A possible Turbo SIM kind of Unlock for iPhone 4 emerges !

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all those who need his no. pm me....

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Aarvee said:
@Vriship - Are you planning to get one for yourself ?

thinking of getting it, not sure though whether i should sell my i4 or desire hd.. :( confused
^I dont think you should display his contact number publicly without his permission .It would be better to PM it to those who need it :).
Guys there are loads of fake gevey type sims available in the market. Go to applenberry.com and they have put up a picture comparing fake with original gevey. Would not advise for a cheap sim as it could overheat the phone.
Ok apparently my guy has a new consignment which has arrived but is stuck in customs. Can get it for 16 00 shipped and its the genuine one for sure. (Check this for a picture).

Switch is right on the counterfeit ones. Do check the applenberry difference before you buy. Else you will have a piece which works but only temporarily.
Ank1t said:
Ok apparently my guy has a new consignment which has arrived but is stuck in customs. Can get it for 16 00 shipped and its the genuine one for sure. (Check this for a picture).

Switch is right on the counterfeit ones. Do check the applenberry difference before you buy. Else you will have a piece which works but only temporarily.
i want 2 pcs count me in and pm me further details pls
^ ^ I dont think they are genuine (assumption based on the color of the packaging + the sim card in the photo titled "The whole lot before unlocking"). Ask him to paste a screen shot of the first page of the manual. There will be a typo in it. Instead of "DON'T", it would have been entered as "DON't". Know it cause I have both of them (original + CF) =) But the counterfit's arent all that "bad" as applenberry make it to be. At the end of the day, its just a plastic raincoat (lol) on top of your Sim. And the more they convince you of how "evil" counterfeits are, the more money they make ;)
Lol what if the picture is titled that way? Sometimes you just have to believe and not be suspicious :) I bet these things anyway cost less than 50 in China so not hard to believe even if we get them for 500.

Here is the proof of the one I bought. http://i51.tinypic.com/futnuo.jpg
Ank1t said:
Lol what if the picture is titled that way? Sometimes you just have to believe and not be suspicious :) I bet these things anyway cost less than 50 in China so not hard to believe even if we get them for 500.

Here is the proof of the one I bought. http://i51.tinypic.com/futnuo.jpg

Wasn't trying to diss you Dude =) Just made sure people understand both sides of the coin. It wasnt the title of the picture, but the "raincoat" the nodes are a lot more bigger. (But then again bigger is better, cause it reads the sim card better)... Wonder where all our Indian Engineers are at? And why arent they cloning these cheap plastics? Its the shipping + customs which also takes the highest % of cost on these Sims.
So if i get a unlocked Iphone 4 from US for $199 i can get this unlocked right , friend of mine is coming back to India by Mid May safe to ask him to get the phone would be hell lot cheaper
dinjo you are forgetting that its a contract phone for an year / 18 months.. and its just not simple to buy and come to India. He will have to break the contract which inturn will be more costlier.
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