didnt say i was the expert. I've played my share of cricket through senior college against some of the best colleges in Mumbai but im done with the sport. I'm not fanatical about it. I like it but not as much as im passionate about F1, so in those terms im not a fan.
It still doesnt take away the fact that you cant back up your accusations about australia and the umpires being hand in glove.
If i were out there and theres no love lost for my opposition i for sure would have loved every opportunity that came my way. Its ridiculous umpiring that should be the focus... an umpire that asks a player for a verification of a decision is plain stupid and an idiot. So why blame the player or the team? If it happens so fast that the umpires cant make out if the catch was clean or not then how can they rely on another human's interpretation... especially if the player was from the benefiting party to the decision? So its obviously idiotic decision makers... i can appeal all i want and try my luck.. if the idiot in charge doesnt know better... well why should i feel bad i won the decision?
anyway its just my point of view. In all games you win some you lose some. Fate may dictate an uncanny repetition of events from time to time between same teams/venues/persons etc.. but thats the way it goes.. In ANY sport.
anyways... i just said what i had to. you'll can interpret as you'll deem fit
i shall just wait for the 2008 F1 season
