All in a day's work !!!

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It says Supermod instead of Admin... looks like democracy is still alive on TE. Supposedly, many complaints were recieved against XT... saying that he was too strict and not allowing people to have fun and was being rude and arrogant and high-handed to many people...


Nikhil made my day :rofl:
Soumyajit says:

had a bad bad experience with the company guest house today :\

Soumyajit says:

for once thought that i shud save some money for m$

Nikhil says:


Nikhil says:


Soumyajit says:

lol but the guest house was pathetic

Soumyajit says:

i left in less than half hour

Soumyajit says:
Soumyajit says:

now in my standard hunting ground

Soumyajit says:

taj krishna

Soumyajit says:
Nikhil says:


Nikhil says:

Where you right now?\

Soumyajit says:

the d00d who took me to my room was telling here u'll get this and here u'll get that

Soumyajit says:

i was like i know every nook and cranny of all those restaurants

Soumyajit says:

he was shocked

Soumyajit says:


Chaos in Hyderabad right now..... :P Not actually funny.... but Chaos trying to save M$ some money is the funniest :P .....
when i told him not to do that he didnt bother, nice treatment you got, perhaps you shud have been mobbed by the neighbours of your guestroom :P
My first AIDW here...
Well.... seems Saiyan thinks he's a gmod now!

vinothraj2020 = Vince
divyadbzgt1 = Saiyan
vinothraj2020: dude, a small favour...
vinothraj2020: remember my post on my Zen?
divyadbzgt1: yeah
vinothraj2020: well, i need to add an EDIT:
divyadbzgt1: where
divyadbzgt1: errrrr
vinothraj2020: in the Reviews section
vinothraj2020: err.???
divyadbzgt1: link
vinothraj2020: oh that.. wait..
vinothraj2020: Can you add this at the end for me please?
divyadbzgt1: u mean in the article??
vinothraj2020: yes please..
divyadbzgt1: wat should i add??
vinothraj2020: EDIT: I've just read some more about the Vision:M.... seems you can transfer media via Windows Media Player, so though it aint UMS, you can still transfer media (mp3s, movies) from your friends PC and play them by sing WMP to transfer them!!!!!
vinothraj2020: *using.
divyadbzgt1: oh wait
divyadbzgt1: err. i forgot i am a gallery Mod
vinothraj2020: so?
vinothraj2020: oh! you cant eh?
divyadbzgt1: i can't edit ur posts
vinothraj2020: damn..
divyadbzgt1: lol
vinothraj2020: oh ok alright, me will ask Eddy..
divyadbzgt1: sry i keep think i am a Gmod
vinothraj2020: hah!!
vinothraj2020: should i up this in AIDW????
divyadbzgt1: ur wish
divyadbzgt1: this is not big enough to go in
vinothraj2020: you just wait and see

It took him the whole of 5 minutes to figure out he wasnt a Gmod .. LOL
lol @ saiyan..flyin high eh?

@Chaos: u bluddy burger..i was at firdaus today (for non hydies: its the rest at the hotel hes stayin)..:P
LOL how the hell would I know that u are there at the same place :P. You should have checked out the new drama lounge. Its real good.
Nikhil B: I am almost 20 and am happily single

Sambhram Patel(killeraim): heh

Sambhram Patel(killeraim): thats cuz u know to OC

Nikhil B: :rofl: :rofl:

Sambhram Patel(killeraim): and u have a gfx card

Sambhram Patel(killeraim): i cant OC and dont have a gfx card

We were talking abt girls and this is what he had to say!!!!
^^^lol, you'll also have uber rig when u r @ his age:).

Same goes for me too, i am 18 and am happily single:D.
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