All in a day's work !!!

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Actually BD i do the same... But in my mobile too... I have got phone numbers saved as TE Nicknames instead of original names :P...
Switch said:
Actually BD i do the same... But in my mobile too... I have got phone numbers saved as TE Nicknames instead of original names :P...

I save the numbers with both TE name and the real name.

for eg. funky's number is saved under the name shripad monkey:P
I still remember when i received a call from a certain "Divya P" when i was in coll and the fone was in a frnds hand.
the reaction: "what the hell?...whos this new chick dude?" :rofl::rofl: :tongue:
Smith said:
I still remember when i received a call from a certain "Divya P" when i was in coll and the fone was in a frnds hand.
the reaction: "what the hell?...whos this new chick dude?" :rofl::rofl: :tongue:

Smith said:
I still remember when i received a call from a certain "Divya P" when i was in coll and the fone was in a frnds hand.
the reaction: "what the hell?...whos this new chick dude?" :rofl::rofl: :tongue:
:rofl: :rofl:
Smith said:
I still remember when i received a call from a certain "Divya P" when i was in coll and the fone was in a frnds hand.
the reaction: "what the hell?...whos this new chick dude?" :rofl::rofl: :tongue:

Now under wat name did u save my number;)
i have a feeling that if i reveal it..then i might receive some textual abuse from "Divya P" on MSN or Y!...:bleh:
Directions to Prime

Zhopudey and BIKeINSTEIN
Zhopudey says: hey wheres prime?
BIKeINSTEIN says: window shopping would be great if more shops like prime or those at the star of LR with wares on display
BIKeINSTEIN says: you want address or directions
BIKeINSTEIN says: both i guess
Zhopudey says: directions of ocusre
Zhopudey says: wait

Soumyajit has been added to the conversation.

Zhopudey says: wokay tell
Zhopudey says: brb
BIKeINSTEIN says: Dada(as in respect)
BIKeINSTEIN says:is that you?
Soumyajit says:hi
Soumyajit says:yeah
Soumyajit says:hey do u know where exactly prime is?
Soumyajit says:amol is having an early lunch
BIKeINSTEIN says:yup- been there many times
Zhopudey says:areey! give address!
Soumyajit says:from lamington where do i go?
BIKeINSTEIN says:just a sec- will give both, checking bill for right address
Zhopudey says:hey you met anyone here?
BIKeINSTEIN says:Adress follows
Zhopudey says:follows what?
BIKeINSTEIN says:Prime ABGB Pvt. Ltd.,
BIKeINSTEIN says:shop no. 16, Laxmi bldg compoung, Lamington road, Mumbai-4.
Zhopudey says:big fat use that did
BIKeINSTEIN says:now for directions
Zhopudey says:ahhhhhh
Soumyajit says:lol
BIKeINSTEIN says:Zhopi, u r very impatient
Zhopudey says:yes yes
BIKeINSTEIN says:if you walk along the Footpath opp to Lammy rd police station, away from Grant road station side
Zhopudey says:okay
Amol says:back
Soumyajit says:ok
Zhopudey says:i come to comp selection
BIKeINSTEIN says:you will come to Swastik Cinema to your left
Zhopudey says:ehhhh?????
BIKeINSTEIN says:much ahead of comp sel
Zhopudey says:ahhhhh
Soumyajit says:before comp sel or after?
BIKeINSTEIN says:now wait for a min
Zhopudey says:after
Amol says:wheres funky and darky
BIKeINSTEIN says:i will put this together
Zhopudey says:where? at swastik?
Zhopudey says:darky went to get ruby
Zhopudey says:funky playing with ruby
Amol says:hahaha
Soumyajit says:from swastik cinema where?
BIKeINSTEIN says:you walk along the path as imkentioned before, you pass comp sel, tara temple lane, etc, etc, till you come to Swastik cinema to your left on the main road itself. It has samall board in black with white title on rusty gate, half faded so a bit obscure. up ahead is a small intersection but do not move an inch. Turn your back to the gate and look slightly diagonally to your right.
Soumyajit says:lol what directions but go on
Zhopudey says:then we will meet old chinese gentleman in blue tunic
Zhopudey says:cant find swastik on G-earth
Zhopudey says:hellllooooooo
BIKeINSTEIN says:you will see old building with hawkkers selling CD and stuff on footpath and if i remember correctly- Kings restaurant. After that restaurant, on your side, are those hawkers. There you will see a break in footpath that disappears into the building. Go there. t the entrance to that lane, at top, on building you will seee board say Laqxmi bldg cmpnd.
BIKeINSTEIN says:ask any hawker and they will point inside. Inside u pass mettal pole barricades and few feet ahead, to your right is Prime
BIKeINSTEIN says:also. Bang ahead is Acer, Lammy Road showroom
BIKeINSTEIN says:phew!!
BIKeINSTEIN says:Ah!! What Drama!!
Zhopudey says:acer??? we want prime!
BIKeINSTEIN says:And i traced this path on crutches and crossed the road too!! lol...
Soumyajit says:rofl
Soumyajit says:
Amol says:lmao
Soumyajit says:whats their number?
Soumyajit says:phone number
Zhopudey says:this goes to aidw
Zhopudey says:chaos u post
BIKeINSTEIN says:Zhopi- i said inside that bldg compound lane, to your right is Prime
BIKeINSTEIN says:just go to opp side of Swastik and ask laxmi bldg cmpnd and prime
BIKeINSTEIN says:not to walkers but hawkers- lol
This thread would be incomplete without Saiyan :)

Inzider says:
hey dude
Inzider says:
im in chennai
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
can we have a meet ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
when ???
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
i hve college tommorrow till 3 pm
Inzider says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
but can meet u ya after that
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
tell me where u r
Inzider says:
such an ass you are
Inzider says:
damn you
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
where are u????
Inzider says:
staying at the Park
Inzider says:
anna salai
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
oh kewl

raghunandan85 has been added to the conversation.

Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
how abt meeting @ 3.30pm??
Inzider says:
one sec
raghunandan85 says:
Inzider says:
yeah where man ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
staying at the Park
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
raghu suggest a place
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
may be freaky can also join
raghunandan85 says:
Inzider says:
hey saiyan will ya bring some pretty girls as well ?
raghunandan85 says:
has a nice bar too
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
raghunandan85 says:
yup he sure will
Inzider says:
please dude
Inzider says:
i told everyone back home that there was this big Rave happening in chennai, and i was going for it
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
wat rave???
Inzider says:
and i cant end up being seen only with guys right. so please, some hot looking gals. please. i heard you're great with the chix0rs
Inzider says:
Rave is a party mate
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
oh ok ok
Inzider says:
hey i also wanna meet some Tamil stars da
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
would you take me to meet Sukanya....
Inzider says:
i want their autograph
raghunandan85 says:
saiyan knows them all......hes very popular among the girls in his class da
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:

Inzider says:
which college you study in Saiyan ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Guru Nanak College, Velachery
Inzider says:
you're kidding me right
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
u serious or kidding man ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
damn, one sec, moms calling
Inzider says:
hold your thoughts
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
so we'll meet @ casablanca....
Inzider says:
is this the same Guindy one ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
raghu got ur camera???
raghunandan85 says:
not yet...
raghunandan85 says:
but i will get one
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
raghunandan85 says:
if u get
raghunandan85 says:
the chix
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
hey saiyan, this is the same Guindy one right ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
ask raghu
Inzider says:
on some High Road or some shit like that
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
am also new to chennai
raghunandan85 says:
its near the park only....
raghunandan85 says:
so easy for u too inzider
Inzider says:
nah, cuz a couple of people from my dad's side are on the board of the college
Inzider says:
so was wondering if theres another Guru nanak college or something
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
nope only 1 guru nanak in chennai
Inzider says:
tis the one near an IIT rite ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
yeah yeah
Inzider says:
thats the one
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
oh kewl... intro me to them... i hve to take care of my C teacher
Inzider says:
i feel so powerful now
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
i c.... lets test our power tommorrow ....
Inzider says:
what our power
Inzider says:
who said im on your side ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
u said u r powerfull rite
Inzider says:
yeah. I'M powerful
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
so lets hve a match
Inzider says:
not WE'RE powerful
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
my kamehameha vs ur some power
Inzider says:
oh don' start that gay anime stuff now
Inzider says:
Inzider says:
i prefer my anime as hentai
Inzider says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
or with my Tetsaiga vs ur knife
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
yeah, mine's bigger
raghunandan85 says:
hey saiyan....
raghunandan85 says:
anime sux!
Inzider says:
so whats the plan guys
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
what was that ? **t saiga ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
u dont hve to speak abt it ragu
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
its a very powerfull sword forged from the fang of a great Dog demon
Inzider says:
whoops, now Saiyan is all charged up like a 6630 which has been charging the whole nite
raghunandan85 says:
**t saiga = powerfil
raghunandan85 says:
raghunandan85 says:
made with **ts
raghunandan85 says:
raghunandan85 says:
Inzider says:
oh, like **tty kaka
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
raghunandan85 says:
hey saiyan....
raghunandan85 says:
come there tomoro at 3.30
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
anyway back to topic
raghunandan85 says:
i will make it to
raghunandan85 says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
i hve asked freaky also
raghunandan85 says:
and its behind park sheraton hotel
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
he is sleeping now
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
oh ok
Inzider says:
im at The Park
Inzider says:
no mention of sheraton anywhere da
Inzider says:
this is the one at Anna Salai
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
raghu clear him up
raghunandan85 says:
oh ok...
raghunandan85 says:
raghunandan85 says:
park sheraton
Inzider says:
hey mate
Inzider says:
this place has WiFi and stuff
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
oh nice
Inzider says:
and i have 3 lappys with me
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
if u can get a fourth lappy
Inzider says:
we can have a fragging session by the pool
raghunandan85 says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
how abt meeting in park itself???
Inzider says:
yeah oka
raghunandan85 says:
its had a bar?
raghunandan85 says:
or a disco?
Inzider says:
yeah it does
Inzider says:
a bar
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
with inzi sponsoring us:
Inzider says:
its really nice
raghunandan85 says:
with saiyan bringing
raghunandan85 says:
all the hot chix0rz
Inzider says:
yeah saiyan please
raghunandan85 says:
we need to be at a cool place
Inzider says:
i'll be there till tuesday, so you can leave some of your chix0r friends over for the night
Inzider says:
i'll have them dropped off by sunday afternoon when i get up
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
u want me to pay you ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
for wat??
Inzider says:
for the chix
raghunandan85 says:
yeah i can
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
y should u???
raghunandan85 says:
spare some money too
raghunandan85 says:
kewl sayan
raghunandan85 says:
thanks a lot
raghunandan85 says:
raghunandan85 says:
hey saoyan make sure they arent the infected ones
Inzider says:
damn. i never knew you'd b this nice to TE members da saiyan
Inzider says:
thanks mate
Inzider says:
i owe you one
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
raghu, the girl i came with left for Tambaram this afternoon
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
so her room is free. you can stay over there if you like. Saiyan, we'd need atleast 2 chix in that case
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
raghunandan85 says:
hey saiyan.....
raghunandan85 says:
whats with the face
raghunandan85 says:
Inzider says:
i'll book a room for you as well, if ya want
Inzider says:
but i'll need parental consent
Inzider says:
so if you could have your parents sign a letter saying its alright for you to stay the night at the hotel, that'd be great
raghunandan85 says:
he is a its ok.
raghunandan85 says:
raghunandan85 says:
raghunandan85 says:
raghunandan85 says:
Inzider says:
you there mate ? saiyan ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
i am lost
Inzider says:
can we go to the beach ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
i hate beachs and b****es
Inzider says:
i like b*****s. the human kind.
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
raghunandan85 says:
meet u ppl tomoro
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
ok back to main topic
raghunandan85 says:
drop me a message
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
wait raghu
raghunandan85 says:
and i will come
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
tell me where to meet
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
and go to sleep
raghunandan85 says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
in park itself of cassa
raghunandan85 says:
Inzider says:
Inzider says:
attire : ethnic
Inzider says:
so wear a dhoti and come
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
u hve to tell me the way tommorrow if am coming in my bike
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
should i drop a message in the chennai meet thread??
Inzider says:
Inzider says:
dont do that
raghunandan85 says:
i dont know the way
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
oh ok
Inzider says:
we'll keep this as a covert meet
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
u dont know wat????
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
raghunandan85 says:
i will ask for direction
raghunandan85 says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
tell me how to come from anna university ok
Inzider says:
ask amma
raghunandan85 says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
amma knows only the route for poes garden
Inzider says:
hey saiyan its really hot in bangalore man
Inzider says:
i have the fan on at full speed
raghunandan85 says:
Inzider says:
but its still like so hot in here man
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
hot in b'lore .... when i came there i was freezed to death
Inzider says:
it gets hot here in summer man
Inzider says:
like i was just outside a while ago
Inzider says:
and the ground is like warm
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
its such a clear nite outside in bangalore
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
hows it in chennai da ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
u r in chennai now rite??
Inzider says:
huh ?? when ??
raghunandan85 says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
who said that mate ?
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
when will u come here then??
raghunandan85 says:
bye guys...
raghunandan85 says:
good night
Inzider says:
ciao raghu

raghunandan85 has left the conversation.

Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
good nite
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
inzi are u coming to chennai tommorrow??/
Inzider says:
Inzider says:
i am also being crowned tomorrow
Inzider says:
i shall be the King of Spain
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Inzider says:
alrite darkprince, i have an exam on monday
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
wat time are ya coming here???
Inzider says:
so i better get the hell outta here
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
wait a sec
Inzider says:
in case you dint already get it
Inzider says:
i'm not in chennai. i'm not coming there either
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
u were kiddin???
Inzider says:
and in case you din't get it,
Inzider says:
this goes to AIDW
Inzider says:
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
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