Linux Aces & Ubuntu

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hi bud i installed Ubuntu 5.04 hoary-rc-amd64 and it's gonna be headache a little configuring after using Redhat/Fedora for so many years :rofl: but no problem i like headaches :D

Now tell me whats ur problem on Ubuntu if any so i may tryto help you.

One thing i noticed Ubuntu does not allow root login in GUI bcoz it is disabled by default and you have to use SUDO. The first accouunt you create is SUDO. So you have to provide the password of this user while configuring for example Network etc.

One way to create a root password you will have to boot in Recovery mode. Note you get 4 options in Grub Menu when boot. Just select Recovery Mode.
Then just give command:
to create root pasword.

The second easy quick way is:
sudo passwd root

Now boot normally and login as the user you created. Now to execute root commands open terminal:
su - root

Also check my article:
Hi m8 I have the Warty version 4.10 and have installed the x-86 version. The prob is I enabled the root account, but I cant play Mp3's, cant mount Windows, cant Install XMMS.

I tried the commands given here ;

1. What are repositories ?
2. I use the apt get command for everything and I get Package not found.
3. I tried to install XMMS, I wrote ./configure and it gave me C compiler not found...
4. I tried mounting Windows HDD ( was listed /dev/hddb in the device manager.) Got a system busy or blocked message.
Repositories are FTP servers at which the packages for your distro are present. Try following the steps to add extra repostores and then try apt-get. Also make sure your internet connection is active.

If you want to install XMMS from source, you will need to install the packages gcc (most important), automake, g++, binutils from the Ubuntu cd, or use apt-get to install them.

About the windows hard drive, are you sure it was hddb? Maybe Ubuntu uses a different type of dev filesystem, but in general, hard disks are labelled like this

hda for the first hard drive
hda1 for the first primary partition on the hda
hda2 for the second
hda5 for the first logical partition

hdb for the second hard drive

And so on ... if you installed windows on you first HD, before installing anything else, the C drive would probably be hda1.
Sudo would actually be a blessing for n00bs, cuz usually, they end up using IRC and other stuff as root. Not a very good idea doing that.
Aces170 said:
Hi m8 I have the Warty version 4.10 and have installed the x-86 version. The prob is I enabled the root account, but I cant play Mp3's, cant mount Windows, cant Install XMMS.

I tried the commands given here ;

1. What are repositories ?
2. I use the apt get command for everything and I get Package not found.
3. I tried to install XMMS, I wrote ./configure and it gave me C compiler not found...
4. I tried mounting Windows HDD ( was listed /dev/hddb in the device manager.) Got a system busy or blocked message.

See this screenshot and install those packages to compile XMMS:

Click on " Applications > System Tools > Add/Remove Programs > Type your user password and not root password. > Click on Advanced."

use these commands and tell me output:
su - root
fdisk -l
inzider said:
Sudo would actually be a blessing for n00bs, cuz usually, they end up using IRC and other stuff as root. Not a very good idea doing that.

yes you are absolutely right. Newbies don't know these security issues with IRC as root :)

Newbies are willing to learn and take an effort to understand concepts and i always help them :)

n00bs are dumb @#$%^&! who have no brains and keep shouting for help when the answer is there in front of them f888ing lamers :@ and I hate n00bs > /dev/h3LL :tongue:
Aces170 said:
Ok installed Gcc, but now I get an error GTK 2.2 Lib not found.

uhmm..why don't you search the Add/Remove Packages for "GTK" to see if its installed. See the screenshot

this is not good Aces the answer is there itself but you plz do some thinking before asking simple questions buddy bcoz that is a sign of a n00b :)

If after installing GTK the problem exsists ? no the packages arent installed properly.
ok try these steps:
Open a terminal and type command:

$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

## The following lines pertain to supported packages:
deb hoary main restricted
deb-src hoary main restricted

## The following lines pertain to security updates:
deb hoary-security main restricted
deb-src hoary-security main restricted

## Uncomment after release to continue getting updates:
deb hoary-updates main restricted

## Software from the following repositories are ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by
## the Ubuntu team, and may not be under a free licence. This means that
## software in these repositories WILL NOT receive any review or updates
## from the Ubuntu security team either. These packages are provided as a
## service to our users and nothing more.

## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe' and
## 'multiverse' repositories:
deb hoary universe multiverse
deb-src hoary universe multiverse

## Uncomment the following line to add Java software:

$ su - root
# apt-get update
# apt-get install xmms
# apt-get install libmikmod2
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