A possible Turbo SIM kind of Unlock for iPhone 4 emerges !

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OK @Faheem and @Switch.... I will talk to my coworker tomorrow, probably will be interested in getting something to unlock the iPhone 4 :D

I can get it for 2350 for a min of 10 pieces! (but do not disclose the price). Just for you guys here. Its authentic (personally verified). He supplies to shops across Bangalore.

Let me know if interested.

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n00b said:
Gevey India launched? The price they are quoting is 3K including shipping? Ebay has it listed for 3K also I think...

Source: GeveyIndia.com | Coming very soon

Thats some guy named Lakshmi in Bangalore who is importing them and selling them. Not official.
^ 175$ :O ? One would rather sell the locked piece for cheap and get a brand new FU phone by spending far less :P
True. The pricing is totally outrageous! But I guess if it does work, the price will eventually drop as more people go for it.
^ You can also get it done for ~4k if your phone is locked to a UK carrier (you need to know which carrier exactly) .
Funny stuff this is! Latest update on their site.

Remote Unlocking Service for Any Apple iPhone (Permanent)

UPDATE 9:25AM PST 4/12/2011: We have discontinued the service due to the amount of submissions. Once all IMEI's are processed we will continue to offer the service. All orders placed prior to this update will be processed and you will be notified in 24-48 hours when your device is unlocked.

Should be interesting to see what happens to the folks who already paid for it.
That site is 100% legit and has been around for quite some time. Even the dev-team members have acknowledged that fact.

Twitter is abuzz with negri and cutyoursim unlocks.
Today one of my colleague mentioned that he got the gevey sim from national market bangalore for much lower price.

His words exactly
Yesterday I bought the Gevey sim in national market and works perfectly. The cost is 1500/- and it is low compare to ebay.

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rajshah said:
That site is 100% legit and has been around for quite some time. Even the dev-team members have acknowledged that fact.

Twitter is abuzz with negri and cutyoursim unlocks.
Yes my friend got the unlock code from this site and it worked.
rajshah said:
I can't see his dealer rating.

Are you ordering it from him ?

If he's genuine, we do save a lot of money. I would buy one too !
his dealer rating is 9.. had a talk with him... even having his phone no... he is from mumbai-masjid area, you can make a local pickup if you want to..
If its for 1500 bucks, i am in :)

@geturchiru - Could you gimme the contact in national market ?

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vriship said:
his dealer rating is 9.. had a talk with him... even having his phone no... he is from mumbai-masjid area, you can make a local pickup if you want to..

So, are you saying that we can buy from this guy ?
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