HD 7850 -> 130W
i3 2100 -> 65W
Motherboard, Hard disk, fans, etc -> 50W?
A peak of approx. 250W, almost entirely on the +12V rail.
CX430 V2 is rated for 336W/28A peak on the +12V rail, so your PC load is technically within limits.
BUT ..
1. This rating is for a 30 degrees celsius operating temperature.
In your system it will easily hit 40 to 50 degrees C, so temperature derating needs to be factored in.
I dont know the temp derating chart for this PSU, but it may go as low as 250W.
You shouldn't run at 100% load for extended periods. PSU testing is only for a few minutes.
2. Poor quality capacitors are used in the CX430 V2. Capacitor failures have already been reported.
The probability of capacitor failure goes up with temperature, which goes up with high loads.
The maximum life of a PSU is usually 5 years, but with cheap capacitors which are being pushed, it could be only a few months to a year.
The guy giving you advice on THG has an Antec EA380D.
EA380D is a Delta built unit and a far far higher quality unit than the CWT built CX430 V2.
It is rated for 50C operation and has higher quality capacitors. Not a fair comparison.
You might be lucky and be fine with the CX430 V2, but it is risky and not recommended in the long run.
i3 2100 -> 65W
Motherboard, Hard disk, fans, etc -> 50W?
A peak of approx. 250W, almost entirely on the +12V rail.
CX430 V2 is rated for 336W/28A peak on the +12V rail, so your PC load is technically within limits.
BUT ..
1. This rating is for a 30 degrees celsius operating temperature.
In your system it will easily hit 40 to 50 degrees C, so temperature derating needs to be factored in.
I dont know the temp derating chart for this PSU, but it may go as low as 250W.
You shouldn't run at 100% load for extended periods. PSU testing is only for a few minutes.
2. Poor quality capacitors are used in the CX430 V2. Capacitor failures have already been reported.
The probability of capacitor failure goes up with temperature, which goes up with high loads.
The maximum life of a PSU is usually 5 years, but with cheap capacitors which are being pushed, it could be only a few months to a year.
The guy giving you advice on THG has an Antec EA380D.
EA380D is a Delta built unit and a far far higher quality unit than the CWT built CX430 V2.
It is rated for 50C operation and has higher quality capacitors. Not a fair comparison.
You might be lucky and be fine with the CX430 V2, but it is risky and not recommended in the long run.