disagreement, however, it lacks context which is where my complaint with it lies. Because if you checked...
  4. mgcarley

    Hayai Broadband is Fake!

    You are making demands as if we have some kind of master/servant relationship and I am obliged to do what you tell me. Are you really not getting it? Hayai - as an entity - consists of a few different companies, as I have already mentioned to you. Any MBA will tell you that having only one...
  5. mgcarley

    Hayai Broadband is Fake!

    Not really. To satisfy this, money would need to have changed hands and/or I would need to have published something obscene. I may need to organize a day where we can host several visitors. I will discuss with those I've left in charge and let you know accordingly.
  6. mgcarley

    Hayai Broadband is Fake!

    Bullying tactics don't work on me and as such I must decline to oblige. I'm not your servant, you have absolutely no right to order me to do anything such as posting photos or copies of our license or whatever - as of this moment, I have exactly zero obligations to *you* whatsoever but if your...
  7. mgcarley

    Hayai Broadband is Fake!

    At this point, you are attacking me personally (refer to the title of this thread) irrespective of what you're saying about Hayai. Proof is not the issue.
  8. mgcarley

    Check out - a potentially revolutionary new ISP

    If by avoiding you mean posting pictures, videos and whatever else when asked for (at least in the past), then yes, sure. You're right that it's not on the contact page, but I suggest you check the "legal" page, and the T&C when signing up and numerous other pages. Our official address is...
  9. mgcarley

    Hayai Broadband is Fake!

    Sai, I hope you realize that what you are currently doing is considered libelous and slanderous, which, in India is a punishable crime. I can no longer sit back and watch you attempt to bully me in to giving you whatever it is that you want.
  10. mgcarley

    Check out - a potentially revolutionary new ISP

    HBPL is not the only company in the "family". You seem to be conveniently forgetting that I have told you this also. I was hoping to be able to prove that you do not have malicious intent. Clearly, this is not the case.
  11. mgcarley

    Check out - a potentially revolutionary new ISP

    If I posted a bill with the customer details removed you'd just say "PHOTOSHOPPED!", so, what's the point? Apparently you did not read what I wrote. I said "Any MBA will be able to explain..." which means anyone with an MBA (masters of business administration). Please read more carefully. I've...
  12. mgcarley

    Check out - a potentially revolutionary new ISP

    Says the person bringing up information posted over a year before we launched. No, but based on your posts, you do. No. No. Really? Interesting. And now you want it to fail? Maybe not to you.
  13. mgcarley

    Check out - a potentially revolutionary new ISP

    Because it's now rolling on 9.30am in this timezone and I have work related both to Hayai and to other things to attend to. I no longer have the luxury of sitting in front of my laptop talking to you guys all day, as much as I wish it were back to the simpler days when most of my time was spent...
  14. mgcarley

    Check out - a potentially revolutionary new ISP

    I had a company when I lived in Finland which did Drupal-related projects. It's one of the reasons I asked for it to be used as the framework for our site - I am not a complete "noob" and am somewhat familiar with the system, but I certainly can't code or make graphics. A lot of things were...
  15. mgcarley

    Check out - a potentially revolutionary new ISP

    Fake, scam... in the context, they're synonyms. You just answered your own question. "Everything I posted till date is irrelevent", and you would continue to claim this no matter what. No, I'm not ready to tell you, I'm ready to show you. Because I'm not interested in debating this with you...
  16. mgcarley

    Check out - a potentially revolutionary new ISP

    Possibly, but publicly accessible records about HBPL are already publicly accessible - I fully expect the RTI request to come back with something along the lines of "file not found" because of the way the companies operate. Any MBA will be able to explain why putting all your eggs in one basket...
  17. mgcarley

    Check out - a potentially revolutionary new ISP

    ...RTI, huh? I wasn't aware that I was funded by the government. If only I'd known. Damn! :)
  18. mgcarley

    Check out - a potentially revolutionary new ISP, a profile that hasn't even been logged in to since about 2 years before I even knew I was moving to India? The fun never stops :D
  19. mgcarley

    Check out - a potentially revolutionary new ISP

    I invited you to our office in Mumbai to view the real thing. The operations. Documentation including the license and everything else you've asked for - at our expense - because you seem to claim that everything posted online is a forgery, so why would my posting a photo of *anything*, whether...
  20. mgcarley

    Check out - a potentially revolutionary new ISP

    Heh. "100% true". Funny that this was posted months before launch and you're claiming it to still be true :)If it was a scam, wouldn't there be reports of people giving us money and them not receiving any kind of service and no refund? Surely if I was trying to scam people I'd receive some...