All in a day's work !!!

ur AIDW is too small

Short and funny!

:rofl: One thing i am sure of is

a) Saiyan

b) and now it seems Killeraim too



or maybe I am wrong, evolution just took another step....

Now the raging teen hormones cause an immense desire to own the latest proccy/gfx card

Hail the arrival of the Nerdy Sapiens :p
c'mon re Killeraim is just a small kid:).

evolution just took another step....

Now the raging teen hormones cause an immense desire to own the latest proccy/gfx card

You are correct:D(For those who knows about these stuffs)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

for those who don't know, i spoke with his date and told her about gf & karan...

He called on my cell.

Hes like "I dont believe you, that its a guy or girl, give her the phone"

So i gave her the phone :O. And how was i to expect he would say what he said :mad:.
goldenfrag said:
He called on my cell.
Hes like "I dont believe you, that its a guy or girl, give her the phone"
So i gave him the phone :O. And how was i to expect he would say what he said :mad:.
I know its a typo but i couldnt resist, that should be i gave "her" the phone. Ur thiking too much abt "him" :rofl: