Hello everyone 
Was given an assignment in my college to prepare a video on something that we all management students felt like doing so and i ended up doing this one.
kindly check the same and please lend ur comments
please note that this is not some professional stuff, its just something that i just felt like making along with my friends and ended up winning first prize in DY Patil Institutes of Management Studies 1st prize in their yearly festival !
Myself was the one who choreographed the whole sequence and edited the presentation of the video.
similary the video also was directed by yours truly

Was given an assignment in my college to prepare a video on something that we all management students felt like doing so and i ended up doing this one.
kindly check the same and please lend ur comments
please note that this is not some professional stuff, its just something that i just felt like making along with my friends and ended up winning first prize in DY Patil Institutes of Management Studies 1st prize in their yearly festival !
Myself was the one who choreographed the whole sequence and edited the presentation of the video.
similary the video also was directed by yours truly