50 lakh call for prof gamers!

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IceFusion said:
Thank go no CS >> I would have loved COD 4 though...

Crysis... i can try if people in Delhi are there :P

PM me and let me know >> :)

i have the original copy of crysis and tried online gaming with 250+ pings for a week around 5-6 months ago, got bored and moved onto TF2, we can try and form a clan and practice for this contest if u have time.
Is it prize money worth 50 lakhs as Rs. 50,00,000 in total or something else. Organizers have a way of twisting prize value for example 1 "million" rupees (aaah but you count the zeros its 1 lakh in reality).
The Sorcerer said:
Is it prize money worth 50 lakhs as Rs. 50,00,000 in total or something else. Organizers have a way of twisting prize value for example 1 "million" rupees (aaah but you count the zeros its 1 lakh in reality).

eh? sorcy getting his math muddled up eh :P 1 million is 10 lakhs man...
thebanik said:
i have the original copy of crysis and tried online gaming with 250+ pings for a week around 5-6 months ago, got bored and moved onto TF2, we can try and form a clan and practice for this contest if u have time.

I am not from Delhi but would love to practice for this and join a clan. I have an original unused copy of Crysis lying around :P

Gotta install it and start playing :D
One of the members of the team should also play the other games.. so the winning team gets 20 lakhs...

I'm from bangalore... we've got gamers for all expect the last member who can play fight night and crysis... anyone interested and willing to play seriously, pm me pls..
It's by EA, man. The lack of the any good gaming is only natural. Why no CNC3 Kane's wrath though? Is it the only title selling the impossible millions that EA expected of their other recent games?
"Vixture is a team event. So you will have to form a team that can play all the games to participate in the event. You cannot sign up to play an individual game"

I'm in for Cricket 07, So I wanna join some team :D
They are not having prelims in a city like Chennai...how stupid is that....anyways all the best to all other TE members.
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