Thanks alot for the valuable info. Can you tell me where would i get Win 7 pro for Rs.8000/- MS price is Rs.10,600 for pro and Rs.6,500/- for Home premium. Also from available info, i couldn't figure out what features in Pro are required for me. XP mode is good to have. If i really required it, i can buy upgrade license anytime. Remote desktop can also be done by freeware i believe. Domain controlled network is not required for me. Anything else?
Thought of AMD X6 for a while. But read online that Intel is better for single threaded applications. Also video encoding is less priority compared to application development performance. Can leave with extra time for video encoding.
I wanted Blue ray reader to satisfy my movie interest. I am a big movie buff and believe in buying original media. I want to start my Blueray collection right away rather than collect DVDs now and again invest for the same movies in Blueray later. I have a WDTV live plus. I can rip Blueray media and watch the movies using WDTV.
And also according to deltapage, Core i5 760 can be installed only on non-GPU mother boards and require a seperate GPU.
Thanks alot for the valuable info. Can you tell me where would i get Win 7 pro for Rs.8000/- MS price is Rs.10,600 for pro and Rs.6,500/- for Home premium. Also from available info, i couldn't figure out what features in Pro are required for me. XP mode is good to have. If i really required it, i can buy upgrade license anytime. Remote desktop can also be done by freeware i believe. Domain controlled network is not required for me. Anything else?
Thought of AMD X6 for a while. But read online that Intel is better for single threaded applications. Also video encoding is less priority compared to application development performance. Can leave with extra time for video encoding.
I wanted Blue ray reader to satisfy my movie interest. I am a big movie buff and believe in buying original media. I want to start my Blueray collection right away rather than collect DVDs now and again invest for the same movies in Blueray later. I have a WDTV live plus. I can rip Blueray media and watch the movies using WDTV.
And also according to deltapage, Core i5 760 can be installed only on non-GPU mother boards and require a seperate GPU.