All in a day's work !!!

QuickFire said:
and get the facts can a man's womb bear a child?
technically, a 'man' doesnt have a womb.. :p
only a woman (or ppl with serious harmone problems) have (or may have) a womb :eek:hyeah:
whichone is u QF? muahahahahah
A Little long buT!

Kidoman on a Lame Joke spree... Please Excuse the abuses...

Karan: lol
Aditya: hey?
phone done?
You hatez0r me :(
why whY Why (:(
Sent at 10:22 PM on Monday
Karan Misra | VuNaMiâ„¢: Lunch hour..
Aditya: hey??/
lunch at 10.30?
Karan: hey
Aditya: Man...
PC160 Shipped :D
Karan: reinstall os
Aditya: Sidewinders replied :D
Karan: hmm
Aditya: Dad saying go ahead :D
Karan: wah
Aditya: so fans and lighting and as5 coming :D
3 - 5 day shipping :"D
Karan: omg
Aditya: Artic Silver 5 :@
Karan: bah.... b ad joke
Calling Karan Misra | VuNaMiâ„¢ at 10:30 PM on Monday
Aditya: arctic*
Karan: zzzzz no sound
Aditya: Zzzzz
Still not installed drivers?
Call with Karan Misra | VuNaMiâ„¢ not answered at 10:30 PM on Monday
Karan: i am trying to get occt
so resinall of os
Aditya: At?
Karan: it was unstable @ stock speed
Aditya: LOL
Karan: culprit bad bios
and ram timins
Aditya: So much for Funkys theory
accha.. Lol
Karan: DFI Ultra-D is NOOB KILLER
NOw stable
finding optimal timings
Aditya: timings?
Karan: so may reboot anytime
Aditya: cpu at?
Karan: now @ stock re
all stock
Aditya: accha.. finding ram max?
Karan: OCCT is a helluva tool
Aditya: :S
Karan: finding max stable for ram
Aditya: hmm
Karan: will put the cpu on lower multi and up HTT
testing ram
Aditya: 265 you went na?
Karan: yea
but evidently
Aditya: at what timingS?
Karan: the OTHER timings matter more
Aditya: thats good ...
Karan: to get it stable
Aditya: 2.6 to 7V :O
Karan: lol
Aditya: lol... bad joke again
why did you reinstall os :S
to get occt stable :S
Karan: can u do me a favour
can u open DFI site
Aditya: should have just reset cmos :S
Karan: and look up one thing
Aditya: you can :bleh:
Karan: u hv no idea what u r talking abt
Aditya: arre
i dont get it
Karan: its not openinng for me
Aditya: WHY Reinstall the OS
Karan: i messed up drivers
Aditya: so ":|....
reinstall drivers only na :S
Karan: start up time exceeded my expectations
now nice 15 secs
so cool
Aditya: "Driver Cleaner"
Karan: didnt hv net
Aditya: :|
Karan: so where to dload that
Aditya: lol.. desperate..
Karan: back to 704-2bta
nice bIos
it is
Aditya: ...
Karan: unless u do homework
Aditya: so your dead? :O
Karan: u gonna **** up
cuz i wasnt reading things in detail
Aditya: what you wanna check in dfi site?
Karan: yea
go to main page
AMD overclocking
the DFI ultimate oc guide
Aditya: :S
Karan: its a sticky
open it
Aditya: on dfi original site? :S
Karan: then look up 100 Mhz 1.95 uS
no the dfi street site
Aditya: or dfi street??
Karan: [url][/url]
god knows why its not opening for me
Aditya: sites down
sad.. Lol
not opening for meee also
Site is DoWn!
Karan: mada ****ign cheebye bastard Bhenchood bhonsad pakaching bastard
Aditya: youll be saying "Awesome!"
Karan: bleh ghuspet, BASTAARA1
Aditya: too much sg..
Karan: zzzzzz
what a time
what a time to go down
Aditya: what happened re :/
Karan: no just wanna look up a Tref value
i think their is another page somewhere
gotta google for it
Aditya: hmm...
i want the 7900gT :P
7800GTX performance
for 300 Dollars
Karan: woohoo
told ya
Aditya: told me? :/
Karan: u shud hv listened to me and upped ur proccy now........ but NOOoooooooooooooooooooooo
u had to upset ur dad
Aditya: WhaT nooooo
my dad :S
Karan: like ciao liao
Karan: Lol
Karan: i know
Karan: i know re
Aditya: :@
Karan: how can a bhen hv a lavde?
Aditya: dont frustrate now :@
Karan: they hv a bada pav :D
Aditya: i jusat had fight with sister :@
lame joke
Karan: lol
day of bad/lame jokes
Aditya: day?
Karan: i am firing these babies all day today
Aditya: month for you
Karan: lol
Sorry :(
Aditya: that was agood joke :E
Karan: Ma love
Aditya: :/
what sorry :S
aing :/
Karan: [url][/url]
Aditya: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Karan: wtfak even this is not opening
google also down WTHFAL!@e
Aditya: :S
your net sucks :S
its opening
Karan: WTFAK
Aditya: abb
Karan: i love the way
Aditya: elololol
dfi street
Karan: WTFAK looks
Aditya: not opening
the top part of page opened
Karan: lol
ur net sucks me too
Aditya: ....
aing :S
if i do stop :S
Top part
of the forum comes :S
Aing :S
plus dli'ing at 22 kbps
Karan: ok tell me
Aditya: ?
Karan: would u prefer to be a cheebye or a madafaking bustard?
Aditya: :S
Pussy or a mother****ing bastard :S
Obviously ill take the pussy :S
Karan: Yes
Its not for u to take, but to become
Aditya: :O
Karan: ah u r dead
Aditya: :S
Karan: wtfak is wrong with me
Aditya: What joke :S
aing :S
Karan: i need a bios flash
Aditya: you need a total os reinstall
you need Windows 3.1
Karan: see u didnt even realize it was a lame joke
man i lost it
Aditya: no
Karan: i cut my third nipple off
Aditya: :S
Karan: my powers were within it
Aditya: man.. :S
what lame jokes :S
Karan: its a nubbin btw
pakaing GF
Aditya: are you purposely trying to create lame jokes? :S
Karan: why?
Aditya: pakaing :S
Karan: world record?
Aditya: man..
Karan: i am becoming AKShay
Aditya: this should go in AIDW's
Karan: Woohooo
Aditya: Plz :|
Karan: lol
Aditya: i hope thats only ingame :S
matlab game
Karan: i shud go and try VST
Aditya: VST? :S
Karan: maybe i will fell better at lame rates and bad fps
Aditya: Zzz
Karan: vunami stress test re
Aditya: street test
Karan: VST = VuNaMi stress Test
Aditya: Omfg.....
another lame joke
Karan: WoW
Aditya: man.. What typo's :S
Karan: i aM on a ROLL
Aditya: your a roll :S
Aditya: zzz
Karan: LOL
Aditya: another lame joke
Karan: ANother one :D
Aditya: I remember
Karan: my CPU idle temps are 29 C now
Aditya: how i used to say it
Karan: nice :D
Aditya: L
Karan: ::::
Aditya: A!
Karan: ::X
Aditya: E!
L! A! M! E!
Karan: |
Aditya: Liaimiei :S
Karan: |
Aditya: ?
chinese :D
Karan: |                       /
|                      /  \
|                     /    
|                    /
________ /
Aditya: Zzz
Karan: zzz
spoiled it
Aditya: now im getting your disease
Karan: |                      /  \
|                     /    
|                    /
________ /

Aditya: I WANT MY PC160
Karan: its a bios erasure
Aditya: FARK
whatever :S\
I dont care bout you or your 165 or your dfi :@
I want my pc160 :@
:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
Karan: it replaces all good Joke brain cells (GJBC) and replaces them with Bad Joke Fart Cells (BJFC)
Aditya: MAN
Another lame joke
Karan: this transfusion
Aditya: Jeesh
Karan: is called Sheeshing!
courtest scythe
Aditya: JeeeeeeeSuS!!!!
Karan: God someo ne stop me!
whats with me?
Aditya: Lame jokes are ****ing my mind now
Karan: omg
ur mind?
Aditya: man..
another 1
Karan: OMG i am again gonna do it
Aditya: :S
Karan: lol enuf
Aditya: do what :/
Karan: now
Aditya: OM<Fg
install your ****ing drivers
Karan: BamBooZl
Aditya: Zzz
whatever :s
Karan: drivers dont ****
they run :D
Aditya: omg....
Another 1
Karan: seriously
Aditya: this is going in AIDW
Karan: AIDW worthy
both at same time
roxx my boxx
lol microsoft shud name their logic shell "Roxx The Boxx Experience"
Aditya: ...
WTF is that.. Being an old member of TE you should know better than that, you are very well aware of the rules. Contrary to what most teenagers like you believe, being a lame ass and using abusive language is not cool.
Perhaps you should have edited out the abusive content but then your post might have lost out its sheen.
Kindly refrain from commiting such acts in the future and use your judgement better.
TheMask said:
technically, a 'man' doesnt have a womb.. :p
only a woman (or ppl with serious harmone problems) have (or may have) a womb :eek:hyeah:
whichone is u QF? muahahahahah
yeah..technical genius! i was telling that only.
and btw fyi, i'm neither of those


and ur post is directed towards goldenfrag i believe.
^^ i don think i shud reply to such stupid posts but still...

ur questions: only a woman (or ppl with serious harmone problems) have (or may have) a womb. which one is u QF?

my reply: fyi, i'm neither of those

which means: i am neither a woman nor smone with serious harmone problems. duh!

ur last reply doesn't make any sense. :bleh:
Hehe...some stupid discussions going on here...see how ppl tend to go offtopic....from Masks 29th Feb event, to his wife,kid then onto QF and Ren's gender:rofl:

Atleast stick to something ppl:bleh:
lol @ XT
its our way of having some fun. no offence to anyone :p
we were just trying to create all in a days work right here at TE! :D
Ever since SC pulled a fast one on arudit ( :rofl: that one was the best! ), I've been wondering how to give him some of his own medicine :eek:hyeah: While this one is nowhere close to what he did to arudit, its worth a good laugh anyways.

superczar (3/13/2006 10:29:04 AM): fu*k...know what
superczar (3/13/2006 10:29:08 AM): i screwed up big time
superczar (3/13/2006 10:29:19 AM): i mean not big time..but a goof-up nevertheless
me (3/13/2006 10:29:42 AM): good ...keeps life interesting
superczar (3/13/2006 10:30:11 AM): for some reason, i was under the impession that soymyajit deb is eazy
me (3/13/2006 10:30:23 AM): ehhh? why?
superczar (3/13/2006 10:30:49 AM): dunno...funny why...that name was on my msn list
superczar (3/13/2006 10:30:55 AM): and maybe i aked some1
me (3/13/2006 10:30:59 AM): so what did u do?
superczar (3/13/2006 10:31:03 AM): who may have told me that...but never mind
superczar (3/13/2006 10:31:17 AM): to cut it my mind...S deb=eazy
me (3/13/2006 10:31:24 AM): so?
superczar (3/13/2006 10:31:35 AM): so One day, Amol pings me and says Soumyajit is in NYC
superczar (3/13/2006 10:31:49 AM): And Eazy is one guy i ve always wanted to meet
superczar (3/13/2006 10:32:21 AM): so i ping soumyajit and i am trying to be really nice and respectful and all that jazz
me (3/13/2006 10:32:34 AM): hehehe
superczar (3/13/2006 10:33:15 AM): I am know...maybe we cld catch up. ...and you don'yt have to worry bout travelling, i can come to a place that's convenient for you
me (3/13/2006 10:33:29 AM): hehehe
me (3/13/2006 10:33:33 AM): then?
superczar (3/13/2006 10:34:06 AM): not much...imagine my embarassment when i discover it's Chaos
me (3/13/2006 10:34:27 AM): :eek:hyeah:
superczar (3/13/2006 10:34:30 AM): this pseudo Eazy asks me where I work
superczar (3/13/2006 10:34:47 AM): and I tell him, nd I ask him u here on a family /personal visit
superczar (3/13/2006 10:34:56 AM): he says business
superczar (3/13/2006 10:35:11 AM): so i go, u running sumthng on ur own?
superczar (3/13/2006 10:35:29 AM): he says no, i am with MS R.....and then it hits me :ashamed:
me (3/13/2006 10:35:37 AM): :rofl:
superczar (3/13/2006 10:35:37 AM): fu*k
superczar (3/13/2006 10:35:52 AM): weird
superczar (3/13/2006 10:35:56 AM): fu*kin wird
superczar (3/13/2006 10:36:12 AM): anyway
me (3/13/2006 10:36:28 AM): so he never realised ur confusion?
superczar (3/13/2006 10:36:35 AM): i don;t think so
me (3/13/2006 10:36:40 AM): awwwww
superczar (3/13/2006 10:36:47 AM): so anyway, i did tell him in the end
superczar (3/13/2006 10:37:08 AM): he came across as a bit funny to me though...
Of course, no points for uessing who told him that soumyajit was Eazy :tongue:
Darthcoder wanted Switch's number to call and ask some doubts about the Samsung 740N, and this is what happened :p

Darthcoder: switch ka phone numver hai?

Rave: yea i think

Darthcoder: de phir

Darthcoder: i'll talk to him

Rave: k

Rave: sec

Darthcoder: k

Rave: xxxxxxxxxx

Darthcoder: thanks

Darthcoder: naam nishant hai naa?

Rave: ya

Rave: wait

Rave: dont call nishant its his house name

Rave: real name is devender sinha

Darthcoder: sach mein?

Darthcoder: yaa majaak kara tu mere se??

Rave: abbey

Rave: phone number diya na

Rave: call kar abhi

Darthcoder: nahi uthaaraa??:(

Darthcoder: saale

Darthcoder: uska naam nishant hai

Darthcoder: :mad:

Rave: wahahaha

Darthcoder: mujhe maloom thaa

Darthcoder: aaj mil tu

Darthcoder: teri khair nahi

Darthcoder: :mad:

Rave: :rofl:

Darthcoder: phone kiya tol volta hai "devender naam kaa koi nahi hai yaha par"

Darthcoder: phir mein vola "Nishant"??to vola haan mein nishant vol raha hoon...

Rave: lol
zhopudey said:
Ever since SC pulled a fast one on arudit ( :rofl: that one was the best! ), I've been wondering how to give him some of his own medicine :eek:hyeah: While this one is nowhere close to what he did to arudit, its worth a good laugh anyways.
Of course, no points for uessing who told him that soumyajit was Eazy :tongue:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Is superczar in New York?
Well dartcoder called then we decided to meet up on chat and during the convo this happened :eek:hyeah:

Nishant Wadhwa says:

Nishant Wadhwa says:

see this and die

Nishant Wadhwa says:


serial KI$$ER says:


Nishant Wadhwa says:

My leet dell stuff :p

serial KI$$ER says:

seen that

Nishant Wadhwa says:

keep droolling

serial KI$$ER says:

the ball is kept above the LCD monitor, sint it??

serial KI$$ER says:

noticed that

Nishant Wadhwa says:


Nishant Wadhwa says:


serial KI$$ER says:

wished i had my ball in my hands...

serial KI$$ER says:

cud control the world

Nishant Wadhwa says:


I didnt do anything this time :p
Well as we all know... All the noobs come to us leets when it comes to hardware decisions :bleh: and if you call them a pimp then you just stepped on thier tail... This is what ends up happening after that...

Renegade wanted to buy a 6600 and PMed me for help... But the Subject of the PM said... Hey you PIMP/Dealer help me here... This is what followed :p...

Switch said:
[quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade']temme what is the cost of a plain 6600 gfx and a 6600GT
teri... why u wanna buy... Lappy todne ke kya :p... Sale AGP ya PCIe :bleh:[/QUOTE]

With my commission without my commission...[/QUOTE]

New or Old :eek:hyeah:... I can play this game all night[/QUOTE]

New and old both.[/QUOTE]

With DVI port or Analog only...[/QUOTE]

Switch said:
[quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='Switch'][quote name='Renegade']temme what is the cost of a plain 6600 gfx and a 6600GT
teri... why u wanna buy... Lappy todne ke kya :p... Sale AGP ya PCIe :bleh:[/QUOTE]

With my commission without my commission...[/QUOTE]

New or Old :eek:hyeah:... I can play this game all night[/QUOTE]

New and old both.[/QUOTE]

With DVI port or Analog only...[/QUOTE]

Analog is good enough for me.[/QUOTE]

With warrenty without warrenty :eek:hyeah:[/QUOTE]

With warranty.. (use spell check)[/QUOTE]

Indian or US... And forget the typos re... Enjoy the game[/QUOTE]
INdian of course. I like indian stuff so if you have some great indian stuff then write me a cd.[/QUOTE]

With box without box...[/QUOTE]
No box no bill just warranty. If warranty requires box and/or bill then yes for box/bill.[/QUOTE]

Ok... What abt the game bundl then... Want that too or leave that...[/QUOTE]
leave that[/QUOTE]

Okey... What kind of cooling u prefer on the card... Active or Passive...[/QUOTE]
Simple fan on a heatsink would do[/QUOTE]

What if the GPU HSF is modded...[/QUOTE]
I said new so why would it be modded.[/QUOTE]

You said old too... check up and reply plz...[/QUOTE]

As long as the fan revolves and keeps the GPU temp within acceptable limits its fine with me.[/QUOTE]

Okey what abt ram... 128MB or 256MB...[/QUOTE]
128MB good enough[/QUOTE]
128 MB of what kind... DDR or GDDR...[/QUOTE]
As if I know what GDDR is. Still make it GDDR, sounds better.[/QUOTE]
Okey... I think i have enough info... You want a 6600 or 6600GT with 128 MB of RAM which is GDDR and should have Active cooling should be with indian warrenty and will be preffeed with the box and game bundle... Hmmm...

Ever tried TE Market section... And you call yourself G-Mod...[/QUOTE]