Aaram Karo.. Aaram Karo...

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I can help with word and meanings. But like someone said, the lines loose the pinch with english.

This is another classic, used to be very popular in my school days:

आप माने या न माने,

पर हमारे लिए सबसे बड़ी आफत ..

ये बफे की दावत !

एक बार .. हमारा भी जाना हुआ बरात में ..

बीवी बच्चे थे साथ में ,

सभी के सभी बाहर से शो-पीस, अन्दर से रूखे थे ..

क्या करें भाई साहब, सुबह से भूखे थे ,

जैसे ही खाने का संदेसा आया हाल में ,

मानो भगदड़ सी मच गयी पांडाल में !

सब के सब, एक के ऊपर एक बरसने लगे ,

जिसने झपट लिया सो झपट लिया, बाकी खड़े-खड़े तरसने लगे !

एक आदमी हाथ में प्लेट लिए, इधर से उधर चक्कर लगा रहा था ,

खाना लेना तो दूर उसे देख भी नहीं पा रहा था

दूसरा अपनी प्लेट में चावल कि तस्तरी झाड लाया था ,

उस से कहीं ज्यादा तो अपना पजामा फाड़ लाया था

तीसरी एक महिला थी, जो ताड़ कि तरह तनी थी ,

उसकी आधी सादी तो पनीर कि सब्जी में सनी थी ...

उसे बार-बार धो रही थी ..

पड़ोसन कि थी .. इसलिए सर पीट-पीट कर रो रही थी

चौथा बेचारा, मजबूर था, लाचार था,

इसलिए कपडे उतार कर पहले से ही तैयार था !!

पांचवा अकेले ही सारे झटके झेल रहा था ..

भीड़ में घुसने से पहले, दण्ड पेल रहा था !!

छटा इन हरकतों से बेहद परेशान था ..

इसलिए उसका बीवी बच्चों से ज्यादा, प्लेट पे ध्यान था

सातवा तो कल्पना में ही खा रहा था .....

प्लेट दुसरे की देख रहा था .. मुंह अपना चला रहा था

आठवे का तो मालिक ही रब था ,

प्लेट तो उसके हाथ में थी .. मगर हलवा गायब था

नवा भी कुछ अजीब हरकतें कर रहा था ..

खाना खाने की बजाय जेबों में भर रहा था

और दसवे हम थे ..

जो देखते हुए यहाँ की हालत ,

अपनी पत्नी से बोले ..

डियर लौट चलें सही सलामत !!

बस फिर क्या था ..

इस बात पर पत्नी बिगड़ गयी .. बोली किस कमबख्त के पल्ले पड़ गयी ..

इस से अच्छा तो किसी पहलवान से शादी रचाती ..

तो कम से कम भूखी तो न मारी जाती,

पर इस से शादी रचा कर तो आज तक अपने मन को कचोट रही हूँ ..

ज़िन्दगी में पहली बार किसी दावत से बिना कुछ खाए लौट रही हूँ !!
bhaskarvyas001 said:
This shows how the western culture and "English" is impacting the Indian generation today... Well, to add up, it took 15 minutes even for me to read the entire stuff... :-)
And am still looking for meaning of various words...

If you want to talk about culture and tradition, forget hindi, why dont we go back to sanskrit.

english will rule the whole earth, fight it or join it :)
And this was the english translation provided by the GOOGLE CHROME even when i didn't ask for it.. :rofl:

You agree or not agree,

but the greatest problem for us ..

It's party buffet!

One time .. We had to go .. in Brat

wife had children together,

all out all the shows - Peace, was dry on the inside ..

what to do, brother were hungry since morning,

as soon as the food came Sndesa recently,

as if panic C was created in Pandal!

all, over a one begun Brsne,

who took flight took flight So, rest up - started up Trsne!

plate in hand for a man, was around here and there,

then take the food away He could not even see

the other plates of rice in the Jad Tstri brought,

brought him more then tore his pajamas

third was a woman who was stretched like a mountain,

half plain cheese so that the vegetables had Sunny ...

her time - was washed once ..

that was next door .. So Sir Pete - Pete was crying

Fourth poor, helpless, was helpless,

so take off clothes was already ready!

Fifth shot went through all alone ..

the crowd before entering, had been punished Pel! !

beauty of these actions was very upset ..

because his wife over the children, pay attention plate was

Satwa was eating in a fantasy .....

was looking for another plate .. His mouth was driving

the boss of Rb Atve had

plates in her hand was so .. But the pudding was missing

was awarded some strange things ..

instead of eating pockets had been filled

and we were Dsve ..

which in view of the situation here,

my wife said ..

deer go back safely!!

Bus .. was it

the fact his wife was worse .. What's escape bid Damned .. fallen

wrestler marry someone better than this .. Rchati

killed at least neither is hungry,

but this can marry then till hatched am Kchot your mind ..

life first Once a party without eating anything'm back!
Haha....hilarious stuff. Now i know where the chinese movie subs come from :P

Bus .. was it

the fact his wife was worse .. What's escape bid Damned .. fallen

wrestler marry someone better than this .. Rchati

killed at least neither is hungry,

but this can marry then till hatched am Kchot your mind ..

life first Once a party without eating anything'm back!
NinByChoice said:
Reported OP for violation of forum rules. Please provide translation/meaning in English.

And ignored....

Seriously, there is no point in translating this using simple translation. Maybe someone can write you a summary. But a translation will take away the essence and charm of the poem. Or it will take a language scholar to do proper translation. :P (any volunteers? :P )

We do not encourage posts and discussion in non English languages, but it does not mean people cant discuss or share something like this which is originally in India's national language.

As long as discussion is in English, its all fine with us.
chiron said:
:rofl: ...best way to beat sarcasm is to not get it.
If you are talking about the above post, seriously that person reported this thread asking why arent mods deleting non English thread :P
one month..one week..15 mins...7 mins...

Not sure if you all have Hindi as your mother tounge, but it took me less than 30 secs to go through both the poems.

Although I must mention I have read Aaram karo by Gopal Prasad Vyas many times and sort of remember half of it..(yes, even after years I knew the lines)

English may rule the world, but we are Indians, and should not just shun away Hindi.

Not being sarcastic and all, but just trying to give Hindi some respect it deserves...
Shripad said:
If you are talking about the above post, seriously that person reported this thread asking why arent mods deleting non English thread :P

Shit, Raghu actually reported this thread?! :\
Shripad said:
We do not encourage posts and discussion in non English languages, but it does not mean people cant discuss or share something like this which is originally in India's national language.

As long as discussion is in English, its all fine with us.

Ah.. national language?? :P
Now dont start a debate here Kaustubh.

Just stick with the topic.. The vyang in the poem and the general difficulty faced while reading it in hindi.
Shripad said:
We do not encourage posts and discussion in non English languages, but it does not mean people cant discuss or share something like this which is originally in India's national language.
As long as discussion is in English, its all fine with us.
OT :just a minor technicality , hindi is not the national language of india, common mistake , india does not have a national language , we just have english and hindi as official languages :)

just carry on with the poem

ah just saw kauzy post too , sorry i am not starting a debate either , just clearing some misconceptions
kippu said:
OT :just a minor technicality , hindi is not the national language of india, common mistake , india does not have a national language , we just have english and hindi as official languages :)

just carry on with the poem

ah just saw kauzy post too , sorry i am not starting a debate either , just clearing some misconceptions

Yeah I know. I posted this info in that other language debate thread that existed when the whole Thakre controversy irrupted :P
its just that I used the word by mistake.

In English publication, government uses word Official Language ( Primary Hindi, secondary English + other official languages of local governance ).
In Hindi publication, they use word राजभाषा.
@Desecrator. Who is raghu? Did he change his user ID or what?( confusing after name changes :P )

Funky, I think you can devote some time to the forums once in a while. :P :|
Hindi is just difficult to read for most of us who grew up reading English textbooks, books and comics and hence identifying English words at a glance is second nature now. Not so for Hindi words.

When reading Hindi, I seriously feel like a KG kid still learning to read. It's damn difficult, every letter looks the same at first glance, all round and round :S.
Following is the habit of 90% of non-hindi speaking people in India:
1.Read and write in english
2.Watch and listen to hindi programs and movies
3.Speak in our regional language

Considering this, we Indians really are a unique bunch :)
^^ What he said.

Thanks to the OP, reading Hindi wasnt easy but I glad I did as it gave me the opportunity to read Hindi after a long time :). Ahh the effects of globalisation, north indians hesitating to read hindi :S, I guess reading hindi makes them "uncool".
If one reads a page of the Hindi newspaper everyday -- they will be able to read that poem really fast. Its just that we do not need to read Hindi anymore, English is so prevalent now. Its like whining one cannot skate fast, when they never practice. It comes with habit and diligence. As do most disciplines.
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