All in a day's work !!!

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Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
hving a chennai Mini meet tommorrow hving Inzider as the guest
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
^^nm that message
ReNeGaDe says:
ReNeGaDe says:
so who all are coming
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
never mind
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
that was created for AIDW sigh
Dark Prince[Saiyan] says:
see that thread now
ReNeGaDe says:
an attempt to sooth saiyan:

kinofsaiyans R: saw AIDW
kinofsaiyans R:
Smith: seein
Smith: such a big post
Smith: i knew it after the first 3 lines
kinofsaiyans R: hehe yeah
Smith: but what u really dont know
Smith: is that inzi is really in chennai...he only fooled u for AIDWs sake
kinofsaiyans R:
Smith: yeah
Smith: so anyway u became the bakra
kinofsaiyans R: hmm maybe.
Smith: yeah
kinofsaiyans R: now wait u r again fooling me for AIDW aren't ya??
Smith: what? i seem like the type to fool u?
Smith: after u have done so much
Smith: sheesh..u dont believe me
kinofsaiyans R: :lol man
kinofsaiyans R: gimme a break
Smith: ayya
kinofsaiyans R: am watching Miss Congeniality
kinofsaiyans R: brb
Smith: hehe
Me and Zhops talking about Nikhil's new description :P

Pigmeat hahaha saw Nikhil's new description?
Pigmeat "MEMBER" of mass destruction
Pigmeat hahAhAhAhahAhAHAHAHA
Zhopudey ya...kewl
Pigmeat but I can't joke about the underlying sexual connotations on the forum
Pigmeat too many bacchas
Zhopudey hahahahahaha
Pigmeat hahAhahahahahaha
Pigmeat isn't it funny?
Zhopudey yep :P
Pigmeat he should be a porn star
Pigmeat salle MEMBER of mass destruction and all
Zhopudey mass destruction :S
Zhopudey he can dress in top hat and cowboy shoes.....with his "gun" in holster
Pigmeat hahaha yeah
Zhopudey and act in Buffy, the Vampire Layer
Pigmeat hahahaa
hahaa, no offence Nikhil :) Er admins may delete this post if found offensive.
tracerbullet said:
Me and Zhops talking about Nikhil's new description :P
hahaa, no offence Nikhil :) Er admins may delete this post if found offensive.

loll no offense but u all have too much time on ur hands :bleh:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

posting DMM readings

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

now stop crying

VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:

whose crying m8

VuNaMi says:

desperate plea

VuNaMi says:

thats all

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

doesnt sound like a plea

VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:


DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


VuNaMi says:

karan made amey feel bad

VuNaMi says:

sun will rise from west tomo

VuNaMi says:

dead sure

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

which PSU u using ?

VuNaMi says:

pcp&c 1.1Kw

VuNaMi says:

i wish

VuNaMi says:

coolermaster 450W realpower

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

not enough ?

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

CM 450 ?

VuNaMi says:

12A and 10A on the 12V rails

VuNaMi says:

u tell me if its enuf

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:

try fitting ur x1900xt in the DIMM slots

VuNaMi says:

and take world record for memory b/w

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

posted screenshots

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

go n check

VuNaMi says:


DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:

u wont give in will ya

VuNaMi says:

abbe how diff is it to do a SP2004 and RTHDRIB run?

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:

heheh check my reply out b1atch

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


VuNaMi says:

Wont let ya rest

VuNaMi says:

hope u dont mind

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:

For gods sake........... can u do this?

VuNaMi says:


DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

do what now ?

VuNaMi says:

SP2004 (Core0) RTHDRIBL (core1)

VuNaMi says:

12V readings from molex and ATX connector (ATX12V or EPS)

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

i dont have that rthdburerb whatever it is

VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:

u shuuda told that earlier

VuNaMi says:

google is my friend

VuNaMi says:

tum dono ka jhagda hua he kya?

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


VuNaMi says:

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

edited your post

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:

abuse! ALERT!!!

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

post that in AIDW thread

VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:

dload RTHDRIBL pls

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


VuNaMi says:

u r 24 ears old right?

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

to be precise

VuNaMi says:

i am 21.7664 yrs old "TO BE PRECISE"

VuNaMi says:

measured using my 1337 DMM

VuNaMi says:
DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:


VuNaMi says:

rthdribl done?

VuNaMi says:

now u will see ulta load on CPU

VuNaMi says:

both cores 100% and GFX 100%

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

its friggin 20MB

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

20MB bandwidth wastage only cos of u

VuNaMi says:


DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:
VuNaMi says:

u on which plan?

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


VuNaMi says:

oh..... k

VuNaMi says:

hv u tried loosening the timings on ur x1900xt

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


VuNaMi says:

and also, did u find the possible ramifications of using a second PSU to power ur gfx card?

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:

gonna test it in few mins anyways

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


VuNaMi says:

i read that "overclock.exe" automatically loosens ur timings ,thus giving u a higher oc on the RaM

DARKY- My X1900XT's Memory is Uber Crap !! lol says:


u hv to try that much extra to make dark prince speak up!
Prior to this Karan was acting Gay :D. So i threatened him with the AIDW Statement. Look what happened next..

Aditya: hahaha

Karan: i quit tm

Aditya: Then enuff with the gay talk

Karan: if u

Aditya: OH REALLY?

Karan: k


Karan: yea

Aditya: Karan: "i quit tm?"


Karan: i will delete my own accounts :P

Aditya: Time to post in AIDW

Karan: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Aditya: Never threaten me with the I LEAVE TM Statement

Karan: PLeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Aditya: Same way you were aboutTI

Im about TM

Aah.. This has to go in AIDW..

For people to read..

Not funny, but i got Karan to beg :ohyeah:
goldenfrag said:
Prior to this Karan was acting Gay :D. So i threatened him with the AIDW Statement. Look what happened next..

Not funny, but i got Karan to beg :ohyeah:

eerm, this is turning out to be a online chat long rather than being funny :P
Murder Mouse says:
y do u need 14k?
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
for msi neo2 plat+amd 3000+6600gt
Murder Mouse says:
its not under 14k
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
2nd hand
Murder Mouse says:
is this ur pre am2 rig?
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
pre conroe
Murder Mouse says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
am2 sucks
Murder Mouse says:
Murder Mouse says:
u guys r like
Murder Mouse says:
the roman mob
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Murder Mouse says:
in julius caesar's
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Murder Mouse says:
u r like the roman mob tht drama written by shakespeare
Murder Mouse says:
and ur admitting tht
Murder Mouse says:
Murder Mouse says:
Murder Mouse says:
how gay
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
iam bisexual
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
i like both
Murder Mouse says:
what y the heck man i am posing this in TE
Murder Mouse says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
aidw rite
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
lemme post
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Murder Mouse says:
nah dont
Murder Mouse says:
no need
Murder Mouse says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
Murder Mouse says:
Udit - Can't Walk but Still Standing says:
i want to

me & x86's conversation.
This is what happens when you ask admins and ex-admins to do some petty work.. Much like a government office...

Safin said:
[quote name='XTerminator'][quote name='Safin'][quote name='QuickFire'][quote name='Safin'][quote name='Renegade'][quote name='udit-130286']change my TE display name to Udit
hmhmhmhmhmhmhhm... ehhhhhh[/QUOTE]
Hmmm......i think its ok...not a major change:P
But since i dont have the rights:P
U gotta do the honours:rofl:

have a nice time:rofl:
^^ XT.... he has been demoted... didnt you notice? It says Supermod instead of Admin... looks like democracy is still alive on TE. Supposedly, many complaints were recieved against XT... saying that he was too strict and not allowing people to have fun and was being rude and arrogant and high-handed to many people...

Check out XT's profile... it says Supermod
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