1) Prince of Persia original (released in 1985 by Broderbund Software. Created by Jordan Mechnar. First ever game to use MoCap, followed by Karateka on 8 bit systems)
2) Prince of Persia Warrior Within: I love metal and I love chicks that shriek when killed and also love Monica Belucci...
3) Max Payne 2: Played this game 25 times. First time I played it, it was on lowest settings at 800x600 and a frame rate of about 20....lol...
4) Splinter Cell: Chaos Thery
5) Last but not hte least is Half life 2 : all episodes including the lost coast. I was mesmerised to watch HDR on my computer screen for the first time in 2005 or 2006....
I am playing computer games since 1993. Played carmen sandiego, pinball, karate, POP all, and some games that I cant remember but were excellent....took a debacle from 98 to 2003. Right now am playing Batman AA, Section 8, FEAR 2, Burnout paradise (love GnR).