All in a day's work !!!

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Why? You go to the center, and read downwards :bleh:

Though, it would have been lot better if the lazy dog (biatch?) would have formatted this properly :tongue:
Switch said:
Well as we all know... All the noobs come to us leets when it comes to hardware decisions :bleh: and if you call them a pimp then you just stepped on thier tail... This is what ends up happening after that...

Renegade wanted to buy a 6600 and PMed me for help... But the Subject of the PM said... Hey you PIMP/Dealer help me here... This is what followed :P...
Okey... I think i have enough info... You want a 6600 or 6600GT with 128 MB of RAM which is GDDR and should have Active cooling should be with indian warrenty and will be preffeed with the box and game bundle... Hmmm...

Ever tried TE Market section... And you call yourself G-Mod...

OMG!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Switch said:
Well as we all know... All the noobs come to us leets when it comes to hardware decisions :bleh: and if you call them a pimp then you just stepped on thier tail... This is what ends up happening after that...

Renegade wanted to buy a 6600 and PMed me for help... But the Subject of the PM said... Hey you PIMP/Dealer help me here... This is what followed :P...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
OMFG :D Lol u guys didnt see the REAL deal:

Renegate said:
INdian of course. I like indian stuff so if you have some great indian stuff then write me a cd.

The line in red was actually in White in Ren's reply to Switch. And he calls himself a G-Man :P erm, eh, G-Mod :D

And just before that switch said:

Switch said:
I can play this game all night.

Switch said:
Enjoy the game.


LOL :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I just spent the last hour reading this whole thread. Brilliant :hap2: Hope to see a lot more stuff:ohyeah:
Rahul Rakesh:there?

Saiyan: here

Rahul Rakesh: grt

Rahul Rakesh: temme how much for a DVDRW

Saiyan: kewl

Saiyan: raghu said he can get it for 2.7k

Rahul Rakesh: ok so 2.8 should be a good price

Saiyan: wat r u getting??

Rahul Rakesh: well yet to browse the market

Rahul Rakesh: just wanted to set my benchmark first

Saiyan: get the Benq 1650

Rahul Rakesh: 1640 is what everyone suggests

Saiyan: or Sony DRU-820 if its available

Rahul Rakesh: ok 1650

Rahul Rakesh: how is 1650 better than 1640

Rahul Rakesh: what features

Saiyan: me also searching for the same

Rahul Rakesh: k

Saiyan: order it from raghu's website

Saiyan: i think its free delivery

Rahul Rakesh: isit

Rahul Rakesh: gimme link


Rahul Rakesh: not opening

Rahul Rakesh: ok

Rahul Rakesh: done

Saiyan: done wat??

Rahul Rakesh: loading

Rahul Rakesh: he has just two writers

Rahul Rakesh: dru 810

Rahul Rakesh: LG 4167

Saiyan: well wait for sometime i'll tell him to put up Benq 1650 for sale

Rahul Rakesh: k

Rahul Rakesh: i read DRU 820 is not the drive to own

Saiyan: hmmm

Rahul Rakesh: 1650 and 1655 are much better

Saiyan: funky said its the rebadged Benq 1670

Rahul Rakesh: 1650 is less noisy as compared to 1640

Rahul Rakesh: yes it is 1670

Saiyan: anyway gtg now c ya l8r

Rahul Rakesh: ok bye

Saiyan: think of some venue for the meet ok

Saiyan: and let me know

Rahul Rakesh: huh

Rahul Rakesh: joking?

Saiyan: na am deadly serious

Saiyan: :no:

Rahul Rakesh: deadly? sure

Rahul Rakesh: ok lets meet at CCD at hazratganj

Saiyan: damn

Saiyan: damn

Saiyan: wat ya know

Rahul Rakesh: exactly

Saiyan: i got confused between u and enigmatrix:ashamed:

Saiyan: :rofl: :rofl:

Saiyan: all along i though u were enig

Saiyan: omfg:chair:

Saiyan: :rofl:

Rahul Rakesh: :rofl:

Saiyan: banged my head twice on the wall:Comp3:

Rahul Rakesh: dont watch too much anime

Rahul Rakesh: this is what happens

Saiyan: btw every data is fine except that raghu offer free service for chennai people only


Rahul Rakesh: ok

Rahul Rakesh: :rofl:

Saiyan: give me a big kick when u see me in chennai:)

Rahul Rakesh: sure

Rahul Rakesh=Renegade:D

Got confused with the real names:P
EnigmatriX said:
sure seems that way :rofl: he must have gotten confused since my name is rakesh
:rofl: Yep that must have been the reason.. maybe he should add the nickname as Renegade.
aah.. these name confusion wont arise if u change the nicknames in the yahoo list to their TE names.. when i added in the beginning i used to get confuseed wiht so many real names in my list... i wondered who s who n all.. then changed everyones to the TE user ids.. phew.... :)

and that ren/switch pm thing.. i suppose there is a thread in market section sayin hte same right? i done ever check out market section..but just guessing it... :)

and why ren suddenly on buying spree!!!! ;)
Yeah I have a few thousands stacked up that I want to get rid of as soon as possible. :yahoo:
Just got a watch for someone you know. :bleh:
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