hahaa, no offence NikhilPigmeat hahaha saw Nikhil's new description?
Pigmeat "MEMBER" of mass destruction
Pigmeat hahAhAhAhahAhAHAHAHA
Zhopudey ya...kewl
Pigmeat but I can't joke about the underlying sexual connotations on the forum
Pigmeat too many bacchas
Zhopudey hahahahahaha
Pigmeat hahAhahahahahaha
Pigmeat isn't it funny?
Zhopudey yep
Pigmeat he should be a porn star
Pigmeat salle MEMBER of mass destruction and all
Zhopudey mass destruction :S
Zhopudey he can dress in top hat and cowboy shoes.....with his "gun" in holster
Pigmeat hahaha yeah
Zhopudey and act in Buffy, the Vampire Layer
Pigmeat hahahaa
tracerbullet said:Me and Zhops talking about Nikhil's new description
hahaa, no offence NikhilEr admins may delete this post if found offensive.
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
posting DMM readings
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
now stop crying
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
whose crying m8
VuNaMi says:
desperate plea
VuNaMi says:
thats all
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
doesnt sound like a plea
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
karan made amey feel bad
VuNaMi says:
sun will rise from west tomo
VuNaMi says:
dead sure
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
which PSU u using ?
VuNaMi says:
pcp&c 1.1Kw
VuNaMi says:
i wish
VuNaMi says:
coolermaster 450W realpower
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
not enough ?
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
CM 450 ?
VuNaMi says:
12A and 10A on the 12V rails
VuNaMi says:
u tell me if its enuf
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
try fitting ur x1900xt in the DIMM slots
VuNaMi says:
and take world record for memory b/w
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
posted screenshots
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
go n check
VuNaMi says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
u wont give in will ya
VuNaMi says:
abbe how diff is it to do a SP2004 and RTHDRIB run?
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
heheh check my reply out b1atch
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
Wont let ya rest
VuNaMi says:
hope u dont mind
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
For gods sake........... can u do this?
VuNaMi says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
do what now ?
VuNaMi says:
SP2004 (Core0) RTHDRIBL (core1)
VuNaMi says:
12V readings from molex and ATX connector (ATX12V or EPS)
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
i dont have that rthdburerb whatever it is
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
u shuuda told that earlier
VuNaMi says:
google is my friend
VuNaMi says:
tum dono ka jhagda hua he kya?
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
edited your post
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
abuse! ALERT!!!
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
post that in AIDW thread
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
dload RTHDRIBL pls
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
u r 24 ears old right?
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
to be precise
VuNaMi says:
i am 21.7664 yrs old "TO BE PRECISE"
VuNaMi says:
measured using my 1337 DMM
VuNaMi says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
VuNaMi says:
rthdribl done?
VuNaMi says:
now u will see ulta load on CPU
VuNaMi says:
both cores 100% and GFX 100%
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
its friggin 20MB
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
20MB bandwidth wastage only cos of u
VuNaMi says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
u on which plan?
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
oh..... k
VuNaMi says:
hv u tried loosening the timings on ur x1900xt
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
and also, did u find the possible ramifications of using a second PSU to power ur gfx card?
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
gonna test it in few mins anyways
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:
i read that "overclock.exe" automatically loosens ur timings ,thus giving u a higher oc on the RaM
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
Aditya: hahaha
Karan: i quit tm
Aditya: Then enuff with the gay talk
Karan: if u
Aditya: OH REALLY?
Karan: k
Karan: yea
Aditya: Karan: "i quit tm?"
Karan: i will delete my own accounts
Aditya: Time to post in AIDW
Karan: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Aditya: Never threaten me with the I LEAVE TM Statement
Karan: PLeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Aditya: Same way you were aboutTI
Im about TM
Aah.. This has to go in AIDW..
For people to read..
goldenfrag said:Prior to this Karan was acting Gay. So i threatened him with the AIDW Statement. Look what happened next..
Not funny, but i got Karan to beghyeah:
Murder Mouse says:
y do u need 14k?
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
for msi neo2 plat+amd 3000+6600gt
Murder Mouse says:
its not under 14k
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
2nd hand
Murder Mouse says:
is this ur pre am2 rig?
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
pre conroe
Murder Mouse says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
am2 sucks
Murder Mouse says:
Murder Mouse says:
u guys r like
Murder Mouse says:
the roman mob
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Murder Mouse says:
in julius caesar's
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Murder Mouse says:
u r like the roman mob tht drama written by shakespeare
Murder Mouse says:
and ur admitting tht
Murder Mouse says:
Murder Mouse says:
Murder Mouse says:
how gay
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
iam bisexual
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
i like both
Murder Mouse says:
what y the heck man i am posing this in TE
Murder Mouse says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
aidw rite
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
lemme post
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Murder Mouse says:
nah dont
Murder Mouse says:
no need
Murder Mouse says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Murder Mouse says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
i want to
Anish said:who pwned whom there ? Or was it just another gay convo![]()
hmmm[/QUOTE]Safin said:[quote name='XTerminator'][quote name='Safin'][quote name='QuickFire'][quote name='Safin'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='udit-130286']change my TE display name to Udit
Renegade said:This is what happens when you ask admins and ex-admins to do some petty work.. Much like a government office...