Hello experienced users, What to do in this situation?
After informing this to the seller he replied this below,
Basically, he is telling do not worry
Time Remaining: 34 Days 17 Hours 47 Mins
Order Value $6.90 Non-Electronics item.
Most order of this item successfully done with 'China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus' including India too.
The shipment has been canceled. It could be it was returned from their Customs (due to heavy load). I guess you could ask for refund or just wait out the remaining 35 days and then ask for a legit refund of your money. It's hard to guess whether the seller has re-shipped it again.
One of my shipments via China Post Registered Air Mail has departed the country of origin but now it's been 10 days without any updates since that. OTOH, one shipment ordered on the 11.11 Sale (I placed the order on the 12th) got delivered yesterday. It was through Singapore Post, took 17 days. I'm going to avoid using CN Post from now on when I do have the option of going for SG or HKG Post.