Security Software 2008 Anti-Virus Software Review

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few days back my net was down..Reason?? my MAC was blocked by my ISP because my computer was infected with virus..i tried out NOD 32..not satisfied...Kaspersky..Not satisfied...Zone Alarm..Not at all satisfied...So, i was compeltely confused as to which other antivirus i could use i did a google search for the keyword "Best Antivirus" and i stumbled upon the follwoing link...

Anti-Virus Software Review 2008

It gives a review for the top ten Antivirus softwares rank wise for the year 2008..Kaspersky and NOD 32 came in 2nd and 3rd respectively and the all famous Norton comes in at 8th:rofl: :tongue: ....but wot i didn't expect was the number 1 Anti virus software goes by the name Bitdefender...haven't tried it out so downloading it today...I am hearing it for the first time so will try it and c how it is..

P.S:my apologies for not posting this in the right section...i did it by mistake...Mods if u wish,plz move it to the Security Solutions Section...
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One thing to note is that any Antivirus how good it may be is only effective before an infection... So all those mentioned in the list atleast Nod32, Kasperskey, Avast & Bitdefender are pretty good provided they are installed & updated before an infection..

If Nod & Kasperskey didn't worked for you then I don't think Bitdefender will do any good... :no:
a very good point...the opinions will vary.. u c, my first usage with Nod 32 and Kaspersky weren't good just because of the fact because i was using the *ahem* version of the software..if u purchased Kaspersky or Nod 32 then by all means u have the perfect right to say wot u just said above...

I also have the similar opinion, that there is no Anti virus that's its bitdefender..tommorrow, may b some other brand....:P
bitdefender?? hadnt heard about it..
Well, ive also tried many anti viruses & i found AVAST best of all.:clap: (my own expernce).
Norton & panda r very heavy on system..:@
Will try bitdefender today.
Kaspersky i good antivirus.I have been using past 2 years no virus have cause any mayhem in my pc.Good thing about this antivirus is that i concedes resources as when needed to OS.
Naga said:
Comprehensive review there :rofl: !

dont mean to b rude...but i really dont c anything that makes this a laughing matter unless i dont understand wot u r reallt trying to say...

Anyways...u guys...the setup file which u will download frm Antivirus software - BitDefender - The future of security now! will only b a small setup file which inturn will connect to its bitdefender server for downloading the MSI package...

instead...go to for downloading the whole file in one go instead waiting for the whole thinf to download...

hope this proves to b helpful....

P.S: the double posting happened unintentionally...mods plz delete THIS post...
Naga said:
Comprehensive review there :rofl: !

dont mean to b rude...but i really dont c anything that makes this a laughing matter. can i ask wot u r really intending to say ??

Anyways...u guys...the setup file which u will download frm Antivirus software - BitDefender - The future of security now! will only b a small setup file which inturn will connect to its bitdefender server for downloading the MSI package...

instead...go to Index of / for downloading the whole file in one go instead waiting for the whole damn thing to download using the small setup file...

hope this proves to b helpful....
dude.. chill.. naga meant no offense. just that the review aint no review.

its just a feature listing/comparison.
Oh, I dont think bitdefender will be a major change for u :P

Reason: Bitdefender internally uses the same kaspersky antivirus engine i believe :D only its a bit more user friendly to configure/UI etc.

EDIT: did a google n i think i m wrong :ashamed: My bad.
Which one's best among Free Anti Viruses? In my opinion Avira Anti Virus. What do you think is the best??
techie_007 said:
Oh, I dont think bitdefender will be a major change for u :P

Reason: Bitdefender internally uses the same kaspersky antivirus engine i believe :D only its a bit more user friendly to configure/UI etc.

EDIT: did a google n i think i m wrong :ashamed: My bad.

if ur claim or theory is correct plz prove it..since i can't :S ...but i will say this :cool2: ...if bitdefender used the same kaspersky engine..y on earth wud they show kaspersky to be the second ?:S
sTALKEr said:
dude.. chill.. naga meant no offense. just that the review aint no review.
its just a feature listing/comparison.
Eggzactly. @Balkazzaar, there are dozens of sites like that with their own so called reviews and I don't think any site that doesn't mention their testing procedure (if they have any outside of listing feature sets) should be taken seriously.
ace_neo said:
Kaspersky i good antivirus.I have been using past 2 years no virus have cause any mayhem in my pc.Good thing about this antivirus is that i concedes resources as when needed to OS.

its not free and the *ahem* versions aint stable...every now and then ur key gets blacklisted......i used to use it...but now switched to Avast which is really kewl
Naga said:
Eggzactly. @Balkazzaar, there are dozens of sites like that with their own so called reviews and I don't think any site that doesn't mention their testing procedure (if they have any outside of listing feature sets) should be taken seriously.
True the site cannot comprehensively tell which one is better but just few comparisons with features.. Some more comprehensive entities are...

AV Comparatives

AV Test
Naga said:
Eggzactly. @Balkazzaar, there are dozens of sites like that with their own so called reviews and I don't think any site that doesn't mention their testing procedure (if they have any outside of listing feature sets) should be taken seriously.

i didn't take offense at all man...:hap5: the thing is i was completely confused by wot u meant by that statement..that's y i asked that's all..:)
i offense taken...

the problem is i really need a good AV software fast and that too a good one...
Namic said:
its not free and the *ahem* versions aint stable...every now and then ur key gets blacklisted......i used to use it...but now switched to Avast which is really kewl

If u r using pirated key,then its obvious key will get blacklisted..U have to pay for license..

Then go for free version softwares such as Avast,AVG etc
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