All in a day's work !!!

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my victim :devil2:

DP = Saiyan :P

4/1/2009 9:34:04 AM Udit DP (Yahoo) hi

4/1/2009 9:34:07 AM Udit DP (Yahoo) sup

4/1/2009 9:34:20 AM DP (Yahoo) Udit yo

4/1/2009 9:34:26 AM DP (Yahoo) Udit GOod Morning :D

4/1/2009 9:34:35 AM Udit DP (Yahoo) u know the ms promo?

4/1/2009 9:35:09 AM DP (Yahoo) Udit what ?

4/1/2009 9:35:10 AM Udit DP (Yahoo) register ur ms x6 to get x5 free

4/1/2009 9:35:18 AM DP (Yahoo) Udit :O

4/1/2009 9:35:19 AM DP (Yahoo) Udit shit

4/1/2009 9:35:21 AM DP (Yahoo) Udit really ?

4/1/2009 9:35:23 AM Udit DP (Yahoo) april fool

4/1/2009 9:35:23 AM DP (Yahoo) Udit where where where

4/1/2009 9:35:26 AM DP (Yahoo) Udit :rofl:

4/1/2009 9:35:32 AM Udit DP (Yahoo) :P

4/1/2009 9:35:37 AM DP (Yahoo) Udit damn i should have known, i shouldn't come online :rofl:

4/1/2009 9:35:44 AM Udit DP (Yahoo) :P

4/1/2009 9:35:58 AM DP (Yahoo) Udit goes into TE, great :rofl:

4/1/2009 9:36:00 AM DP (Yahoo) Udit cya

4/1/2009 9:36:05 AM Udit DP (Yahoo) cya

4/1/2009 9:36:08 AM Udit DP (Yahoo) :P
Udit says:


Sunny says:


Udit says:

u know about sg sale on hdd?

i saw on vrzone

Sunny says:


Udit says:

buy 1500gb get another free

Sunny says:

where :S

Udit says:

april fool


Sunny says:


Udit says:

i got 2 victims


Sunny = SunnyBoi
Abu: ya ya.. bugger u must be roaming with ur g'f half the time
Supra: i m in bench nw
Supra: doing some internal project
Supra: and some new proposals
TBH its okey. Had Saiyan agreed to it all the TE peeps would be questioning Chennaiets who have had a meet with Saiyan. Specially the ones organized at shady places and homes :ohyeah:
Abu: heard a joke on radio today

Nirmal-Eddy: what was the joke ?

Abu: School started a new batch of students

Nirmal-Eddy: k

Abu: and they put them in

Abu: Section A

Abu: Section B

Abu: Section C

Abu: Section 377

*2 mins later*

Bottle: then?

Abu: thats it :P

Bottle: whats the joke ?

Abu: *India Repeals Section 377, Decriminalizes Gay Sex*

Bottle: lol

Sunny: lol

Nirmal-Eddy: ohh :lol:

Abu: :lol:

Abu: bah none of u buggers watch news or wat :P
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