All in a day's work !!!

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Saiyan: prefer lizards though, they kill all the insects i ate
worse, saiyan has an army of trained lizards that catch and feed him spiders :O

EDIT: lame photoshop attempt :ashamed:

:lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol:

The king is back in action, and how so!

On a side note, this is possibly the longest running active thread on if someone has some spare time, why not pick out some of the gems from the past... I remember a few brilliant ones (incl. the 1st post that started it all)
Renegade said:
So for a moment I forgot saiyan doesnt know hindi.. and here is what transpired

oh god... lol......

will we ever get such a bhola bhala member in TE ever in history or future!!! :rofl:

after wishing me for bday, saiyu baba was asking for treat n all as usual, and i msged him back a long sms reply in hindi, and after that no msg!!!! :P
Contribution from the Admins -

Safin says:
Okay one puzzle..try to solve
Safin says:
Safin wanted to ship his new jacket to Germany
Safin says:
He went to the cable company that put a sticker on his package
Apex says:
Safin says:
they gave him a number, 1-1-1 4-1-1-1 1-2-3-1 2-3-1-1 1-4-1-1 2-2-1-2 2-2-2-1 1-1-1-1-1-1
Unfortunately in Germany the number makes no sense
Apex says:
Safin says:
But Smart Safin gave them another number
Safin says:
and got his package
Safin says:
tell what number he gave
Apex says:
his mobile no.?
Apex says:
Safin says:
Safin says:
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