All in a day's work !!!

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Gee Whiz..

Allright,could one of the mods kindly remove one of my earlier posts containing the steam chat convo since it's offending ppl...sry to the guys who are waiting for the climax.
madmonkey, the content offends me in no way... I just didn't think it was right to post stuff about someone without their knowledge. More importantly, this thread lost it's steam and meaning in the last few pages. The first 20 odd pages were hilarious and they were primarily related to members of this forum, and as Mask pointed out, it was to pwn members right here - I hope we can get back to that too :D

Funky...whats cooking???

Where does chic_magnet sleep at night??

chic_magnet: i was out whole night after eggjams got over

chic_magnet: did sleep for a few minutes though

Crazy_Eddy: with who??

chic_magnet: aah pals :(

chic_magnet: no girls yet

chic_magnet: lol

Crazy_Eddy: you mean you're .. :O

chic_magnet: sheesh.. i aint

chic_magnet: sheesh :P

A few Minutes later

chic_magnet: me not gay

chic_magnet: :P

chic_magnet: sheesh

Crazy_Eddy: ok you're unhappy , you're not gay :lol:

chic_magnet: yeah i`m unhappy and i`m definately not gay! :@

Crazy_Eddy: :lol:
zhopudey said:
Masky, don't tell me you drew that line in paint :O

it was drawn in paint :P inspired by that pixelgod video! :ohyeah:


Vince, wanna me to post the log between u n me? :devil:

Edit 2:

OMG!! check the post #!!
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