58 reasons 2011 is gonna Rape your wallet!!!

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dhruvrock2000 said:
Yea... 1k a month for unlimited games... thats affordable enough :P For the price of 4 games , i can enjoy ALL these games :D
Nailed it! And a game hardly takes about 3~4 days for completion. :D
when are they gonna make a sequel to undying? though new alice should be something to look forward to.
dragon_unleashed said:
just be calm guys... The jb community have gone too far now so we should soon expect all the games which require 3.50+ to work...
Meh... we'll see. Even the PSP has NOT been hacked beyond 5.50... there are games which don't work and others which require the Prometheus plugin.

Tbh.. the JB community has not progressed much , piracy-wise, we are at the same stage we were at in the beginning... there might be progress or there might not. Don't count on it. Sony is very much capable of stopping this !
not happy with pc game list !! what happened to shitf call of duty killzone ?? dirt ?? will 460gtx be good enough of 570gtx is the way to go if buying now ?
Game rentals/buying would still mean updating the firmware to play the future titles. With 3.55 being out and blocking the downgrade exploit, it won't be long before the next wave of titles would start demanding it. So that means kissing your JB good bye.

I'm only interested in playing KZ3, Resistance 3 and UC3 on the PS3 next year. Probably a few others, but this are my main titles.
So it didn't turned out to be a miracle since it didn't lasted for 6 months as you said.
Gonna update as soon as i'm done with my 200+ ps3 back log. :) I hope :P

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

The PSN online community has a fun of its own and very few people understand and enjoy it.
Plan to rip through the following list :P
1. Gears 3
2. Crysis 2
3. Deus Ex HR
4. Rage
5. Uncharted 3
6. Batman AC
7. Duke Nukem
8. Forza 4
9. Bulletstorm
10. E S V Skyrim
11. Killzone 3
12. MK
13. LA Noire

BTW Bioshock Infinity is on for 2012 its not releasing in 2011
Ethan_Hunt said:
Game rentals/buying would still mean updating the firmware to play the future titles. With 3.55 being out and blocking the downgrade exploit, it won't be long before the next wave of titles would start demanding it. So that means kissing your JB good bye.

I'm only interested in playing KZ3, Resistance 3 and UC3 on the PS3 next year. Probably a few others, but this are my main titles.
I won't mind updating.. JB was just a fun geeky experiment for me.. i never really needed it.
xXx said:
  1. Batman Arkham City (PS360PC)
  2. Bioshock: Infinity (PS360PC)
  3. Crysis 2 (PS360PC)
  4. Child of Eden (PS360)
  5. DC Universe Online (PSPC)
  6. Dead Space 2 (PS360PC)
  7. Deus Ex Human Revolution (PS360PC)
  8. Diablo 3 (PC)
  9. Dragon Age 2 (PS360PC)
  10. Duke Nukem Forever (PS360PC)
  11. The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim (PS360PC)
  12. F.E.A.R. 3 (PS360PC)
  13. Forza Motorsport 4 (360)
  14. Gears of Wars 3 (360)
  15. Guild Wars 2 (PC)
  16. ICO Collection (PS3)
  17. inFamous 2 (PS3)
  18. Journey (PS3)
  19. KillZone 3 (PS3)
  20. LA Noire (PS360)
  21. The Last Guardian (PS3)
  22. The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword (Wii)
  23. Little Big Planet 2 (PS3)
  24. Mass Effect 3 (PS360PC)
  25. Max Payne 3 (PS360PC)
  26. MGS: Rising (PS360PC)
  27. Portal 2 (PS360PC)
  28. Project Dark (PS360PC)
  29. RAGE (PS360PC)
  30. Resistance 3 (PS3)
  31. Star Wars Kinect (360)
  32. Star Wars The Old Republic (PC)
  33. TC's Ghost Recon Future Soldier (PS360PC)
  34. Twisted Metal (PS3)
  35. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS3)
  36. Yakuza 4 (PS3)
:D :D :D

and WHAT !!! Duke nukenm forever !! no not in 2011, i am saving upm for the rig when it comes out in 2020 !!
I am buying most of the games on the list. Yep, it's gonna be a wallet rape next year. For some games, depending upon the review, I might wait and buy them second hand.

Fcuk Piracy, the only game I am gonna pirate is Call of Duty until they bring it down to Indian rates.
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