Monitors 17" LCD decision time

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raj_pol said:
Feature wise there are a few differences. The samsung has a higher contrast ratio and a higher viewing angle compared to benq. However it only has an analog connection and no dvi. Regarding pi quality it is finally upto you.Regarding lg I found a model called 1730sm. Again onlya low 250cd/m2.Less viewing angle. If you want dvi have to go for benq or lg else in my opinion samsung models are better.:hap2: Happy buying.
well some mixed up advice raj, but nonetheless appreciated.. thanks ;)
Been very satisfied with my BenQ till now, its much better than I expected it to be. And yeah, go for it only if you want DVI, Analog aint that good on this monitor.
If u have decided to go only for lg or samsung, the performance of samsung is better. but if u want to go for a gaming lcd i recommend viewsonic . The monitor from viewsonic are a bit costlier but excels in performance.The responce time is very good.

If u can think for viesonic you can see at:--
clarify the following please:

1. Difference between samsung N and B models (740N, 740B etc)
2. Getting a 940B for 4-5K more (compared to 740N) worth it?

AFAIK the 940B is exactly the same as the 940N, but with a DVI port added, as for the 740N its got 600:1 contrast ratio compared to 940's 700:1
:) I don't think the 740B is ab=vailable in India.
1. As per specifications the only difference is that the 740B has a digital input. If you are using a graphics card can connect using digital.The picture quality would be a tad better in such a case.

2.Similarly for the 940B it also supports a digital input. Anyways if you can afford it the 940B is a very good buy.Also the contrast ratio for the 940B is higher. 700:1 compared to 600:1 for the 17 inch models.
Vandal..please buy a damn LCD man...2 threads already created for the same :|.

Get the friggin 740N. Wondering how many more threads u'll create before actually buying something :|.
Darthcoder said:
Vandal..please buy a damn LCD man...2 threads already created for the same :|.
Get the friggin 740N. Wondering how many more threads u'll create before actually buying something :|.
@ DC why don't u advise or shut up pal....someone wants to make sure they are buying something decent OK... that's what TE is, not your personal field for taking cheap shots OK....

@ getting a Samsung 940BW widescreen, its supposed to be 8ms, costing me around 17K.... Is this a good deal? And for all the trouble posting 2 times for the same thread (as per cd eeeps dc) I shall post screenies of all the hardware I get from now on... :)
Expect a review on the LCD I buy first..
but help please..

@ others who replied thanks for all the advice appreciated!!
Screenshots...and pics..I'll faint,lol.

On a serious note,the 940BW has 4ms response time compared to 8 ms of Viewsonic VA1912W (Similar model) and 1440X900, good la!!

How much u getting it for??Seems to be a good deal.

Check out this thread too at TomzHardware.

Samsung 940BW or Viewsonic VA1912W? I HATE decisions...

Samsung 940BW vs Viewsonic VA1912W.

Techtree review of VA 1912W here:


Now, theres an offer going on where-in u get a web-cam with every viewsonic monitor (hardly matters though :) )

He he Vandy, chill.
OK mayte thanks for the link...
yes it seems a good deal for 17K.. maybe less ;) maybe buying 1 more for a friend (err he'll pay of course) vandy is poor after all :ohyeah:
Yes man, screenies will follow, but only with a review... I don't believe in putting up shots of anything I buy, but with a review (well thats what I do for a livin rite... review stuff)..:P

Anyways thanks once again, appreciated, and no hard feelings.....:)

edit err the forum link doesn't have any test or review links either....
but its 4 ms G to G so it'll be an 8ms I feel...
Most of the applications would be optimized for traditional and not the widescreen format. That is true for games even though games are coming out which have support for widescreen. I am not sure but I think it would be a good idea to go for a traditional(non-widescreen monitor).:)
Just have a look at this site. Might be helpfull. There are screenshots of the latest games. You will get a good idea of what plagues widescreen monitors.:) :)
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