Monitors advice on buying lcd monitor.

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I was also considering going for two (dual) 17" lcd setup but didn't find any with DVI input (all had VGA input) so if anyone could throw some light. I thought that going for two 17" will give me more work space. Else will get a 20". Some advice please.
zhopudey said:
^^ Wats your budget, and what software will you be using mainly?

I work with MAYA and photoshop and as stated earlier my budget is 20k for now but can increase as per requirement but max would be 25k. If the setup could come within 20-21k then it would be great.
If you use photoshop more, and color accuracy is more important to you, then you'll need an 8-bit monitor such as the Viewsonic VX2025wm (20"). Availability is a problem though. Other option is the Dell 2007, but this'll strech your budget to its limit.

If you use maya more, and screen space is of more importance, then simply go for 2 17" monitors. The Samsung 740n is just over 10K, so with a bit of bargaining, you should get two for 20K. Or you could inquire about 19" monmitors as well. I feel getting to standard 4:3 monitor's would be better than two widescreens.
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