Simple! contact seller and ask for a refund. In fact he might had already initiated a refund or might do so in next 3-4 days.So after 12 days of waiting, seller cancelled my order without any reason. Earlier it was showing as shipped by seller.
Now what should I do???
The seller is saying he has reshipped the order but I can't see any tracking number or shipping details. It is just 2 hours since he replied so I will wait for one or two days then ask him about the tracing number.
A little bit off topic but was a good source of many Chinese/DYI Electronics items and the prices on ebay was better than Amazon. For many things amazon is a ripoff. I seriously miss the ebay.
Sellers are lazy most of the times.
I opened a dispute for my order which is of 4th July and nowhere to see, the seller has again extended stating he will look into India tracking and where it is stuck.
I think he is just saying so to avoid refund.
I haven't yet accepted his proposal.
Shall I accept his proposal?
Can you post the aliexpress link please? I Ordered a 190mm Delta fan once but it developed bearing issues after a while.i ordered 1 fan(300rs) for case which took 20 days to deliver but the quality was good enough. you can't get better than for 300rs for sure
Was thinking that and nailed it! Rejected his proposal but dint leave any comment. Lets see if the seller himself says something. I doubt though.Inane stalling by the seller. 4th of July was a pretty long time ago. I think you have waited enough, time to raise a dispute and get your money back my friend. you post the aliexpress link please? I Ordered a 190mm Delta fan once but it developed bearing issues after a while.
Where do they update the Indian tracking ID?
that's way.. ahh ahh.. (i like it )Finally AE stepped into the dispute and took a stand in my favor for a refund. AE found my dispute valid as it is insane to wait for such a long time.
Woke up today morning to the delight of AE refund sms from icici.Got 99.95% full refund minus 26 paise.