In a pug on the E server.[Cm1] Kakarot : i have seen that often 1 sticky does not detonate
[Cm1] Kakarot : why is that
[TnT] ANP !!! : chinese made i think
ΕχЯ // Nemes|s {dsk} : lol
[TnT] fLyinG MonKeY : lol
[TnT] GordonFreeman <H> : lol
[Cm1] Kakarot : XD
[TnT] ANP !!! :![]()
kippu24: i am gonna install TF2 and play this weekend
Somxnemesis: awesome
Somxnemesis: i cant
kippu24: WTB a cheap overlocker 775 board, must support 45nm dual core and allow FSB overlock upto 1400Mhz.
kippu24: overlocker
Somxnemesis: wtf
Somxnemesis: i know i saw that
kippu24: i thought typo
kippu24: but its there in 2 places
Somxnemesis: what
Somxnemesis: wth is a overlocker board
kippu24: WTB: Economy overlocker board
kippu24: maybe when u try to overclock it , it locks up?
Somxnemesis: what doesnt make sense
Somxnemesis: why lock it when u can keep it at stock
Somxnemesis: it doesnt make sense at all
kippu24: could be a gujju
Somxnemesis: its a typo
Somxnemesis: Need help choosing a good overlocker board - -
kippu24: twice?
Somxnemesis: there are no boards called overlocker
Somxnemesis: lol
kippu24: OMG u googled
Somxnemesis: yes
kippu24: AIDW then
Somxnemesis: aidw?
Somxnemesis: ???
kippu24: hhahahahaa
kippu24: oh damn
kippu24: will tell u
X-Man: yo appa
X-Man: when coming ba???
Rofl: yo bra
Rofl: no train tickets till 18th
Rofl: so next weekend only
Rofl: fkin shit
X-Man: np if the cup size is DD
Rofl: its not even holiday season
Rofl: wtf man
Rofl: Wl15/22/30
Rofl: kacheguda and garib rath.. tatkal.. Wl 12
X-Man: i dont mind being a bro if the hooters are DD
Rofl: omg
X-Man: bra*
Rofl: why would you want hooters
X-Man: fetish pa
Rofl: yuk u have a fetish for growing boobies?
Rofl: omg
Rofl: that is so disturbing
X-Man: ya size matters ra
Rofl: rofl
X-Man: not disturbingly big
X-Man: but big
Rofl: why the f*** would you want hooters man
X-Man: i said i would be a bra if its a DD ba
X-Man: sheesh why would i like to have hooters
X-Man: thts grose
Somxnemesis: wth is a overlocker board
kippu24: WTB: Economy overlocker board
kippu24: maybe when u try to overclock it , it locks up?
Somxnemesis: what doesnt make sense
Somxnemesis: why lock it when u can keep it at stock
11:47 w1nD arrey me 22 and wen i showed those brunch pics to my mom
11:47 w1nD she was woha
11:47 w1nD lol
11:48 stalker_ eh?
11:48 w1nD in that pics re
11:48 stalker_ why would you go about showing those pics to your MOM?
11:48 w1nD arrey
11:48 w1nD i alwasy call bikey na
11:48 w1nD so wanted to show bikey's pic
11:48 w1nD
11:49 w1nD ;
11:49 w1nD
11:49 w1nD is missing faheem and cyber here
11:49 stalker_ ermm..
11:50 stalker_ first you go about showing your mom pics of guys...
11:50 w1nD :|
11:50 stalker_ then you start missing other guys..
11:50 stalker_ :O
11:50 w1nD eeks
11:50 w1nD dont doubt on me
11:50 w1nD :-/
11:50 w1nD missing as frnd
11:50 w1nD
11:50 nukeu666 no doubt at all
11:50 w1nD >:[