Graphic Cards 12.5k for GPU and PSU


I can clearly see you are ignoring the PSU part,If your budget is low i would suggest go for a mainstream card like 4850/4770/GTS 250 & A Good PSU Like Corsiar VX 450 or Even better would be a Glacial power 650 Watts,

A cooler master 460 can at max handle a 4850/GTS 250, any card above that say like 4870/GTX260 requires an Higher Power PSU,do not go by the numbers mentioned on PSU Label by coolermaster Which says 12v @ 36 AMPS (18 AMPS on each Rail, which it not the case ), a GTX 260 would require atleast 16 AMPS and GTX 20 17 Amps for safe operation, Which only a good 500 Watt PSU can deliver, though corsiar VX 450 is also recomended as it can provide 33 AMPS or even more on a single rail.