Video 75 inch TV panel shorted


drinks like a fish
Yesterday all of a sudden while watching my Mi 75Q1 TV's display went dark. Backlight and sound still working fine but there was no picture. The TV had two year panel warranty, but it's been 2 year 9 months so no warranty.

The technician came today and said there seems to be a short in the panel after initial investiagation. He spent an hour trying to fix it (I think he was working on the scaler board). He got about half the screen working but said the other half he wouldn't be able to fix it himself. There is a specialized machine that could potentiallty fix it. It will cost 20-25k if it works or get a panel replacement.

I really don't see the value in getting the panel replaced since it'll probably cost 50K+. Does anyone have any experience with getting their TV panel repaired?

sad to note the unfortunate incident. i wont be able to suggest anything but would like to ask you whether the TV was connected to any stabilizer/UPS? my panasonic VT20D TV also suffered (most probably) a surge that blew its board a couple of months back after 12 years of faultless service, and it was at the time not connected to the UPS that i use with the TV & AVR.
I have a 32 inches Mi tv. I faced the similar issue and got it repaired for 2.6K with a 6 months warranty. The screen developed the same problem in the seventh month.
Yes I was told by the technitial and the videos I saw on youtube that the fix for the short issue is only temporary and usually doesn't last more than a year. Permenant fix (if the panel doesn't fail again), is to replace the panel.
sad to note the unfortunate incident. i wont be able to suggest anything but would like to ask you whether the TV was connected to any stabilizer/UPS? my panasonic VT20D TV also suffered (most probably) a surge that blew its board a couple of months back after 12 years of faultless service, and it was at the time not connected to the UPS that i use with the TV & AVR.
In my case the board is fine, its a panel short for sure. The TV was attached to a belkin spike guard. I don't think this particilar issue was because of voltage fluctuation or a spike because nothing else was impacted in the house. The AVR, which is also fairly sensitive to sudden voltage changes, which normally automatically turns off on a sudden voltage change, countinued to work normally when the TV panel died/shorted. But I guess it's very difficult to figure out the exact reason why this happened.

I think you can try this at home yourself if you know how to open the tv.

youtube is the new place for searching solutions. Lot of led tv technicians have put up really good videos on repairing tv's.
Yes I went through all such videos on youtube to familiarize myself with this kind of issue. I'm wary of doing this myself and breaking something else. I know someone in the local Xiaomi team, trying to see if I can get a new panel at a discounted price.