Graphic Cards 7900Gt for $240 or 1900XT FOR $355

not really. Asus premium pricing is history when it comes to graphic cards.

Their cards are not competitively priced. So it wont make any difference if he gets Sapphire or Asus. he will get similat afer sales price. And i dont think he is planning to come to india any time soon.

The internal binning is all rumour to be honest. And ATI makes the chips. Sapphire makes cards. if there is any binning its in XT and XTX.
The ram arrived a few minutes back; currently testing at 10x250, Vcore:1.52V;VDDR: 2.8v;166 divider so ram effectively operates at 208 2.5-3-3-6-1T.
A replacement for my 2GBNS.To get anything else I'll have to wait till they are outta stock; get a refund and then buy something else.However if they perform well at 209,2.5-3-3-6,1T I won't even bother as A64 is not sensitive to bandwidth anyway.

Yeah the 512MB one is nice but the presence of the X1900XT at the same price spoils the deal, needs to come down to $300 to be attractive; I expect prices to rise first and then fall by the end of next week,perhaps dramatically.
Currently testing the thing at 232x11(2.55ghz), using a 183 divider, seems stable with ram @ 212,2.5-3-3-6-1T.A night of priming will tell for sure.Guess its gonna be the X1900XT after-all.Only thing that concerns me is that the thing may introduce some quirk with my mobo and/or psu and then the whole trouble shooting cycle shall start all over again.The sheer size and power requirements for the beast are unearthly.Has anyone here tried the beast on the Biostar Tforce/M9?Ati should pay my power bills just for buying the card!

As a comparison, the difference between the X1900XT and the 7900GT is roughly equivalent to that of running a 60W bulb, and if u leave it on all day, thats gonna reflect on the bill, even if its a measly $2-3.After seeing my X1800XT my flat-mate would not let me run that thing on all night without protest...ROFL.
I am basically down to the new 7900GT KO from EVGA for $275 shipped or the Sapphire X1900XT for $362 shipped- $30 MIR.I still have the gut feeling telling me that the X1900XT will screw up something ...hmmm....basically the power draw might cause instability.
^^ What are the Amps on the CM ?

Ave seen people here using the XT with SP450 as well, so I doubt there should be a problem.

As for the GPU, well to be honest Sid, the 7900 is a scary buy now, considering the stories doing the round.

I'd have the XT anyday over it :D
SCK: Thanx for calculating my systems power draw, but having had some kind of peculiarity crop upon every system I have built, I have learnt to be superstitious even though the power supply is very good.

I have the weekend to make my mind,no point ordering today, will order on Sunday night so that card is processed and shipped by Monday.

@Anish: 3.3v:28a,5.5v:44A,12V1:20A,12V2:20A,rest I don't care :)
Final decision is nearing....

7900GT(the new EVGA KO version which is stable and has no problems):more stable, much better drivers, almost no chance of power supply problems as it uses almost the same power as my 6800GS earlier, system 'purity'(meaning pure Nvidia components and no interoperability issues), and faster boot-up(the Ati X1800XT took longer, my on-board 6100 boots in a snap, the X1800XT used to display a weird corrupt pattern for sometime, even when it ran fine), about $60 cheaper, more than adequate performance at 1152x864, the max my current CRT can handle at decent 75Hz refresh.

X1900XT: Faster, upto 40% in some cases, HDR+AA, 512MB, but crappy drivers(no flames please but ATi drivers just don't hold a candle to Nvidia's),potential PSU problems, weird HSF(spins up and down during games and is quite irritating sometimes),MIRs to deal with

May be a poll would be better...
You are just finding reasons to NOT get the ATI. You are giving silly reasons like MIR, drivers, imaginary PSU problems and the HSF thing.... :p

You have already made up your mind....the nvidiot in you has won :p ...

So, juts go and buy it :p wont regret it (I hope so :p )......
Well, its not like that Nikhil, everybody can choose whatever they want, we can only post our opinions or thoughts on this. However, RED has definately the upper hand in IQ as well as FPS. Not to mention, ATI's antialiasing is really great. Obviously, different people think differently.

Let people decide whatever they want to do with their money.
Just ask urself. Do u wanna try nV or just wanna stick with ATI. You wont really regret ur purchase, both cards are extrememly good. ATI wins in IQ and HDR+AA and nV has upper hand in Power Req, Working Temp and somewht higher FPS in certain games. Its you who has to decide. We have all posted our opinion, You will be fine both the ways.