PC Peripherals A 24 hour torrent downloader and NAS server !

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Take a look at : [How To] Install and Configure Olegs firmware - AsusForum.NET -- WL500g

Im not sure what you mean by easy. I followed the steps one by one and it took me about 2 hours to install everything I wanted into it without a hitch.

Remember that if you want just basic torrent download, the Asus download manager on the factory firmware works very well by default. You do not even need to change the firmware.
saqib_khan said:
So configuring it is easy? Or is it hard?
Well on further research, I found out that the WL500gP came with crappy power capictors, both on the main board and in the power adaptor. Apparently that is one of the reasons why it keeps loosing configs and has random lockups.

Hope they fixed that in v2.

It's good to know that they've worked on the range.
ooh this is a good find:clap:. i was wanted to precisely do this without having to invest big bux in a nas box. Also i think the 520gU model is available in the Indian market coz its showing up on the asus india website Asus India :D can somebody confirm whether this is available in market areas . Btw Vinay do you think that a 2.5 inch Hdd would work with this setup without the need for external power.
Yes, a 2.5" hard disk works perfectly with this setup. Already tried it. Im currently using a 1.8" hard disk though (Trek Diva 60gb from a TE dealer).

I looked and asked so many shops, nobody is willing to get a Asus router in Bangalore even though a few acknowledged that they exist and are sold ! Maybe you will have better luck.

ShAD0W said:
ooh this is a good find:clap:. i was wanted to precisely do this without having to invest big bux in a nas box. Also i think the 520gU model is available in the Indian market coz its showing up on the asus india website Asus India :D can somebody confirm whether this is available in market areas . Btw Vinay do you think that a 2.5 inch Hdd would work with this setup without the need for external power.
Good vinay... I have an Asus WL-500W and use it for the same purpose (and much more). This is just one heck of a router line from Asus :cheers:
a great article an one that inspires me to do the same.

i have a few queries before i go out to buy the router.

1) apart from usb and third party firmware support what else should we look to before buying the router.

2) what if the router isn't supported by third party firmware but has it's own download manager. will it work fine for ftp downloads since i won't be torrenting much as i plan to get a seedbox.

3)what should we look for in terms of processor, flash memory and ram of the router.

4)lastly for normal home usage, is the g router more than enough or should i go for an n router

i would have got the same router as yours had it been available in india. so your help in helping me choose a right alternative will be appreciated
leave India, the router is unavailable in the US too. have been waiting for 20 days for newegg stock to come in:(. any suggestion guys
I received the Asus WL-520gU from KMD just a few weeks back, it is still in stock at Newegg and it does everything the bigger Asus does, just limited to one USB port and lesser memory. Hardly makes a difference for torrent downloads.

Newegg.com - ASUS WL-520gU IEEE 802.3/3u/3x, IEEE 802.11b/g Wireless Router with All-in-One Print Server/ DD-WRT Open Source support - Wireless Routers

ShAD0W said:
leave India, the router is unavailable in the US too. have been waiting for 20 days for newegg stock to come in:(. any suggestion guys
I do not mind, but I got it as a combo deal with a wireless card and so the price was very different. My guess is that KMD will quote you approximately 3x00 for this router.

archat68 said:
^^ Mind to share how much did it cost?
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