110 to 220V voltage converter(550W)....

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Raghunandan said:
I didnt ask him to "see what happens". I said it "WILL" work if its a transformer inside. I really doubt if you know anything about a transformer or electrical devices.

Do you even understand electricity? How do you say that its dangerous? You dont cite any reason. Amazing ignorance!!


And you assumed he would know what a transformer is.

Raghu - the fact is that any advice on mains is considered dangerous.

There are repair forums on the net (I myself am a member of a few of them) where the discussion of mains is banned. You know why? Because you need an engineering degree to be able to fiddle with the mains, and if you ask questions on an open forum you potentially involve the forum and its members in litigation.

As for your question to whether I understand electricity at all, I'll not comment on what I see pretty clearly as an aggressive post trying to call me out. Instead, let me try and see if I can explain how a transformer works and how his could be a very dangerous piece of advice, since you've asked why. Since I specify my own transformers for manufacturing, his will get a little technical, but I'll try and keep it as simple as I can.

A transformer is a device that changes one alternating volage to another. It does this by the means of two windings, one is the primary and the other is a secondary. This is wound around what is known as the 'core'. It cannot, as Raghu confirms, transfer DC voltages. The reason Lord Nemesis gets the shock is that for the first millisecond that the battery is connected, there is a voltage ramp within the transformer that transfers energy to the second winding, so you get a pretty high voltage. If you were to leave the battery connected, the voltage would cease to exist.

Transformers have the following ratings:

VA: The Volt-Amp rating, or the amount of power that the core can take before it saturates. At saturation, the transformer starts shedding its voltage output for incremental current draw.

Voltage rating: This is not primary or seconary voltage, but the voltage at which insulation breakdown happens. This is why transformers are rated as Class II (single insulation) or Class III (double insulation).

Primary and secondary voltage: This is basically the input and output voltage, determined by the turns ratio. Soon, however, we'll demonstrate that using only this rating to determine whether a transformer can be connected either way, is defective, and possibly dangerous.

Operating frequency: Not trivial. A transformer in an SMPS operates at several hundred kHz, whereas a transformer that operates on domestic supply operates at 50 (US:60) Hz. This has implications on the core type and size.

Operating temperature: There is a maximum specified oprating temperature for the insulation. Usually the core is robust enough to survive to a couple of hundred degrees, and so is the winding wire. But insulation usually does not survive past 200 degrees.

Current draw: The wire inside the transformer is rated to operate at a specific current draw. Whereas enamelled copper wire used in transformers is pretty robust, we will later see how this is the primary :) problem in this situation.

There are many variations on this theme (r-core, toroidals, autoformers, etc), but now to the topic at hand. Anyone wanting more information on the technical aspects of transformers or electricty can PM me.

We will assume that the transformer (assuming there was a transformer and not an SMPS in the converter, and Trajan knew what a transformer was when he opened it up) is a regular class II single-insulated 2:1 step down transformer, rated for 550VA. If you are interested to find out the gory details of what would happen if there was an SMPS there instead, I'll happily oblige next weekend. But, back to our hero. For the purpose of this post I'll exclude skin effect and flux density calculations, and also simplify the primay and secondary turns math.

Our hero will require a core capable of 550VA, operating at a frequency of 50Hz.

This is the first difference, because in the US the supply is 60Hz. That is a 20% difference in operating frequency, and a 50% reduction in the primary voltage, a significant reduction in flux density. This generally means that similarly rated cores in the US can be a little smaller than the 50Hz cores (this is also why transformers in SMPS units are so small, they operate at a very high frequency). This however does not impact significantly, the operation in reverse.

I need to target a current draw of 2.3 amps from the mains, so assuming a 60% efficiency, I increase that to 4 amps. Then I need a primary impedance of roughly 57.5 ohms, which is nicely achieved by about 750 turns of 28AWG wire. Since Raghu will know exactly what I'm talking about I'll not detail it further, but for those of you who are confused, please PM to find out more about this calculation.

Now, I need 375 turns on the secondary, and I'll specify 24 AWG which gives me a secondary resistance of 11.325 ohms, give or take. I'll have regular class II insulation as I don't expect the hero to hit above 100 degrees (assuming I've calculated the core correctly, in this case I have not done all the back checks on core size and saturation - but IME as rough calculation it works fine). This is a pretty big guy, should be about 4 inches tall by the same wide, haven't figured out the depth yet as that depends on winding density.

When I connect it to the mains, what happens is that the mains (at idle) will see a winding of about 60 ohms, and given that full load is connected, will deliver about 700 watts to the winding (simplified).

Now, we want it to step up the voltage, so we reverse the connections.

Now the mains is looking into half the turns, and 1/6th the impedance. 11ohms across the mains = 4.809 kilowatts.

I'm bad at maths, but that is a seriously heavy load.

However, this is not the amount of power really drawn.

The real power is the leakage, plus the load, and you have to factor in efficiency (60% is what we had specified earlier).

So for a 550 watt load, we are looking at about a kilowatt of power in that core, and about 10 amperes of current through the now-primary winding. But nothing bad happens just yet, except it starts to warm up. Mind, 10 amps is still within the wire's current limit, but now we have a third factor: Temperature.

After about 15 minutes, this core will be at 110 degrees (assuming a 4inx4in EI laminated core). At this temperature, the wires connecting the transformer will have much softer insulation, but we're still in a comfort zone.

After 30 minutes, the temperature will reach about 150 degrees. At this point, the varnish used to coat the laminates will start softening.

After 60 minutes, this will reach about 180 degrees. Any connecting wires will have melted insulation, creating a potential short circuit hazard.

Varnish will vaporise at this point, causing the laminates to touch, and reduce the core impedance.

This will lead to further current draw.

To not belabour the point, soon there will be an effective short across the core. Cheap transformers don't survive these conditions for very long, the enamel in the copper breaks down and creates shorts within the trafo, but well-made guys can hold out till 250 degrees plus. But eventually...


If we're really lucky, the wires inside will open circuit and there will be no primary draw. If we're unlucky...

Now, if there was an SMPS inside, and it was opened, it can kill someone is seconds. Let me know if you need another dissertation on exactly why.

There's always a nice way to talk to people without being sarcastic, rude and arrogant. Maybe one day we will all learn to do the same, myself included. :)

Have a nice day, everyone. Anyone wanting a more technical description and a more accurate design (this particular one is full of errors and simplification) can always chat on PM with me. This topic has gone far enough OT as it is.

sangram said:
And you assumed he would know what a transformer is.

Im hoping he knows since he is an engineer iirc.

sangram said:
There are repair forums on the net (I myself am a member of a few of them) where the discussion of mains is banned. You know why? Because you need an engineering degree to be able to fiddle with the mains, and if you ask questions on an open forum you potentially involve the forum and its members in litigation.

As for your question to whether I understand electricity at all, I'll not comment on what I see pretty clearly as an aggressive post trying to call me out. Instead, let me try and see if I can explain how a transformer works and how his could be a very dangerous piece of advice, since you've asked why. Since I specify my own transformers for manufacturing, his will get a little technical, but I'll try and keep it as simple as I can.

Agreed the post was prolly aggressive. But then I didnt mean to start a war. Oh and I build my own transformers too - for mains frequency and for SMPS. Im able to follow your post in its completeness.

sangram said:
It cannot, as Raghu confirms, transfer DC voltages. The reason Lord Nemesis gets the shock is that for the first millisecond that the battery is connected, there is a voltage ramp within the transformer that transfers energy to the second winding, so you get a pretty high voltage. If you were to leave the battery connected, the voltage would cease to exist.

Agreed. I hope Lord Nemesis understands.

sangram said:
Transformers have the following ratings:

Operating frequency: Not trivial. A transformer in an SMPS operates at several hundred kHz, whereas a transformer that operates on domestic supply operates at 50 (US:60) Hz. This has implications on the core type and size.

Higher frequencies need a smaller transformer for the same wattage. The converter rated for 50Hz will work well at 60Hz (while the other way around might not unless its oversized to take care of the extra flux), which is what I had suggested.

sangram said:
This is the first difference, because in the US the supply is 60Hz. That is a 20% difference in operating frequency, and a 50% reduction in the primary voltage, a significant reduction in flux density. This generally means that similarly rated cores in the US can be a little smaller than the 50Hz cores (this is also why transformers in SMPS units are so small, they operate at a very high frequency). This however does not impact significantly, the operation in reverse.


sangram said:
I need to target a current draw of 2.3 amps from the mains, so assuming a 60% efficiency, I increase that to 4 amps. Then I need a primary impedance of roughly 57.5 ohms, which is nicely achieved by about 750 turns of 28AWG wire. Since Raghu will know exactly what I'm talking about I'll not detail it further, but for those of you who are confused, please PM to find out more about this calculation.
You basically have to look at reflected impedance of the load. Not the impedance of the transformer winding, though its important for other reasons like heating effect and so on.

You might want a thicker wire. I wouldnt go more than 4A/mm^2 curent density. Im not sure about the permeability of the core that you have taken too. And 750 might actually be a lot of turns. Might not need that much depending on other factors. Doesnt matter for the discussion here anyway. So lets continue.

sangram said:
Now, I need 375 turns on the secondary, and I'll specify 24 AWG which gives me a secondary resistance of 11.325 ohms, give or take.

Half the turns is about 1/4th the impedance (inductive only). Resistive impedance is prolly not significant. Not sure how you arrived at 1/6th. Have you taken resistance of the wire by mistake?

sangram said:
This is a pretty big guy, should be about 4 inches tall by the same wide, haven't figured out the depth yet as that depends on winding density.
Ok. I will agree with that too. I havent done the calculations or chosen a core size/type. But its fine I guess.

sangram said:
When I connect it to the mains, what happens is that the mains (at idle) will see a winding of about 60 ohms, and given that full load is connected, will deliver about 700 watts to the winding (simplified).

Now, we want it to step up the voltage, so we reverse the connections.

Now the mains is looking into half the turns, and 1/6th the impedance. 11ohms across the mains = 4.809 kilowatts.

Why do you conveniently forget that the voltage is also halved when you reverse the connection? Also the impedance seen by the mains is mainly the reflected impedance of the load. Not the inductance of the transformer. The mains sees the inductance of the transformer only when the secondary is in open circuit condition.

sangram said:
The real power is the leakage, plus the load, and you have to factor in efficiency (60% is what we had specified earlier).

Efficiency is more than 80% for a transformer under any decent load. Its probably 60% when its operating at much less than its rated power. But doesnt matter for this discussion. So I will agree with that too.

sangram said:
So for a 550 watt load, we are looking at about a kilowatt of power in that core, and about 10 amperes of current through the now-primary winding. But nothing bad happens just yet, except it starts to warm up. Mind, 10 amps is still within the wire's current limit, but now we have a third factor: Temperature.

After about 15 minutes, this core will be at 110 degrees (assuming a 4inx4in EI laminated core). At this temperature, the wires connecting the transformer will have much softer insulation, but we're still in a comfort zone.

After 30 minutes, the temperature will reach about 150 degrees. At this point, the varnish used to coat the laminates will start softening.

After 60 minutes, this will reach about 180 degrees. Any connecting wires will have melted insulation, creating a potential short circuit hazard.

Varnish will vaporise at this point, causing the laminates to touch, and reduce the core impedance.

This will lead to further current draw.

To not belabour the point, soon there will be an effective short across the core. Cheap transformers don't survive these conditions for very long, the enamel in the copper breaks down and creates shorts within the trafo, but well-made guys can hold out till 250 degrees plus. But eventually...


If we're really lucky, the wires inside will open circuit and there will be no primary draw. If we're unlucky...

Good cinematice description!! Unfortunately wrong.

sangram said:
Now, if there was an SMPS inside, and it was opened, it can kill someone is seconds. Let me know if you need another dissertation on exactly why.

There's always a nice way to talk to people without being sarcastic, rude and arrogant. Maybe one day we will all learn to do the same, myself included. :)

If there were and SMPS inside, its gonna be much more difficult. I for one wouldnt try modifying it if it were such a design.

sangram said:

Agreed once again. Its better to learn rather than to be in ignorance. Its like saying "DONT PLAY WITH FIRE. IT CAN CAUSE SERIOUS DAMAGE." And people dont light their stoves or cigarettes. Banning mains voltage discussion from a forum is hindering learning, causing further injuries. People dont get enough information and do stupid stuff on their own, like what Lord Nemesis did. Im sure he wouldnt have done that if someone had told him that transformers dont work with DC.

Heres a simple pic to make you understand. My paint skills arent good but Im sure its enough to make people understand. Transformer 1 costs Rs1600 and operated as shown. The windings, insulation and core are rated for the specified currents and voltages as shown. And I hope you will agree that the flux is the same in both the transformers T1, T2 because the currents through the same windings are the equal. They are infact identical except for the way they are connected.

Realistically speaking we see that both the transformers are the same (difference in frequency, but even then that should make T2 bigger and hence costlier), but for some reason the dealer chose to sell T1 for 8 times the price of T2. What prevents T2 from working if I reverse the connections. Remember that Im reversing the voltages too - so each winding sees the same voltage across it. Also the impedance is the same too because its reflected by the same ratio the voltage is scaled.

Scenario 3 is what Im proposing. Do you see any of the windings taking more currrent or voltage than its rated for? Do you see greater flux in the core? I feel you have made a mistake with the concept of reflected impedance.

I thought I wont return to this thread ever, but when I saw that you had made a decent post I couldnt resist replying. You seem to know more than an average electrical engineer knows. So where do you work/study? Good post that you have made about what constitutes the rating of a transformer, though its fundamentally falwed about concepts that are required to design one. I really dont care about the correcteness of the numbers you have posted. And I hope you dont mind the 10, 20 turns (making it 375, 750 makes no difference either) that I have used in my pic.



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Hey, you're pretty good too.

No I only do this as a hobby -I'm in advertising.

I did slip in half the voltage across the primary in reverse - I was still thinking 230.

10/20 is as correct as 750/375, and as I said I hadn't worked out the core sizing and wire sizing, it was a very simplified explanation. You seem to know a lot yourself, I just didn't know Trajan's experience level and comfort with handling such changes - even if probably you and to a lesser extent, I am capable of.

Let's continue this on PM - too much OT.
You basically forgot to reflect the load to the other side of the winding. Thats the flaw in your argument. If you agree with that and my 1st post I guess we can stop the OT discussion, otherwise I will ask one of the mods to move the OT posts to another thread.

And I dont want this in PM. More people might benefit from an open discussion. Thats what a forum is for.

Phew, revisited my engineering electrical science. And it was a real pain to study there, but did well to understand it here now :ohyeah:
Guys.... the reason why i dint return the mixie was that the converter that i got is for indian mixie's and grinders to be used in US... and a friend of mine is bring a grinder... so thought that the converter would serve double purpose.... got the converter here and it works perfectly here....

and also could bring the mixie back to india when i return if i have free space.... and the reason for getting a mixie from india is that the mixie's got in US are good only for preparing juice... not good enough to prepare dosa dough or for some tough task like that....
@Raghu: Yes, reflected impedance is the primary phenomenon in a transformer - and would be in this case as well - but unless we know the efficiency, leakage current and flux density, operating temperature rise and build quality of the transformer, we cannot automatically assume that the transformer will work when connected the other way around, that is my point. I know for a fact that some transformers would survive the experience, yet others would not. I am sure even you will agree with that.

And like I said before, though you and I can try these things and know the consequences, others may not.

Which was my point all along, not the technical merit of doing so, but the suitability of it.
This was an interesting thread after all with lots of inputs from Raghu and Sangram. All's well that ends well. Being an electronics engineer myself with lots of transformer experience in ancient (say 15 years ago) times I can see that both are good in their technical side.

IMHO one falacy in Raghu's case that Sangram missed. There is no way a Rs 200/- device could just be a 2:1 transformer to handle a 550 W appliance. I doubt that this device when used the right way around would deliver a decently sinusoidal wave. More likely to be a phase controlled thyristor. In that case it will not work when reversed.
sangram said:
@Raghu: Yes, reflected impedance is the primary phenomenon in a transformer - and would be in this case as well - but unless we know the efficiency, leakage current and flux density, operating temperature rise and build quality of the transformer, we cannot automatically assume that the transformer will work when connected the other way around, that is my point. I know for a fact that some transformers would survive the experience, yet others would not. I am sure even you will agree with that.

And since the reflected impedance would be what is seen by the mains, the entire argument of the transformer impedance becoming 1/6th (or 1/4th) and taking a lot of power doesnt hold. The efficiency, leakage flux and everything remains the same in both cases. The same windings see the same current and there is no difference as far as the transformer is concerned.

If it wont survive in one direction of operation, I can assure you that it wont survive when its reversed. And if it will work well in one direction, it will work well in the other direction too.

Emil said:
IMHO one falacy in Raghu's case that Sangram missed. There is no way a Rs 200/- device could just be a 1:2 transformer to handle a 550 W appliance that needs a decently sinusoidal wave.

Oh thats probably true, but I can only go with what information Trajan provided :P I cant do a market survey. And I didnt miss it, I just left it out of the argument.

Emil said:
I doubt that this device when used the right way around would deliver a decently sinusoidal wave. More likely to be a phase controlled thyristor. In that case it will not work when reversed.

If it has a thyristor then it wouldnt work by simply reversing it.

Emil, If I may know, where do you work?

Raghunandan said:
Emil, If I may know, where do you work?

City? Always Mumbai.
Nature of work? For the first 20 years of my work career I was mainly working on electronic circuit design and embedded systems.
But alas that is no more so in recent times. I have been in the IT industry and away from electronics for longer than I would have liked.
Now you guys figure out how old I am. Probably second only to Eazy here.
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