240GB of Awesomeness!!!

dude :) i wont say a word abt u2410..becuase if i say something people wont like it..and watches is different..i aint paying like 41k for 1 a watch where in that money i can other things.... i just thought that those option wud be better for him... and i m talking abt mushkin 60 gb putting it into raid... which will cost 22k itelf and will perform better...and he will save money simple ...*** and i aint saying anything like buying Intel.. so there was nuthing to prove abt powerness of my intel ssd.. Again dont assume so many thing my friend.. Assumtion is mutha of al F*** read and understand what i mean to say for 41k **** :d :d.

Desecrator said:
Udit stop using CDM 3 and AS SSD benching tools. Did you not read the other thread already? And stop worrying. Your drive tops the other benchmarks. :D
Right! Like spending for dual U2410s and countless watches is totally worth it. FFS that's his dough. For all you know, your Intel 80GB SSD falls short of prowess when compared to his drive so next time try harder.

anks22402 said:
dude :) i wont say a word abt u2410..becuase if i say something people wont like it..and watches is different..i aint paying like 41k for a watch in 41 k i can get 8 watches.. and i m talking abt mushkin 60 gb putting it into raid... which will cost 22k itelf and will perform better...and he will save money simple ...*** and i aint saying anything like buying Intel.. so there was nuthing to prove abt powerness of my intel.. Again dont assume so many thing my friend.. Assumtion is mutha of al F*** read and understand what i mean to say for 41k **** :d :d
I agree :cool2:
TE is abt giving right advice.. and i aiant jealous of udit or so... he bought it i liked it and happy for him.. but just an opiniion ...
Udit said:
major change but after lots of bumps
os install took 40mins
crystal disk info showing 70% life left
only performance amazingly great after the bumps but the bumps only got me sad
If these ssd are so fast then why os install took 40 mins :huh:
stalker said:
Stop taking offense at random folks :p
anks22402 said:
TE is abt giving right advice.. and i aiant jealous of udit or so... he bought it i liked it and happy for him.. but just an opiniion ...
Colossal douchbaggery is hard coded into some people. Why bother?
d@rK nEmEsIs said:
If these ssd are so fast then why os install took 40 mins :huh:
Cause it also involves read operations from the optical drive.
dr.sankhadeep said:
@ damn
"Colossal douchbaggery is hard coded into some people. Why bother?" to whom u are referring to???????
Was addressing stalker and anks22402. The subject was the topic starter. Thought it would be fairly obvious. o_O
^LOL it quite is obvious whom it is addressed to. :p

I can has powerness of SSD as well. :rofl:

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

anks22402 said:
TE is abt giving right advice.. and i aiant jealous of udit or so... he bought it i liked it and happy for him.. but just an opiniion ...
Wow. Never would be able afford one of those in my lifetime.Great stuff..

But still I'm wondering why it took 40 Mins. Doesn't take 40 mins on HDD's either.
anks22402 said:
TE is abt giving right advice.. and i aiant jealous of udit or so... he bought it i liked it and happy for him.. but just an opiniion ...

Try fitting OS + all the games a gamer plays at a time on 60GB or even 120GB if you put 2 in raid 0.
AFAIK he went in for this massive capacity drive because he wants to put his game installs on SSD.
Desecrator said:
Udit stop using CDM 3 and AS SSD benching tools. Did you not read the other thread already? And stop worrying. Your drive tops the other benchmarks. :D

never used them
Black_Hawk said:
One question though... why did it take you 40 minutes to install your OS?

I don't know too ... posted on Mushkin Forum
asingh said:
Udit, sorry to sound like a noob. What you meant by Bumps, and they made you sad..?

40mins Install

70% Life
hash said:
But still I'm wondering why it took 40 Mins. Doesn't take 40 mins on HDD's either.
even my wd black installed in 15mins

Shripad said:
Try fitting OS + all the games a gamer plays at a time on 60GB or even 120GB if you put 2 in raid 0.

AFAIK he went in for this massive capacity drive because he wants to put his game installs on SSD.
ya that's the exact reason

also I hate the bugs associated with raid, sli & cf