A possible Turbo SIM kind of Unlock for iPhone 4 emerges !

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If there are sufficient people interested(10+), then I can arrange for original Gevey pro sims at 2000/-. Interested members please PM me. Dont fall prey cheap counterfeits.
Any particular reason you all seem to be going for this turbo sim ?? Why not simply install ultrasnow?? Besides isn;t there a possibility of apple blocking this in future firmware updates?? iOS5 perhaps??
arrow004 said:
Any particular reason you all seem to be going for this turbo sim ?? Why not simply install ultrasnow?? Besides isn;t there a possibility of apple blocking this in future firmware updates?? iOS5 perhaps??
Ultrasn0w doesn't work with most basebands on the iPhone 4.
askids said:
If there are sufficient people interested(10+), then I can arrange for original Gevey pro sims at 2000/-. Interested members please PM me. Dont fall prey cheap counterfeits.

Hey askids, is there a difference b/w Gevey and Gevey Pro sims ?
Aarvee said:
Hey askids, is there a difference b/w Gevey and Gevey Pro sims ?

Yes. They have few bugs fixed and are compatible and tested with more baseband versions/service providers. Both are sold at the same price.
vriship said:
using the gevey sim which i bought from ankit.. works like a charm...

a steal for 1650/-
How come the price reduced from 2350 to 1650 in a matter of week? No wonder fake Gevey sims sell like hot cakes :)
cisco_tech said:
Here in ahmedabad. One dealer is quoting me 1500 for original Gevey Sim. Seems like price has dropped everywhere now.
On ebay, you can get it for 900. I think the fake Gevey sims are being flooded in the market. These use sub-standard components and they do tend to overheat. Also, only Gevey pro is available from authorized dealers/distributors as they are no longer selling Gevey sim. Gey pro had a minor bug fix, are more stable and tested on more sims. So people selling Gevey sim are just trying to offload their old stock. So people buying from local dealers, please look for Gevey pro.

Interested folks, please join in.

askids said:
These use sub-standard components and they do tend to overheat.

Source? I really want to understand how you or who ever did what kind of testing to come to this conclusion...
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