Some good people at broadbandforum are trying to raise awareness against Fair Usage Policy(read: Fcuk You Policy) which a lame way of selling broadband connections with data caps/limits as "Unlimited".Innocent consumers fall for these marketing gimmicks. Example: http://www.techenclave.com/broadband-forum/tired-being-screwed-airtel-again-again-174512.html
These people have regularly tried to register protests by using Social Media. some example of prior efforts[1][2]. now they are trying to reach to MainStream media to get wider audience know why Internet in our countries's Internet is so slow and costly. As they say, internet should be reach within common man, not as a luxury
Now, Efforts are on getting a piece in Times of India, for which TOI has asked few questions which we have to respond. the response is be written through a collaborative effort on Google Docs. you can choose voice your thoughts or simple reading & forwarding the link to document through Email,FaceBook,Twitter would create awareness.
I promise its quite informative read, if you care about State of Internet in India. Its bit detailed, so grab a cup of coffee and start reading
Link: Our Response to Airtel's Fair Usage Policy
Some good people at broadbandforum are trying to raise awareness against Fair Usage Policy(read: Fcuk You Policy) which a lame way of selling broadband connections with data caps/limits as "Unlimited".Innocent consumers fall for these marketing gimmicks. Example: http://www.techenclave.com/broadband-forum/tired-being-screwed-airtel-again-again-174512.html
These people have regularly tried to register protests by using Social Media. some example of prior efforts[1][2]. now they are trying to reach to MainStream media to get wider audience know why Internet in our countries's Internet is so slow and costly. As they say, internet should be reach within common man, not as a luxury
Now, Efforts are on getting a piece in Times of India, for which TOI has asked few questions which we have to respond. the response is be written through a collaborative effort on Google Docs. you can choose voice your thoughts or simple reading & forwarding the link to document through Email,FaceBook,Twitter would create awareness.
I promise its quite informative read, if you care about State of Internet in India. Its bit detailed, so grab a cup of coffee and start reading
Link: Our Response to Airtel's Fair Usage Policy