^^ That is stupid logic at best. There are thousands of things in our world that can be can be used both to save or enhance our lives or take lives based on whose hands its in and how they are used and guns are no different. It is a tool like any other that can be used either for self defense or to go on a killing rampage for no particular reason. But for some reason, either stupidity or self delusion of the people makes them focus and target guns and guns alone for this kind of nonsensical arguments . Do people really believe that all our problems or at least even one of them would be solved by banning guns.
Why does our country have an army and police and why are they allowed to have guns? By the kind of logic people put forward, lets get rid of them all together. The basic premise of all these arguments seems to be that anybody can be irresponsible with guns, so police and army are also included in that list. If public cannot be trusted to have a right to own a gun to protect themselves, why should they have a right to build an army or equip them with weapons to protect their homes and their country?
And no body ever said any thing about free procession. They should also be regulated though a licensing system just like auto mobiles. Auto mobiles can also be used in a good or bad way, In fact when used in a bad way or negligently, they are far more deadly on the roads than any guns available to public. In fact, they are one of the leading case of deaths in India. People in our country are far more irresponsible with auto mobiles and causing deaths every day far more than guns in any country, but I don't see people asking for a blanket ban against vehicles. Heck they are instead protesting against proposed increase in fines for traffic violations like drunken driving.
Also, it is amusing to note that in many of the countries that oppose ownership of guns by public, still seem to have nothing against owner ship of air rifles, pistols and BB guns which can be just as deadly. I have a powerful Air rifle which fires lead pellets and I have had that since 7th standard. If used irresponsibly, it can also cause injuries and even fatalities just as any real gun. I also remember that the receipt mentions it as a "toy gun".
If people should have a right to own an vehicle on the assumption that they will use it responsibly rather than going on a rampage on the roads, then there is nothing against letting them have the right to own a gun with the assumption that they will wise use it in a responsible manner.
As far as I am concerned, all this nonsense about how guns kill people and that they should be banned is just that, self-righteous nonsense. People kill people and they can do that guns or with anything else. People killed each other with stones. It is all just a farce to claim that banning guns would make any difference at all for the better.
However, I do understand the point that many of our country men still tend to be far too immature, uncivilized, stupid and irresponsible to have a right to own a car leave alone a gun or for that matter many other things that technology and development has put in our hands.